Union of Italian Communists (Marxist-Leninist)

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Union of Italian Communists (Marxist-Leninist) (Italian:Unione dei Comunisti Italiani (marxisti-leninisti)), was a pro-Chinese communist group in Italy. UCI(m-l) was founded in Rome on October 4, 1968. Its main organ was Servire il popolo. The main leaders of UCI(m-l) were Aldo Brandirali, Enzo Todeschini and Angelo Arvati.

On April 15, 1972 UCI(m-l) was transformed into Partito Comunista (marxista-leninista) Italiano (Italian Communist Party (marxist-leninist)). The theoretical organ of P.C.(m-l)I. was Che fare.

P.C(m-l)I. had a front organization amongst Italians in West Germany, called Union of Italian Migrant Workers (Federazione Italiani Lavoratori Emigrati).

P.C.(m-l)I. was dissolved in 1978, and in practice its remaining adherents became involved in Autonomia organizzata.