Université Saint-Joseph

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Université Saint-Joseph

Established 1875
Type Private
President Professeur René Chamussy
Staff 480
Students 10,000 (2006-2007)
Location Beirut, Lebanon
Campus 4 campuses in Beirut and 3 Regional University Centers : Sidon(South), Zahlé(Bekaa) and Tripoli(North)
Website www.usj.edu.lb

Université Saint-Joseph (USJ) is a private higher institute of education founded by the Jesuits in 1875 in Beirut, Lebanon, known for its school of medicine and its hospital, Hôtel-Dieu de France. The Lebanese state officially recognizes the university and the diplomas it grants in accord with the law organizing higher education in Lebanon.

The university belongs to the following associations and is linked to over one hundred Arab, European, American, and Canadian universities through accords for cooperation.

  • Association of Arab Universities
  • The International Association of Universities
  • Association of French speaking universities (L'Agence universitaire de la francophonie)
  • The International Federation of Catholic Universities
  • European Federation of Catholic Universities
  • Association of Jesuit Institutions of Higher Learning in Europe and Lebanon
  • EuroMed University (Téthys)

Beirut campuses include:

  • Campus of Medical and Infirmary Sciences, Damascus Street
  • Campus of Science and Technology, Mar Roukoz
  • Campus of Social Sciences, Huvelin Street
  • Campus of Human Sciences, Damascus Street

Three regional centers are located in Sidon(south), Zahlé(Bekaa), and Tripoli(north). In addition, the university operates 12 facilities and 22 specialized schools or institutes.

More than 70 conventions with foreign universities. More than 200 professors on mission abroad. An administrative office in Paris. A center for banking studies. Three centers for dental care, orthophony, and psychomotility. Institutes, centers and laboratories for research. Specialized publications. Libraries and documentation centers. A chaplaincy on each campus.

Saint-Joseph is known for its faculty of medicine wich is the most prestigious faculty of medicine in Lebanon . It has the biggest Hospital in Lebanon "Hotel-Dieu de France".


[edit] History

125 years of history - A timeline

1870 : the seminary-college at Ghazir, having become Saint Joseph University in 1860, moves to Beirut and becomes the first Catholic University in the region teaching in French.

1881 : Fr. Monnot obtains canonical confirmation of the title University from the Pope.

1883 : The Faculty of Theology is established.

1888 : Creation of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy.

1913 : On the recommendation of a study mission from the University of Lyon headed by Paul Huvelin, the Jesuits accept the direction of an Engineering School and a Law School. The Law School will become a Faculty in 1946.

1920 : A Dental School is created, followed by a School for Mid-wives in 1921.

1923 : Inauguration of Hotel-Dieu de France. In May 1984, the French government transfers the hospital to Saint Joseph University.

1936 : The Institute of Oriental Letters (ILO) takes the place of the Oriental Faculty founded in 1902.

1942 : Creation of a School of Infirmarians. A school for laboratory technicians for medical analysis (ETLAM) is founded in 1946.

1956 : Creation of the Lebanese Institute for Educators and the Institute for Physiotherapy.

1957 : Creation of the Institute for Business Administration.

1966 : Creation of the Higher Institute for Orthophony.

1967 : Creation of the Center for Studies in Banking.

1971 : Creation of CEMAM (Center for the Study of the Modern Arab World).

1974 : Creation of the Higher Institute for Religious Sciences.

1975 : The university is restructured and becomes a private Lebanese university. The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration is created as well as the Faculty of Dental Medicine and the Faculty of Pharmacy.

1976 : Creation of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences with departments of history, geography, French literature, psychology, sociology and philosophy.

1976 : Creation of the Faculty of Engineering which groups ESIB, INCI, ESIA, and ESIAM.

1976-1978 : Creation of the Center for University Studies at Zahlé, Sidon and Tripoli.

1977 : First international convention signed with the University of Lyon.

1977-1978 : Creation of the Institute for Islamo-Christian Studies, the Center for Research in Arab Studies, the Center for the Study of Living Languages, and the Center for Assurance Studies.

1980 : The Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration is divided into two separate faculties. Creation of the University Technological Institute.

Creation of the School for Translation and Interpretation of Beirut and the Institute of Language and Translation, attached to FLSH.

1981 : Creation of the Faculty of Infirmary Sciences.

1985 : Creation of INCI, attached to the Faculty of Engineering.

1988 : Creation of IESAV, attached to FLSH.

1989 : Creation of the Center for Arab Christian Documentation and Research (CEDRAC).

1996 : Creation of the Institute Health and Social Care (IGSPS).

1997 : Creation of the Faculty of Sciences and the University Institute for Teacher Formation (IUFE).

1998 : Creation of the University for All (UPT).

1999 : Creation of the Institute for Psychomotility attached to the Faculty of Medicine.

2000 : Celebration of the 125 th anniversary of the University, inauguration of the Campus for Human Sciences, Damascus Street.

Creation of the Faculty of Religious Sciences regrouping ISSR, IEIC, and CEDRAC.

2001 : Inauguration of Berytech, first technological pole in Lebanon.

2002 : Creation of the Faculty of Educational Sciences.

2003 : Purchase of land for the construction of an annex to the Rectorate, a residence for foreign students and a center for care and re-education in psychomotility.

[edit] Research and innovation

Saint Joseph University is renowned worldwide for the quality of its scientific activities and research. The postgraduate students, teachers and professors, all contribute to this repute through their study activities and publications in the research centers, university chairs, and doctorate schools.

USJ - Research centers

USJ has more than 25 laboratories and research centers, covering all fields of science. These centers provide postgraduate students with scientific support and are involved in academic teaching, scientific publication and professional training.

USJ - Libraries

With 4 campus libraries and several specialized documentation centers, USJ provides its students with a complete bibliographic coverage of all fields of science. Interconnected and linked to international catalogs, the USJ libraries are open to all students and teachers.

The Oriental Library is one of the oldest in the middle east and provides researchers with an amazing collection of manuscripts and historic funds, on philosophy, history, religious studies and more.

USJ - Publications

USJ has a long tradition of scientific publication, starting before 1900. Books, research journals, reports, Annales, most of them are available online for order or full text browsing.

The Presses de l'USJ provides the academic world with prestigious publications.

USJ - E-learning

Some USJ institutions are henceforth offering 2 years of training in fields that integrate courses using NICTs.

The USJ is equipped with a WEBCT platform that is accessible on all campuses and on Internet; it is managed by a Special Committee from the USJ, the Council for New Technologies, that meets every month and decides on the technical and educational choices of the institutions.

[edit] Conclusion

The USJ is a great university, it has all the majors. The education in USJ is mainly in French, but the english and arabic are important.

[edit] Note

The USJ article will be available in French soon (L'article de l'USJ en Francais sera disponible prochainement).

[edit] See also