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This article is about the Warcraft Universe. For the article about the Judge Dredd universe see Undercity (Judge Dredd).

The Undercity is a city in the fictional Warcraft universe. The subterranean Undercity is featured only in the game World of Warcraft, and ruled by The Forsaken Undead. This city is on the continent of Lordaeron beneath the Ruins of Lordaeron on the supercontinent known as the Eastern Kingdoms. It is one of the eight capital cities that exist in the World of Warcraft; one of the four Horde capitals, and one of the two located in the Eastern Kingdoms (the other being the Blood Elf capital of Silvermoon).


[edit] Location

A map of the Undercity as seen in game
A map of the Undercity as seen in game

The Undercity is a city formed under the capital city of Lordaeron, the former home of the Human Alliance. It is in the region defined by World of Warcraft as Tirisfal Glades and is in the southeast portion. It borders Lordamere Lake, the Silverpine Forest, and the Alterac Mountains.

The city was once ruled by humans in the mythological realm of Warcraft. After the events of the Third Great War, The Forsaken, lead by Lady Sylvanas Windrunner and the dreadlord Varimathras, built an Undead City beneath the ruins of Lordaeron, called the Undercity.

[edit] History

After Arthas Menethil had made his transformation into a Death Knight, he started building a series of expanded caverns out of the catacombs under Lordaeron's capital so that he could rule over the remnants of the kingdom. When Arthas pulled out of Lordaeron to come to the aid of the Lich King, Sylvanas Windrunner took a small group of Undead (further known as The Forsaken) following an earlier coup by the Dreadlord Balnazzar and took over the Undercity, and finished tunneling out the caverns that Arthas started.

[edit] Locations inside of the Undercity

The Rogues Quarter, and a section of the Canal, in the Undercity, as seen in World of Warcraft
The Rogues Quarter, and a section of the Canal, in the Undercity, as seen in World of Warcraft

The Undercity is organized into six main sections. When entering the Undercity from above via the elevator in the Ruins of Lordaeron, the first area the visitor enters is the Trade Quarter, which is located in the center of the city. Guarded by abominations, this area is the hardest section of the city to breach. The city's layout can be confusing to players due to its labryinthine nature.

Surrounding the Trade Quarter are the Canals, which connect all areas of the city. These areas, in clockwise order around the Trade Quarter, are the Magic Quarter, the Rogues' Quarter, the Apothecarium and the War Quarter. Recently, Auctioneers have been added to the Undercity. They can be found in the hall between the Trade Quarter and the other four Quarters. The Apothecarium is a particularly important area for the Forsaken, hosting the Royal Apothecary Society and its leader, Master Apothecary Faranell. The Apothecarium also contains a doorway leading to the Forsaken's seat of power: the Royal Quarter. Here one can find the Dark Lady Sylvanas Windrunner (Queen of the Forsaken) and her majordomo, the nathrezim dreadlord Varimathras.

The Ruins of Lordaeron are considered part of the Undercity, but for the most part they are ignored by The Forsaken. The Ruins of Lordaeron contain the throne of Lordaeron, the courtyard, King Terenas Menethil's tomb[1], along with the Translocator to Silvermoon. The Sewers form another section of the Undercity, and serve as another entrance to support both land and air travel into and out of the underground capital as well as another possible breach point for Alliance infiltrators.

Areas of the Undercity:

  • The Ruins of Lordaeron (surface entry area)
  • Central Courtyard (from surface elevators)
  • The Apothecarium (southwest from center or from canal route)
  • The Royal Quarter (southern most room, enter northwest of Apothecarium)
  • The Rogues' Quarter (southeast from center or from canal route)
  • The Magic Quarter (northeast from center or from canal route)
  • The War Quarter (northwest from center or from canal route)
  • The Sewers (west part of canal route or Lordaeron cliffside)
  • The Canal Circle route (goes through each quarter around central area)

[edit] Transportation[2]

The first way to enter the Undercity is by foot, which is easily done by the Forsaken. Another common way is by Zeppelin from outside of Orgrimmar, the capital of the Horde nation on Kalimdor, or from Grom'Gol in Stranglethorn Vale to the outside of the Undercity. Finally, a bat or wyvern can be taken from the Sepulcher in Silverpine Forest, Tarren Mill in the Hillsbrad Foothills, Hammerfall in the Arathi Highlands, Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands, Kargath in the Badlands or Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands to reach the city. Since the expansion there is a teleportation device found in the western section of the entrance courtyard of the Undercity which players with The Burning Crusade installed can get to Silvermoon city in Quel'Thalas. It is also possible for Alliance players to sneak in via the tunnel used by the bat transport system.

[edit] Notes

  1.  King Terenas was cremated, so this crypt is presumed to be a memorial, not a crypt containing his corpse.
  2.  This information only applies to the World of Warcraft video game.

[edit] External links

Warcraft Universe
Azeroth | Draenor | Eastern Kingdoms | Gnomeregan | Kalimdor | Northrend | Lordaeron | Khaz Modan | Azeroth Kingdom | Quel'Thalas | Dalaran | Darnassus | The Exodar | Ironforge | Silvermoon | Stormwind | Orgrimmar | Shattrath City | Thunder Bluff | Undercity | Well of Eternity
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