Underground Hades Empire Infershia

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The Underground Hades Empire Infershia (地底冥府インフェルシア Chitei Meifu Inferushia?) are the villains in the Japanese Super Sentai series Mahou Sentai Magiranger. They are from the Kedomono Realm at the center of the Earth in Hades, which was ruled by the mysterious N Ma. Years ago, N Ma created the Hades Gate to send his entire army to Earth, but was stopped by the Heavenly Saint Blagel 15 years ago. One thing to note is that almost no magicians make up the Infershia's ranks, only those who have joined from outside Infershia, and even that was few: Blagel/Wolzard and Raigel/Meemy. N Ma uses his agents to break the seal so he can conquer the surface world. However, overtime, some of the Infershia began to realize N Ma's insane obsession of destroying the Heavenly Saints and the Ozu Family became too reckless due to so many needless deaths. Once N Ma was destroyed, Hades Goddess Sphinx took over rule to rebuild their world and start anew with Magitopia.


[edit] N Ma

Absolute God N Ma (Zettaishin N Ma): The mysterious leader of the Infershia. He has gone by many titles including "Hades Beast Emperor N Ma" (絶対神ン・マ Meijūtei N Ma?) by Wolzard and the Book of Prophecy and "The Great Beast" by Meemy. Long ago, N Ma's powers of darkness increased to the point that he used it to create the Hades Gate in order to send his armies to the surface. After a fierce struggle, however, he and his followers were defeated and sealed away by the Heavenly Saints (namely Blagel). Before N Ma was sealed away by Blagel, he used his cursed reincarnation to transform Blagel into his loyal servant Wolzard. N Ma contacted his minions via a white pool at the center of the lair, which turned red when in use. When his court was destroyed when Blagel sealed N Ma away for the second time (this time within his own body), N Ma used the Slab of Judgement in Stage 47 to communicate with the remaining Hades Gods. N Ma's right fang was used to make Branken's sword, while his left eye was used to make Wolzard's shield, this way he could be part of the battles his soldiers fought. While his form was not entirely revealed until Stage 34, his appearance is of Lovecraftian origin.

N Ma was resurrected when Meemy transferred the Magirangers' Legend powers into him. The tendrils on his head each end with a dragon's head. When Wolzard turned back into Blagel, N Ma turned him back, but Kai broke his spell. N Ma was seemingly hindered by Blagel when he sacrificed himself to stop N Ma by sealing the demon's soul in his own body. The Hades Gods managed to free N Ma from his new prison and he was resurrected in Titan's lifeless body, molding it to reflect his own twisted image, a skeletal fallen angel-like humanoid form with a black skull cap that concealed his hideous brain and many tentacles. In this form he had three eyes, one of his eyes was on the right side of his head while what would have been the other corresponding eye was missing from the left side of his head (this was the eye that was embedded in Wolzard's Jagun Shield). In this new body, N Ma could shoot numerous tentacles from his mouth, and can use his true power: absorbing all magic around him.

When he was resurrected, Isamu described N Ma as being "a mass of hunger and evil", N Ma was obsessed with devouring magic/courage, souls, time and dimensions. While he used the remaining Hades Gods to fight the Magirangers on the 3rd day of his revival, N Ma went to Magitopia to destroy the Heavenly Saints personally. N Ma destroyed Magitopia and tried to kill Magiel and almost Lunagel, if Magiel had not have teleported herself and Lunagel away. Blagel and Sungel went to Magitopia to confront the Absolute God, but it resulted in Hikaru's prophecised death by N Ma's tentacles. N Ma also killed Isamu while up in Magitopia, and when he flew back to Earth, he mockingly tossed the two Saints' corpses in front of the Rangers, which caused them much grief. N Ma was able to consume time, and thus the Earth became a barren wasteland, and everyone except the Magirangers were corroded by N Ma's actions, seeing the world as it will be by N-Ma: A world of pure darkness, fear and despair, one that had no hope, but even he could not completely corrode all life and hope for a flower was able to bloom amongst the gloom, giving Kai and his siblings enough courage to keep fighting N Ma.

