Unit based Virtual Architecture (UVA)

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Unit based Virtual Architecture (UVA) Unit based Virtual Architecture (UVA) is modeled using the principles of virtual units and abstracted tasks. The layers of UVA are demonstrated as follows: Multithreading/Multiprogramming technologies enable multiple pieces of codes to run on one processor; hence each unit of code virtually has its own processor. Virtual Machine technology enables programs to run independently from physical operating system and platform (for example Sun JVM -Java Virtual Machine- and Microsoft .NET framework). Internet and WEB application basically make use of Client/Server and Peer-2-Peer technologies to be accessed and operated independently from anywhere, on whatever wares and via virtual ports that are established to serve a specific task, using various protocols and technologies. eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and technologies of RSS (Rich Site Summery or Really Simple Syndication), Resource Description Framework (RDF), Ontology Web Language (OWL) and eXtensible Markup Language-Remote Procedure Call (XML-RPC) are developed to permit complex data structures to be transmitted, processed, and returned between different operating systems running in different environments. Basically contents are charged to serve a virtual task. Figure (3.2) illustrates UVA layers.

the concerned thesis can be downloaded from MSc Thesis, "Using Content Management tools to Build personal Knowledge Units",

--Esamerlolo 10:31, 24 December 2006 (UTC)