United States Senate elections, 1996

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The U.S. Senate election, 1996 was an election for United States Senate which coincided with the re-election of Bill Clinton as president. It followed the major Republican gains of 1994. Because of the staggered nature of the Senate, some of the alignment shift of 1994 carried over to this year, even though the Republicans lost seats in the House.


[edit] Results summary

Summary of the 1996 United States Senate election results
Parties Breakdown Total Seats Popular Vote
Up Elected Not Up 1994 1996 +/- Vote %
Republican Party 19 21 53 55 +2
Democratic Party 15 13 47 45 -2
Total 34 34 66 100 100 - 100.0%
Source: Election Statistics - Office of the Clerk

[edit] Notable Races

[edit] Democratic Gains

  • South Dakota: Three-term Senator Larry Pressler faced a tough challenge from Democratic Congressman Tim Johnson. Johnson would defeat Pressler by 2 points and become the only candidate to defeat an incumbent in this year's election cycle.

[edit] Republican Gains

  • Alabama: Howell Heflin, one of the last Conservative Democrats in the Senate, retired after three terms. Republican nominee Jeff Sessions, the state Attorney General, defeated Democrat Roger Bedford in the general election
  • Arkansas: Popular Democrat David Pryor chose not to seek a fourth term. The Democratic Party in Arkansas had been badly damaged by the resignation of Governor Jim Guy Tucker after being convicted of mail fraud. This helped Republican Congressman Tim Hutchinson defeat Democrat Winston Bryant to become Arkansas' first Republican Senator since Reconstruction.
  • Nebraska: Democratic Governor Ben Nelson was expected to easily win the race to succeed retiring Democrat J. James Exon. Republican businessman Chuck Hagel, however, made it a highly competitive race and pulled off a huge fourteen point upset over the popular governor (Nelson won election to Nebraska's other Senate seat four years later).

[edit] Senate contests in 1996

State Incumbent Party Status Opposing Candidates
Alabama Howell Heflin Democrat Retired: Republican victory, 52 - 46 Jeff Sessions (Republican)
Roger Bedford (Democrat)
Alaska Ted Stevens Republican Re-elected, 77 - 13 - 10 Jeff Whittaker (Green)
Theresa Obermeyer (Democrat)
Arkansas David Pryor Democrat Retired: Republican victory, 53 - 47 Tim Hutchinson (Republican)
Winston Bryant (Democrat)
Colorado Hank Brown Republican Retired: Republican victory, 51 - 46 Wayne Allard (Republican)
Tom Strickland (Democrat)
Delaware Joe Biden Democrat Re-elected, 60 - 38 Raymond J. Clatworthy (Republican)
Georgia Sam Nunn Democrat Retired: Democratic victory, 49 - 48 Max Cleland (Democrat)
Guy Millner (Republican)
Idaho Larry E. Craig Republican Re-elected, 57 - 40 Walt Minnick (Democrat)
Illinois Paul Simon Democrat Retired: Democratic victory, 56 - 41 Richard J. Durbin (Democrat)
Al Salvi (Republican)
Iowa Tom Harkin Democrat Re-elected, 52 - 47 Jim Ross Lightfoot (Republican)
Kansas Nancy Kassebaum Republican Retired: Republican victory, 62 - 34 Pat Roberts (Republican)
Sally Thompson (Democrat)
Kansas1 Sheila Frahm Republican Defeated in Primary: Republican victory, 54 - 43 Sam Brownback (Republican)
Jill Docking (Democrat)
Kentucky Mitch McConnell Republican Re-elected, 55 - 43 Steve Beshear (Democrat)
Louisiana Bennett Johnston Jr. Democrat Retired: Democratic victory, 50 - 50 Mary Landrieu (Democrat)
Woody Jenkins (Republican)
Maine William Cohen Republican Retired: Republican victory, 49 - 44 Susan M. Collins (Republican)
Joe Brennan (Democrat)
Massachusetts John Kerry Democrat Re-elected, 53 - 45 William Weld (Republican)
Michigan Carl Levin Democrat Re-elected, 58 - 40 Ronna Romney (Republican)
Minnesota Paul Wellstone Democrat (DFL) Re-elected, 50 - 41 - 7 Rudy Boschwitz (Republican)
Dean Barkley (Reform)
Mississippi Thad Cochran Republican Re-elected, 71 - 27 James Hunt (Democrat)
Montana Max Baucus Democrat Re-elected, 50 - 45 Dennis Rehberg (Republican)
Nebraska J. James Exon Democrat Retired: Republican victory, 56 - 42 Chuck Hagel (Republican)
Ben Nelson (Democrat)
New Hampshire Bob Smith Republican Re-elected, 49 - 46 Dick Swett (Democrat)
New Jersey Bill Bradley Democrat Retired: Democratic victory, 53 - 43 Robert Torricelli (Democrat)
Dick Zimmer (Republican)
New Mexico Pete Domenici Republican Re-elected, 64 - 30 Art Trujillo (Democrat)
North Carolina Jesse Helms Republican Re-elected, 53 - 46 Harvey Gantt (Democrat)
Oklahoma Jim Inhofe Republican Re-elected, 57 - 40 James Boren (Democrat)
Oregon Mark Hatfield Republican Retired: Republican victory, 49 - 47 Gordon H. Smith (Republican)
Tom Bruggere (Democrat)
Rhode Island Claiborne Pell Democrat Retired: Democratic victory, 63 - 35 John F. Reed (Democrat)
Nancy Mayer (Republican)
South Carolina Strom Thurmond Republican Re-elected, 53 - 44 Elliot Close (Democrat)
South Dakota Larry Pressler Republican Defeated, 51 - 49 Tim Johnson (Democrat)
Tennessee Fred Thompson Republican Re-elected, 61 - 37 Houston Gordon (Democrat)
Texas Phil Gramm Republican Re-elected, 55 - 44 Victor Morales (Democrat)
Virginia John Warner Republican Re-elected, 53 - 47 Mark Warner (Democrat)
West Virginia Jay Rockefeller Democrat Re-elected, 77 - 23 Betty Burkes (Republican)
Wyoming Alan Simpson Republican Retired: Republican victory, 54 - 42 Michael B. Enzi (Republican)
Joyce Jansa Corcoran (Democrat)

1 special election due to resignation of Robert Dole to pursue the presidency -- next regular election held in 1998

[edit] See also

[edit] Senate composition before and after elections

104th Congress Senate Composition   105th Congress Senate Composition
Color Key: Republicans Democrats