United States Senate Energy Subcommittee on Energy

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Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy is one of four subcommittees of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.


[edit] Jurisdiction

This subcommittee's jurisdiction includes oversight and legislative responsibilities for: nuclear, coal and synthetic fuels research and development; nuclear and non-nuclear energy commercialization projects; nuclear fuel cycle policy; Department of Energy National Laboratories; global climate change; new technologies research and development; nuclear facilities siting and insurance program; commercialization of new technologies including, solar energy systems; Federal energy conservation programs; energy information; liquefied natural gas projects; oil and natural gas regulation; refinery policy; coal conversion; utility policy; strategic petroleum reserves; regulation of Trans-Alaska Pipeline System and other oil and gas pipeline transportation systems within Alaska Artic research and energy development; and oil, gas and coal production and distribution.

[edit] Members, 110th Congress

The Committee is chaired by Democrat Byron Dorgan of North Dakota, and the Ranking Minority member is Republican Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska.

Member State
Byron Dorgan, Chairman North Dakota
Daniel Akaka Hawaii
Ron Wyden Oregon
Tim Johnson South Dakota
Mary Landrieu Louisiana
Maria Cantwell Washington
Robert Menendez New Jersey
Bernie Sanders Vermont
Jon Tester Montana
Member State
Lisa Murkowski, Ranking Member Alaska
Larry Craig Idaho
Richard Burr North Carolina
Jim DeMint South Carolina
Bob Corker Tennessee
Jeff Sessions Alabama
Jim Bunning Kentucky
Mel Martinez Florida

[edit] See also

  • U.S. House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality
  • U.S. House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources

[edit] External link

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