Unitarian Christian Groups and Publications

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[edit] Organization of Unitarian Christians

There are a number of associations, congregations and publications that can be considered as actively involved in the preservation and development of the distinct tradition known as Unitarian Christianity - started by Francis David in 1565.

Many American Unitarian Christians identify primarily with the Unitarian Universalist Association which is the result of the consolidation of the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America, and is located in the United States. In addition many Unitarian Christian groups are affiliated with the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists.

Some organizations, such as the American Unitarian Conference, are independent of the UUA and the ICUU. Others, such as Bét Dávid Unitarian Association, have recently become associated with the ICUU. They tend to contain a majority membership who express specifically Unitarian Christian beliefs as opposed to the religious pluralism of the UUA - nevertheless they remain liberal, open-minded and inclusive communities.

The Unitarian Christian Association (UK) and Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship (USA) maintain formal links with their national Unitarian-Universalist movements but again, have a membership that is majority Christian. This can also be said of numerous local congregations.

A final point to note is the Unitarian Church in Hungary and the Transylvanian Unitarian Church, which are affiliated with the ICUU but continue with the historical Unitarian Christian tradition established by Francis David. The Unitarian churches in Hungary and Transylvania are structured and organized along a more traditional church hierarchy that includes the election by the Synod of a national Bishop who serves as superintendent of the Church.

The majority of Unitarian Christian publications are sponsored by an organization and published specifically for their membership. They generally do not serve as a tool for missionary work or encouraging conversions.

[edit] Development in the 21st Century

In recent years there has been a relatively small, yet significant, growth in groups with a specifically Unitarian Christian outlook and ethos. The Congregazione Italiana Cristiana Unitariana (Italy) and Bét Dávid Unitarian Association (Norway) are two examples of this trend. There are also reports of the development of Unitarian Christian groups in African countries such as Burundi. Some of these groups are joining the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists, either as Emerging Groups or as Associates, as they gain a solid organizational structure.

There is a noticeable presence of Unitarian Christians on the internet and online networks have been growing steadily for some time attracting members from across the world. Many Unitarian Christians who join these networks do not have a congregation in their locality and so rely on the internet as the main contact with their fellow believers.

[edit] Interfaith Dialogue & Relations

As a tradition founded by dissenters from mainstream Christian churches, and traditionally denounced as heretics, it is difficult to see the emergence of groups in areas dominated by existing Christian denominations.

Despite the close friendship and shared heritage that exists between adherents to Unitarian Universalism and Unitarian Christianity, there is an element within Unitarian Universalism that oppose specifically Unitarian Christian groups believing them to be exclusive and intolerant of non-Christian thought. Likewise, some Unitarian Christians also believe that Unitarian Universalists are intolerant of Christian thought and tend to marginalize Christians.

The American Unitarian Conference is open to non-Christian Unitarians - being particularly popular with non-Christian theists and deists. In addition, the Bét Dávid Unitarian Association (Norway) has forged positive and mutual friendships with Jewish groups.

At a local level, many Unitarian Christian groups - and individual Unitarian Christians - have links with tolerant congregations affiliated with the United Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, Anglican Church and Unity Church. Indeed, some argue they feel more at home within these denominations than Unitarian-Universalism. A small proportion of Unitarian Christians also have links with Progressive Christianity.

An important point to note is the shared belief that exists between Unitarian Christians and their Muslim, Jewish and Sikh counterparts who all adhere to strict monotheism - this common ground may form the basis of future friendship.

Unitarian Christians do not currently have any formal links with the 'Biblical Unitarian' movements in the United States - the two communities should be regarded as separate and distinct.

[edit] Unified Movement or Diaspora?

In summary, it could be argued that Unitarian Christianity - unlike other Christianity denominations - is not organized globally according to any formal structure or through any specifically Unitarian Christian body. Instead, it is a devolved, loosely affiliated movement with formal and informal ties to a number of other denominations. Whether it could be considered to even constitute a movement, or be more accurately described as a diaspora, is a topic for debate.

[edit] List of Groups and Publications (includes external links)

1. National Organizations

American Unitarian Conference

Unitarian Christian Association (UK)

Unitarian Church in Hungary

Unitarian-Universalist Christian Fellowship (USA)

Bét Dávid Unitarian Association (Norway)

Congregazione Italiana Cristiana Unitariana (Italy)

AFCU - l'Assemblée fraternelle des chrétiens unitariens (France)

2. Local Congregations

This is not a fully comprehensive list of all Unitarian Christian congregations but rather those with a famous heritage and relatively high profile:

Mill Hill Unitarian Chapel (Leeds, UK)

King's Chapel (Boston, USA)

Dublin Unitarian Church (Rep.Ireland)

3. Print Publications

The Unitarian Christian Herald (UK) - The Journal of the Unitarian Christian Association

The American Unitarian (USA) - The Journal of the American Unitarian Conference

4. Online Publications

Glad Tidings Articles on the Biblical Unitarianism

Harvard Square Library - Unitarian Literature

Traditional Unitarian Church Literature

Correspondance Unitarienne (France)

Unitarian Christianity: A Very Short Introduction

Classic Sermons and Writings