Unite Against Fascism

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UAF Logo representing unity between people
UAF Logo representing unity between people

Unite Against Fascism is a political pressure group in the United Kingdom that campaigns against far right-wing and fascist parties and groups in Britain, primarily the British National Party (BNP), which it identifies as the principal threat.

Its chairman is Labour Party Mayor of London Ken Livingstone, and its joint secretaryship is shared by Weyman Bennett, the national organiser of the Anti Nazi League and a member of the central committee of the Socialist Workers' Party, and Sabby Dhalu, formerly of the National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR).

The organisation has signatories and members from across the political spectrum including MPs from all of Britain’s leading political parties including a number of members of the Labour cabinet. Other notable signatories include Holocaust survivor Henry Gutterman.

The group was formed as part of a coalition between the Anti-Nazi League and the National Assembly Against Racism, the TUC and all leading British Unions such as T&G and UNISON in response to electoral successes by the BNP.

At Unite Against Fascism's 2007 national conference speakers ranged from cabinet minister Peter Hain to Edie Freedman of the Jewish Council for Racial Equality and Dr. Abdul Barrie from the Muslim Council of Britain as well as figures from all the major UK trade unions.

The anti-fascist magazine Searchlight disaffiliated from UAF after an argument over tactics to defeat the BNP.

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