Unitary representations of a star Lie superalgebra

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In mathematics, a * Lie superalgebra is a complex Lie superalgebra equipped with an involutive antilinear map * such that * respects the grading and


A unitary representation of such a Lie algebra is a Z2 graded Hilbert space which is a representation of the Lie superalgebra together with the requirement that self-adjoint elements of the Lie superalgebra are represented by Hermitian transformations.

This is a major concept in the study of supersymmetry together with algebra representation of a Lie superalgebra. Say A is an *-algebra representation of the Lie superalgebra (together with the additional requirement that * respects the grading and L[a]*=-(-1)LaL*[a*]) and H is the unitary rep and also, H is a unitary representation of A.

These three reps are all compatible if for pure elements a in A, |ψ> in H and L in the Lie superalgebra,


Sometimes, the Lie superalgebra is embedded within A in the sense that there is a homomorphism from the universal enveloping algebra of the Lie superalgebra to A. In that case, the equation above reduces to


The attractive feature of this approach is that there is no need to introduce (mysterious) Grassmann numbers.