United Nations Security Council Resolution 1422

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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1422 of July 12, 2002, determines that the International Criminal Court "ICC, if a case arises involving current or former officials or personnel from a contributing State not a Party to the Rome Statute over acts or omissions relating to a United Nations established or authorized operation, shall for a twelve-month period starting July 1, 2002 (there should) not commence or proceed with investigation or prosecution of any such case, unless the Security Council decides otherwise;" and "expresses the intention to renew the request in paragraph 1 under the same conditions each July 1 for further 12-month periods for as long as may be necessary."

The Resolution was renewed by Resolution 1487 on June 12, 2003, but another proposed renewal was withdrawn by the United States in 2004 after in the context of the abuse of prisoners in Iraq it had become clear that there would not be a majority for the renewal.