United States Senate elections, 2000

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The U.S. Senate election, 2000 was an election for one-third of the seats in the United States Senate which coincided with the election of George W. Bush as president. It featured a number of fiercely contested elections that resulted in a victory for the Democratic Party, which gained four net seats from the Republican Party in the Senate. (Democrats had already gained one seat since the 1998 elections when Zell B. Miller (D-Ga.) was appointed following the death of Paul M. Coverdell (R-Ga.).)

This was six years after many Republicans had won seats in Senate Class 1 during the elections of 1994, and it was this group who were seeking reelection or retiring in 2000. Because such a large number of these seats were being defended by Republicans, most of the races that were considered to be in play were won by challenging Democrats. They defeated Republican senators William Roth (R-Del.), Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.), Rod Grams (R-Minn.), John Ashcroft (R-Mo.), and Slade Gorton (R-Wash.), as well as winning the open seat in Florida. Ashcroft's defeat was noteworthy in that his opponent, Mel Carnahan, had died before the election, but still won. (The Democratic governor had promised to appoint Carnahan's wife to the seat if he won). The Republicans did defeat one incumbent, Chuck Robb (D-Va.), and win an open seat in Nevada.

This left the Senate a 50-50 tie between Republicans and Democrats, which meant Republicans could control the chamber with the tie-breaking vote of new Vice President Richard B. Cheney. However, before Cheney was inaugurated on January 20, after the new Senators took office on January 3, Al Gore was still the Vice President, which meant that the Democrats had the majority during that time. This state of affairs lasted until Jim Jeffords of Vermont left the Republican Party and became an independent who caucused with the Democrats.


[edit] Results summary

Summary of the 2000 United States Senate election results
Parties Breakdown Total Seats Popular Vote Total Candidates
Up Elected Not Up 1998 2000 +/- Vote % General1
Republican Party 19 15 35 54 50 -4 37,645,909 47.736% 34
Democratic Party 15 19 31 46 50 +4 38,164,089 48.393% 33
Independent - - - - - - 438,689 0.556% 24
Libertarian Party - - - - - - 1,036,684 1.315% 22
Constitution Party - - - - - - 100,603 0.218% 8
Independence Party - - - - - - 183,764 0.233% 2
Green Party - - - - - - 652,329 0.827% 8
Reform Party - - - - - - 188,930 0.240% 8
Socialist Workers Party - - - - - - 15,996 0.020% 2
Other parties - - - - - - 259,183 0.033% 12
Write-in - - - - - - 8,518 0.001% -
Total 34 34 66 100 100 - 78,191,797 100.0% 153
Source: Election Statistics - Office of the Clerk

1 Totals do not include participating voters who declined to cast a vote for U.S. Senate. Candidates in the Georgia Special Election to fill the seat of deceased Senator Paul Coverdell were required to be non-partisan. However, Zell Miller and Mack Mattingly were added to the Democratic and Republican columns respectively and all the other candidates were added to the Independent column.

[edit] Senate contests in 2000

Blue=Democratic Gain Red=Republican Gain Gray=Retired Senator

State Incumbent Party Status Opposing Candidates
Arizona Jon Kyl Republican Re-elected, 79 - 8 - 5 Vance Hansen (Green)
Barry Hess (Libertarian)
California Dianne Feinstein Democrat Re-elected, 56 - 37 - 3 - 2 Tom Campbell (Republican)
Medea Benjamin (Green)
Gail Lightfoot (Libertarian)
Connecticut Joe Lieberman Democrat Re-elected, 63 - 34 Philip Giordano (Republican)
Delaware William Roth Republican Defeated, 56 - 44 Thomas R. Carper (Democrat)
Florida Connie Mack Republican Retired, Democratic victory, 51 - 46 Bill Nelson (Democrat)
Bill McCollum (Republican)
Georgia1 Zell Miller Democrat Re-elected, 58 - 38 Mack Mattingly (Republican)
Hawaii Daniel Akaka Democrat Re-elected, 73 - 25 - 1 John Carroll (Republican)
Jeff Mallan (Libertarian)
Indiana Dick Lugar Republican Re-elected, 67 - 32 David Johnson (Democrat)
Maine Olympia Snowe Republican Re-elected, 69 - 31 Mark Lawrence (Democrat)
Maryland Paul Sarbanes Democrat Re-elected, 63 - 37 Paul Rappaport (Republican)
Massachusetts Ted Kennedy Democrat Re-elected, 73 - 13 - 12 Jack E Robinson III (Republican)
Carla Howell (Libertarian)
Michigan Spencer Abraham Republican Defeated, 50 - 48 Debbie Stabenow (Democrat)
Minnesota Rod Grams Republican Defeated, 49 - 43 Mark Dayton (Democrat)
Mississippi Trent Lott Republican Re-elected, 66 - 32 Troy Brown (Democrat)
Missouri John Ashcroft Republican Defeated, 51 - 48 Mel Carnahan (Democrat)
Montana Conrad Burns Republican Re-elected, 51 - 47 Brian Schweitzer (Democrat)
Nebraska Bob Kerrey Democrat Retired: Democratic victory, 51 - 49 Ben Nelson (Democrat)
Don Stenberg (Republican)
Nevada Richard Bryan Democrat Retired: Republican victory, 55 - 40 John Ensign (Republican)
Edward M. Bernstein (Democrat)
New Jersey Frank Lautenberg Democrat Retired: Democratic victory, 50 - 47 Jon Corzine (Democrat)
Bob Franks (Republican)
New Mexico Jeff Bingaman Democrat Re-elected, 62 - 38 Bill Redmond (Republican)
New York Daniel Patrick Moynihan Democrat Retired: Democratic victory, 55 - 43 Hillary Clinton (Democrat)
Rick Lazio (Republican)
North Dakota Kent Conrad Democrat Re-elected, 61 - 38 Duane Sand (Republican)
Ohio R. Michael DeWine Republican Re-elected, 60 - 36 - 3 Ted Celeste (Democrat)
John McAlister (Libertarian)
Pennsylvania Rick Santorum Republican Re-elected, 52 - 46 Ron Klink (Democrat)
Rhode Island2 Lincoln Chafee Republican Re-elected, 57 - 41 Robert Weygand (Democrat)
Tennessee Bill Frist Republican Re-elected, 65 - 32 Jeff Clark (Democrat)
Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison Republican Re-elected, 65 - 32 - 1 Gene Kelly (Democrat)
Mary Ruwart (Libertarian)
Utah Orrin G. Hatch Republican Re-elected, 66 - 32 Scott Howell (Democrat)
Vermont Jim Jeffords Republican Re-elected, 66 - 25 Ed Flanagan (Democrat)
Virginia Chuck Robb Democrat Defeated, 52 - 48 George F. Allen (Republican)
Washington Slade Gorton Republican Defeated, 49 - 49 - 2 Maria Cantwell (Democrat)
Jeff Jared (Libertarian)
West Virginia Robert Byrd Democrat Re-elected, 78 - 20 David Gallaher (Republican)
Wisconsin Herb Kohl Democrat Re-elected, 62 - 37 John Gillespie (Republican)
Wyoming Craig Thomas Republican Re-elected, 74 - 23 Mel Logan (Democrat)

1 special election held due to death of Paul Coverdell (R-Ga.) -- next regular election held in 2004.
2 Chafee had been appointed on November 2, 1999, following the death of his father, John Chafee (R-R.I.).

[edit] See also

[edit] Senate composition before and after elections

106th Congress Senate Composition   107th Congress Senate Composition
Color Key: Republicans Democrats