United States Telecommunications Association

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[edit] United States Telecom Association - USTA

About the United States Telecom Association - USTA

The mission of the USTA is to promote the general welfare of the telephone industry, to collect and make available industry information and to provide a forum for the discussion and resolution of issues of mutual concern.

For more than a century the USTA has been serving its member companies . Over that time telecommunications technology and regulation have undergone tremendous change. With the introduction of competition into the local loop and emerging technologies that build and maintain the international information infrastructure, the telephone industry faces challenges and opportunities virtually unimaginable just a ten years ago.

[edit] United States Telecom Association-USTA - Membership Services

USTA provides a common platform where local telephone companies of all sizes can unite to advance the industry's concerns. USTA is dedicated to serving the needs of the telecommunications community, in addition to addressing relevant issues and providing solutions to specific industry concerns. Key membership benefits include:

  • Instruction and assistance on compliance with a broad range of regulatory matters.
  • Industry representation before Congress, regulatory agencies, the courts and other forums that affect member companies.
  • Information and expert counsel on technological matters and network issues.
  • Technical bulletins providing timely information on issues raised by new services and technologies.
  • Training courses and seminars on regulatory issues, business strategies, technological advancements, investment strategies, financial analysis, government relations, marketing and media and public relations.
  • National conventions, featuring prominent industry and government speakers, including SUPERCOMM, one of the largest and most important telecommunications trade shows in the industry, where telecom professionals have the opportunity to examine the world's innovative telecommunications technology.
  • Public and media relations efforts designed to heighten the industrial profile and bring the industry's message to the public.
  • Publications such as TeleTimes, an informative magazine produced by USTA, reaching more than 4,500 industry professionals; Statistics of the Local Exchange Carriers and the USTA Membership Directory, two popular annual reports that provide valuable statistical data on the telecommunications industry; and the NEW! member-only TeleBrief, an update on industry happenings.

[edit] United States Telecom Association - Promoting the Interest of USTA Members

USTA advances industry concerns by working with its membership to coordinate efforts and share information with member companies. USTA's department of Legal & Regulatory Affairs serves as a meeting place for industry members across the spectrum of size and geography to discuss issues and to coordinate industry advocacy at the FCC. USTA's Legal and Regulatory professionals represent the membership before regulatory agencies, the courts and industry forums. They participate in proceedings before the FCC, the Rural Utilities Service, the Internal Revenue Service and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, among others.

The USTA's Government Relations department promotes the legislative and governmental interests of the local exchange carrier industry by ensuring that industry concerns are given full consideration in the formulation of public policy affecting the industry. USTA's Government Relations staff is active in identifying issues, initiating policy direction, assuming a leadership role in industry education and providing political analysis at each stage of policy formulation. They're also key to the development of grass roots support for the local exchange carrier industry.

By helping local exchange carriers make informed, cost-effective decisions about new and emerging technologies, the Technical Disciplines effort provides USTA's membership with up-to-the-minute analysis and research on developments critical to their growth. The department provides staff support for the activities of the National Services Advisory Committee and informational bulletins, which addresse deployment of national services. It also works closely with USTA's legal staff to ensure a comprehensive mix of technical and legal expertise in USTA filings with the FCC.

The departments of their Company Affairs ensure that the needs and concerns of USTA's small, mid-size, and large company members are addressed. These departments work closely with other USTA departments in the development of policy initiatives that promote small and mid-size companies, as USTA advances issues before regulatory, legislative and judicial authorities.

Their Strategic Communications department spearheads communication efforts with the national and international industry and other influential audiences regarding the positions, activities and advancements of the telecommunications industry in the United States. The department is also responsible for the association's publications, including such items as TeleTimes, the NEW! TeleBrief, the Membership Directory, and the Statistics of the Local Exchange Carriers.

In 1998 the USTA'S department of Development & Marketing was created as the result of an internal reorganization that was designed to allow USTA to better serve its members. The department's mission is two-fold: to develop new programs and services that support the policy and business objectives of our member companies, and to recruit new associate and full members. D&M houses several different functions:

  • Conference and Meeting Management - responsible for developing, marketing and managing all of USTA's educational programs and the Annual Convention.
  • Exhibits - manages SUPERCOMM with the show's co-owner, TIA, as well as other smaller annual USTA showcases.
  • Membership Development - responsible for recruiting all associate and full members.

[edit] Who Are USTA Members?

Full Membership Full membership to the USTA is comprised of facilities-based telecommunications carriers, including incumbent and competitive local exchange carriers as well as ISPs, wireless and cable companies. This includes the four regional bell companies and more than 1,000 independent companies.

Associate Membership The associate members of the USTA are businesses that have a professional interest in telecommunications. These include telephone companies operating outside the United States, information service providers, cellular providers, paging providers, television providers, publishers and businesses that provide products and services to the telecommunications industry, such as manufacturers and suppliers of telecommunications equipment, consultants, accounting firms and other telephone associations. USTA associate members receive many benefits including complimentary and discounted publications, advertising rates, and insurance packages.

International Membership USTA has added a special class of "international member" for companies and governmental agencies that provide facilities-based local telephone service in other nations in response to the increasing globalization of telecommunications. This broadened approach to USTA's forums permits people from local exchange carriers around the world to meet with their peers to discuss and master the many complex issues they face in common. International members have the opportunity to participate in USTA committees and other USTA forums to address issues of interest to local public telecommunications network providers.

[edit] External links