N Ma's skull-mask was shattered by Kai's DialRod attack, and he was also stabbed by Kai's MagiStick Sword, which the other rangers helped him wield, which caused N Ma to regurgitate the time he had consumed and thus the surface world to be restored. N Ma started to lose his cool when Lunagel and Snowgel magically dissolved his tentacles, showed up and told him that Magiel was still alive and in the Flower Garden of Souls. He was further shocked to see Sphinx alive and betraying him, telling him that the Infershia no longer sees him as their leader. He was further horrified about the death of Dagon at Sphinx's hands along with Vancuria siding with Sphinx by reviving her and the others that died. N Ma was finally destroyed when he attempted to devour the entire Ozu family's (including Hikaru's) overflowing, infinite courage and magic, causing him to explode from the massive buildup in his body.

[edit] Infershia High Commanders

N Ma had two High Commanders that ruled the Infershia in his stead.

[edit] Branken

Victory General Branken
Victory General Branken

Victory General Branken (凱力大将ブランケン Gairiki Taishō Buranken?) (1-18): The high commander, though it seemed Wolzard was calling the shots. Branken is trapped in Infershia, and Wolzard needs to steal power from the Magirangers before he can bring Branken to the surface, enlarged, only for Magired to seal him back in Infershia lair. This sparked a rivalry between them as Wolzard seemed to have left Branken trapped in the seal, and because of this they constantly fought amongst themselves. He wielded the Hell Fang, which is a sword made from N Ma's fang. Branken was part machine, and had gears that moved and a standing horn that steam came out, especially when he was angry.

Born a High Zobil, Branken fought his way up to his current rank and has no tolerance for failure, believing that the weak had no place in the world and only the strong could survive. Branken had a horrible temper, attacking High Zobils, Vancuria and Wolzard when angry. He desired to take over as the new ruler of the Infershia and desperately wanted out of the seal. For that, he sent Vancuria and the Three Solitary Confinement Hades Beasts to find the "Key", Lunagel, so that he can open the Hades Gate and send forth the entire Infershia army, as well as finally enter the surface world of his own free will.

When Lunagel was captured by Wolzard, the Hades Gate had risen to the surface, and Branken managed to pry the Hades Gate open just enough to enter the surface realm. Branken's plans were foiled when Lunagel was freed, and when she once again sealed the Hades Gate. Both he and his ambitions were soon destroyed by the bonds of the Ozu siblings (Who were aided by MagiMother's spirit and magic) with MagiKing. Only his Hell Fang remained, which Wolzard takes for his own.

[edit] Meemy

Sorcery Priest Meemy (魔導神官メーミィ Madōshinkan Mēmī?) (19-34): The high commander who took over when Branken was killed. He wielded an extendable fan, which had a mirror that allowed Meemy to see what was happening on the surface world, but in the Duel Bond he wielded a Magitopian sword. He was originally the Heavenly Saint Raigel (天空聖者ライジェル Tenkū Seija Raijeru?), the Heavenly Saint of lightning who saw magic as a way to grant his own selfish desires and along with Sungel was Blagel's pupil. He betrayed his comrades by reporting their plans to N Ma, leaving Blagel to the mercy of the Hades Beastman Four Kings of Hell, and sealing Lunagel's memories after she sealed the Hades Gate. Sungel, who had learned of Raigel's treachery, fought him and, upon being turned into a frog, sealed himself and the mummified Raigel in a cave, an event which Raigel swore undying revenge for. His lifeless body remained there until it was found by Nai & Mea, who took him to N Ma to be resurrected to replace Branken and so became one of the two magicians in the Infershia's ranks.

