Unified National Nominate

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The Unified National Nominate or UNN is a fictional worldwide governmental organization in the Irrational Games computer game System Shock 2.

[edit] History

After the events on Citadel Station in 2072 depicted in System Shock, unrest and rebellion grew among the world's population against megacorporates like the TriOptimum Corporation. The previously ineffectual governments allied to form the UNN as a countermeasure against corporational dominance. The UNN quickly developed quasi-communistic traits when going on to control businesses and society by newly built up military forces and secret police. Bureaucracy was raised in all parts of life slowing down technological advance. The UNN also attempted to takeover megacorporates completely but was fought back by TriOptimum soldiers and other mercenaries. The public and private sectors cleavage widened in the following 35 years with the world separating into heavily armed regions. In this situation UNN Nobel Laureate Marie Delacroix, working under a grant from the dwindling resources of the skeletal TriOptimum corporation, publishes preliminary research findings of a Faster Than Light (FTL) mechanism in 2110. The device works by bending and warping space around the device. [1]