Université de Savoie

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Université de Savoie


Established 1960s, officially-recognised 1979
Type Public
President Claude Jameux
Students 12,368 (2005)
Location Annecy;
Le Bourget-du-Lac,
(both near Chambéry);,
in Haute-Savoie/Savoie,
France Flag of France
Address Chambéry:

378, rue de la République
B.P. 1104

Maison de l'Etudiant - Antenne d'Annecy
9, rue de l'Arc en Ciel
B.P. 240

Website http://www.univ-savoie.fr

The Université de Savoie is a university in alpine eastern France, with one campus in Annecy-le-Vieux (in the Haute-Savoie département) and two around Chambéry (in Savoie).


[edit] Campuses

The university was founded over a period in the 1960s and '70s. Wanting to avoid a straight choice between the two biggest towns of the Savoie/Haute-Savoie region, the authorities decided to set up a campus in each city for different areas of study.

  • The Annecy-le-Vieux campus (near Annecy) is the university's "technology institute" (IUT), and teaches engineering-related subjects.

[edit] History

  • Between 1295 and 1563, Chambéry was the capital of Savoy (as the region was called in English then). The University of Turin was founded in 1404, and Chambery was the home of an école préparatoire, a school preparing students about to go there. But there was no university in Chambéry in this period, and Turin took over from Chambéry as Savoy's capital in 1563.
  • The annexing of Savoy meant that Chambéry had an académie between 1860 and 1920, but not a university.
  • During the movement creating new universities in the 1960s, a Savoie Collège Scientifique Universitaire (CSU) was created, then a Collège Littéraire Universitaire (CLU) in 1963. These colleges were merged, creating the Centre Universitaire de Savoie (CUS), at Chambéry, on 9 May 1969. In 1973, Annecy's technical and business college, the Institut Universitaire Technologique (IUT), was founded, and from 27 June 1979, the CUS was officially classed as a university. It was later renamed the Université de Savoie.

[edit] Number of students at the university

1960 1992 1994 2005
300 3,000 10,400 12,368

[edit] Foreign students

After Paris I, Paris II and Strasbourg III (URS), Savoie has the fourth-highest number of Erasmus exchange students in France. The school of international relations has signed 228 conventions with universities in 82 countries, and the university takes more than 1,000 foreign students per year overall.

[edit] Photos of the university

[edit] Chambéry campus

[edit] External links

All in French unless stated.

[edit] Annecy

[edit] Chambéry

[edit] Technolac

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