Meemy, seeing himself a vassal to N Ma, he became arrogant and conceded, viewing himself as an Adonis-like figure while he worked hard to bring N Ma into the human world with his clever planning. Because he was a Heavenly Saint, Meemy was also a master of magic himself with an affinity for lightning spells, replacing Wolzard in the process. When he first fought against the Magiranger, he used a spell that made him grow to an outrageous size, more than one hundred times larger than MagiKing, though when he fought Travelion in a later episode he only equalled its size. Meemy thought of marriage between a human and one from Infershia to be an abomination, nonetheless he acted as the priest for King Glum do Bridon's and Yuka Yamazaki's wedding and created the Puppet Ring for Glum do Bridon to act as Yamazaki's wedding ring. When he became desperate to resurrect N Ma he sent the Hades Beastman Four Kings of Hell and used Forbidden Hades Beasts to do his bidding, as well as resorting to Forbidden Magic. He, Apollos/Agent X, Babon, and Vancuria had Urara and Jasmine (DekaYellow) captive in the lair. Meemy used the Magirangers' Legend powers to revive N Ma, which was successful. He was finally killed off by Hikaru (using Meemy's own sword) in the Magitopia Duel Bond, reverting back to Raigel as his body dissolved into dust. His final words were of the advent of the Infershia Pantheon avenging N Ma.

During the events of Boukenger vs Super Sentai special, Memmy was the first to be bought back to life by the power of the one of Gajah's Gordom Engines provided to Chronos to and aid him in his plan. He teamed up with Chronos to fight HurricaneBlue, AbareBlack, DekaBreak, MagiYellow and BoukenSilver and easily defeated them because they refused to work together. In the end, however, he was used as an ingredient to create a new Precious, the Staff of the Three Philosophers, that powered Chronos up.

[edit] Infershia Pantheon

Main article: Infershia Pantheon

The Infershia Pantheon (冥府十神 Meifu Jusshin?) (35-49) were a group composed of the ten gods of Hades itself, and N Ma's most loyal servants. (see article for more information)

[edit] Vancuria

Phantom Spy Vancuria (妖幻密使バンキュリア Yōgen Misshi Bankyuria?): Infershia's spy, she is Queen of the Vampires adversely unaffected by sunlight and virtually unkillable. However, though she was immortal, her existence was a lonely one and overtime developed a ability to split herself up into the Nightmare Sisters as a remedy for it. As a result of her "special body", Vancuria was not constrained by the seal that kept the rest of Infershia underground and this served as a overseerer of her masters' plans. She had a bit of a crush on both Branken (Until then he tried to kill her for her failure) and Meemy (though she couldn't stand him at first). Vancuria also had some admiration for Wolzard as he helps her sometimes. She had her own Hades Beasts as pets including the Hades Beasts Mimic and Leech and was also friends of several of the Hades Beastmen like Garim and even had a romantic relationship with Belbireji although it didn't end very well for them. With the help of Hades Beast Leech, Vancuria had the vampirized Houka under her control until Tsubasa and the other Magirangers broke the spell on their sister and finally ended Vancuria's winning streak over them. The Rangers managed to destroy Vancuria with Tsubasa's Dawn Crystal and the Magi Cross attack which crucified and blew her up, but that same night she reconstituted herself and destroyed the Dawn Crystal. When Tsubasa tried to destroy her again with the Dawn Crystal, it failed since the same tatic can't be used twice.

She awakened the Hades Gods when she discovered their lair. She is like a hummingbird in size when compared to the Gods who were naturally giant. She was kept alive by the Hades Gods so that she could serve them as a spy. She developed a little bit of a crush on Wyvern, since out of the Hades Gods, he treated her the nicest until he was injured by Wolzard and suddenly started to act bitter, even towards her. She spied on Drake when he went to the surface world to fight Hikaru, because of Gorgon's suggestion. She was hardly used by them until Dagon had her place one of his fish scales on Wolzard so the Hades Gods could track him. She carries another one of his scales to communicate on-site with Dagon. She also watched Wyvern fight the Magirangers before Wolzard Fire came to the rescue. Vancuria also traveled with Dagon and Sleipnir to see Sphinx and began to have second thoughts about N Ma. Vancuria resurrected Sphinx and apologized to Dagon for this treasonous action, and was stunned when she killed Dagon. In the end, she joined Sphinx in the "new Infershia".

[edit] Nai & Mea

Nai & Mea (ナイとメア Nai to Mea?): They are actually a split form of Vancuria. Vancuria felt lonely and thus she split herself so she will not get bored. They are mischievous vampirish girls dressed in Gothic Lolita attire. Many have come to the conclusion that Nai and Mea shows Vancuria's cheeky and mischievous side. They usually cause trouble for the Magirangers at any chance they get. They can shoot bolts of energy from their mouths. Nai seems to be the 'older sister' as Mea tends to only repeat a portion of what Nai has just said. In order for the two girls merge back into their true form, they hold hands and touch cheeks. When Wolzard briefly powered them up, Nai gained a stonedark crossbow while Mea used an enormous seven barreled cannon. Both of these weapons can be used by Vancuria once her components merge. Whenever a new spell was introduced on the side of the Infershia, instead of Mandora Boy explaining the spell's abilities, the sisters explain. The Nightmare Sisters were the ones that discovered Raigel and brought him back to their lair to be revived as their new commander, Meemy. The Nightmare Sisters gain another power boost again for a time in the form of the WolzaPhones, enabling them to use magic like Meemy and Wolzard, but the phones were eventually reabsorbed by Wolzard.

They also discovered the Valley of the Gods with the Book of Prophecy. When the Hades Gods were awakened, the Nightmare Sisters are not used as much like with their previous superiors except as guinea pigs in Toad's "body switch" curse because they turned him down. The duo were given purpose when Dagon have them put a tracking scale on Wolzard. The Nightmare Sisters also witnessed Sphinx's death at the hands of Dagon, and were both incredibly shocked by this event with second thought about their association with the Infershia as it was. They showed off their healing abilities by restoring Blagel, Sungel, and Smoky. In the end, they joined Sphinx in the "new Infershia".

[edit] Wolzard

Madou Knight Wolzard
Madou Knight Wolzard

Isamu Ozu

[edit] Others

  • Dark Magic Squadron Yamiranger ( Madō Sentai Yamirenjā?)(Outdoor Stage Show): They are black-caped dopplegangers of the Magirangers created by Meemy.
  • Fake Magiranger (Nise Majirenjā) (43): Black-necked dopplegangers of the Magirangers created by Hades God Toad. The Blue and Pink ones were killed by Legend MagiBlue, while the Green, Yellow and Red ones were killed by Legend MagiYellow.
  • High Zobils (ハイゾビル Hai Zobiru?) (1-36): Higher-ranked Zombies who wield either large spear-like staffs or whips and leads the Zobils into battle as a field commander. They can also control some of the Hades Beasts. While they first appeared in Stage 1, they first fought the Rangers in Stage 3, where the one they fought against and was beaten by the Rangers was killed by Branken as punishment for incompetence. Branken was originally a High Zobil himself. Toad occasionally ate High Zobil from a bowl.
  • Zobils (ゾビル Zobiru?): Corpselike soldiers who wield axes and follow the High Zobil. There are thousands of them in the lair. Underneath their helmets are their repulsive rotting skulls with maggots. In the finale, they are shown with builder hats building the bridge that links the surface world to the Kedomono Realm.

[edit] Arsenal

  • Hades Gate: Some time ago N Ma's powers of darkness grew to be so powerful that he used them to create the Hades Gate as a way to transport his army to the surface world. Fifteen years ago Blagel entered the Hades Gate to fight the Infershia directly and had Lunagel seal the gate using a spell that directly bound her own life to the gate. For the first part of the series, Branken's goal was to send Hades Beasts to find the "Key to the Door" (Lunagel) and kill her in order to cause the Hades Gate to open once more so that he would be freed. In Stage 15 Hades Beast Skeleton managed to lure Lunagel out of hiding and Vancuria and Wolzard pursued her and Wolzard took her into the Kedomono Realm after he broke the bell she wore, causing the Hades Gate to rise up from underground. When it first appeared, Hades Beast Gargoyle also appeared, embedded in the gate. Gargoyle fought MagiKing and tossed MagiKing against the Hades Gate causing it to open slightly, just enough for Branken to pry himself out of it and to battle on the surface. Fortunately Kai defeated Wolzard in a duel and rescued Lunagel. Using her magic she sealed the Hades Gate and sending it back underground leaving Branken stranded on the surface allowing MagiKing to destroy him. Now that Lunagel has regained her memory, she resides in Magitopia, completely out of reach of the Infershia and so the Hades Gate remains sealed, although this does not completely stop the Infershia from attacking.
  • Hell Fang (1-22): Branken's own sword, made from N Ma's fang. Wolzard soon claimed it as his own after Branken's death, forging it into a new WolSabre.
  • WolSabre (1-18, 22-44): Wolzard's sword that he used in battle. It could be sheathed in the Jagun Shield when not in use. When Wolzard and Barikion formed WolKentaurous he normally didn't use the WolSabre, keeping it sheathed in the Jagun Shield. The first WolSabre was destroyed by Kai in his duel with Wolzard in Stage 18. Wolzard took the Hell Fang after Branken was defeated and forged it into a new WolSabre, which he used for the rest of the series.
  • Jagun Shield (1-44): Wolzard's shield that contained N Ma's left eye (which remained missing even when N Ma was reborn in Titan's body). It can summon a barrage of magical wolf heads when N Ma's eye was revealed when Wolzard recited the spell Douza Uru Zazaado. The Jagun Shield could be used to sheathe the WolSabre when it was not in use. When Wolzard and Barikion formed WolKaiser, the Jagun Shield formed the chest armor of the Majin. The first Jagun Shield was destroyed when Wolzard fought against Titan in Stage 44 when the Hades God's staff smashed it, causing it to shatter. Somehow Blagel received a new Jagun Shield when he gained the ability to become Wolzard Fire, although most likely this Jagun Shield did not contain N Ma's eye.
  • Calamity-Loving Pen (20): A dark magic item given to Garim the Gremlin by Meemy. It could turn the fear in humans into ink that Garim used to draw the Dark Magic rune on the ground so that all the humans within it would be sacrificed when Meemy activated the spell.
  • Puppet's Ring (Movie): Given to King Glum do Bridon by Meemy, it is a ring that turns blood red when filled with human life energy and is used to manipulate a person's heart, namely Yuka Yamazaki.
  • Wolza Phones (26-32, 49): Created by Meemy from Wolzard's magic, they are Nai & Mea's personal spell-casting devices. With them, the sisters can use the same spells as Wolzard and Meemy and can merge into forms other than Vancuria. They also used the phones to enlarge the Hades Beastmen. Wolzard eventually took back the WolzaPhones when the Magirangers gained their Legend power to restore his magic. In the finale, apparently Nai & Mea get a WolzaPhone to keep in contact with the Ozu Family.
  • Bull Stick (27-31): This is Bulrates' staff, it is as hard as or harder than diamond. Bulrates could use the Bull Stick to summon magical bubbles that could induce memory loss, a power that Bulrates demonstrated on Houka. The Bull Stick also can summon bubbles that can cause one's mind to keep resetting and lose memory. Bulrates also used the Bull Stick to collect the remains of Shichijuuro and Neries, then later transferred their powers to Zee to use against the Magirangers. When Bulrates himself fought the Rangers, he used the Bull Stick to summon massive boulders that were harder than diamond at MagiKing, but they learned a new spell that caused the King Calibur to become sharp enough to cut through the boulders and through the Bull Stick, causing it to break. Meemy helped repair the Bull Stick when he cast the youth spell on Bulrates but in the end both Bulrates and the Bull Stick were destroyed by the Legend Magirangers.
  • Evil Ice (29-30): Also known as the "Devil's Glacier". The Evil Ice was created by Zee and Bulrates to absorb and harness the life energy on the surface, causing it to grow larger in size so that it may be used to freeze the surface for the Infershia to take over. The Evil Ice was destroyed when the Legend Magirangers used their Legend Powers to hurl Zee into the Evil Ice, causing both the Yeti and the Ice to shatter and explode.
  • Book of Prophecy (36, 39): An item whose very writing details every single event in the Infershia's past, present, and future. Before flying away it enabled the Nightmare Sisters to find the Valley of the Gods. Nai & Mea found the Book again in Stage 39 to read about Cyclops, but Gorgon takes it and sees that it will be her turn after Cyclops, and then it flies away again.
  • Slab of Judgement (35-47): A deteriorating stone monolith that stands at the top of the Hades Gods' throne. The Slab selects which Gods' turn it is to inact Divine Punishment by shooting a ball of light that circles the Hades Gods when they form a circle, and selects a God by landing on the God's weapon. It also acts as a portal for the Gods to pass through into the surface realm. N Ma used it to personally select Sphinx as the one to inact Divine Punishment in Stage 47. N Ma inadvertently destroyed the Slab when he hatched out of it in the Hades God's lair.
  • Samukama (35-49): The Samukama is Hades God Dagon's trident, it is apparently a potent weapon since Dagon used it to slay several of the Hades Gods with it including Ifrit, Titan and Sphinx.
  • Hades Chariot (42, 48): This is the Hades God Sleipnir's personal chariot that he used to ride into battle with. He could summon it from a madou rune similar to how Wolzard summoned Barikion to the surface. With the Hades Chariot Sleipnir could move at surprising speeds and could inflict serious damage. His first Hades Chariot was broken when Wolzard used his WolSabre to remove one of its wheels, causing it to crash. By Stage 48, either Sleipnir managed to repair it or he used a different one. This second one was destroyed by MagiLegend's Fire Tornado.

[edit] Majuu

  • Dark Magic Horse Barikion (魔導馬バリキオン Madōba Barikion?): Horse-like Majuu that serves under Wolzard. He appears from the ground when summoned. After Kai selflessly saved the creature's life, Barikion helped the MagiRangers regain their MagiKing powers by forming FireKaiser with MagiRed. But as Wolzard revealed, Barikion only combines with whoever he acknowledges as a great warrior worthy to unite with. After the battle with the Underground Hades Infershia Two Ultimate Gods, Barikion has not been seen again, so what happened to him after the finale is unknown. Forms WolKentaurus' lower torso and legs, WolKaiser's head, arms, back, and legs and WolJavelin, and FireKaiser's head, "sternum", limbs, and back and BariLancer.
    • WolKentauros (合体 Urukentauros): Wolzard fuses with Barikion when he utters "Uuza Douza Zanga. Madou Fusion!" (魔導 Madō Gattai). With Wolzard now purified, the spell for combination is likely to be "Goolu Luuma Gonga". Wolzard joins with Barikion in its four-legged configuration, becoming a giant centaur.
    • Supreme Ruler of Darkness WolKaiser (合体 Yami no Haō Urukaizaa): When Wolzard utters "Uuza Douza Uru Zanga. Devil Fusion!" (魔神 Majin Gattai), Barikion becomes a suit of armor around Wolzard. His weapon is a staff made of Barikion's mane and tail. WolKaiser is now formed by the spell "Goolu Luuma Golu Gonga". Attacks with "Dark Magical Slash" while being evil, while under good it's "Heavenly Magical Slash". He gained the power to form this combination from absorbing the energy of MagiDragon's finishing attack.
    • FireKaiser (ファイヤーカイザー FaiyāKaizā?): A combination, though only seen in Stages 9 and 18, that results from the fusion of MagiPhoenix with Barikion. Mandora Boy called this being a Phantom Majin because it is very rare. The spell used is (2105) "Giruma Maagi Magi Jinga! Friendship Fusion!" (友情合体 Yūjō Gattai). His weapon is a staff made of Barikion's mane and head, using it in his "Fire Spin Braid" attack.
  • Sleipnir had his own pair of majin-like horses that resembled smaller and differently colored versions of Barikion that pulled his Hades Chariot when he used it in battle. They were supposedly destroyed when MagiLegend used Fire Tornado on the Hades Chariot, causing it to explode (although Sleipnir survived by leaping off).

[edit] Hades Beasts and Hades Beastmen

Branken and Meemy unleash a variety of monsters from the Kedomono Realm in their attempts to destroy the surface world.

[edit] See also