Unchartered Territory

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"Unchartered Territory" is the twenty-eighth episode of the French animated television series Code Lyoko. It premiered in France on September 7, 2005 and in the United States on September 20, 2005.


[edit] Summary

While Aelita adjusts to her new life on Earth, Jeremie and the others investigate the mysterious owner of the Hermitage, Franz Hopper, and his link to the Supercomputer, Lyoko, and XANA.

[edit] Recap

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The episode starts with a dream sequence. A dressed-up elf emitting a contrail of sparkles is being chased through the dense underbrush of a large forest by a pack of wolves. As the wolves howl and bound down ridges to catch their fleeing prey, the enigmatic elf keeps running. Soon, he trips over a root and looks up. Shrouded by tree shade, a black wolf with glowing yellow eyes is lurking in some bushes. The elf takes off again, this time with the original wolf pack chasing him, as well as this new dark wolf. Eventually, the elf finds refuge in a tree. He climbs up the trunk and into the knothole. The panting elf watches through the aperture at the wolf pack. Howling, the wolves realize that they have lost their prey and lose interest. As they scamper off, the dark wolf suddenly appears at the knothole and begins snapping violently at the screaming elf. The elf's screams suddenly mege with Aelita's as the girl screams herself awake.

Jeremie does some investigating on the Internet about The Hermitage. After a night of hacking, he finds the deed to the house. It is signed by a "Franz Hopper". He also finds that there used to be a science teacher at Kadic Junior High School with the same name, and wonders if they're the same person. Ulrich thinks it's likely, but Jeremie wants to be sure, and suggests checking Kadic's archives. Jeremie further suggests a connection between The Hermitage and the equipment in the Factory, and Lyoko too.

Aelita's fitful sleep makes her miss revielle, so she must contend with a long line for the girl's shower room. Aelita leaves her dorm, only to find herself brining up the rear of a very long queue of girls waiting for a morning shower. It turns out that Sissi was in the shower for an extra long time. Other girls in the line complain and call Sissi out for her selfishness. Sissi ignores the cat-calls and pushes past Milly and Tamiya. Tamiya comments that the line might actually start to move, to which Sissi says, "Grow up, kiddies!" Milly and Tamiya stick their tongues out at Sissi when she has past. When Sissi encounters Aelita at the end of the line, she can't resist playing a prank on the new girl. Sissi croons, "Poor thing. You'll be waiting several hours for a shower at this rate. Fortunately, there's a shower upstairs with no girls in sight." Aelita thanks Sissi and walks upstairs. Sissi encounters Hervé and Nicolas. Nicolas says, "Wow. You're even meaner than I thought," to which Sissi titters.

Aelita enters the upstairs shower room, but is promptly shooed away by a startled Ulrich and Odd, who tell the confused Aelita that this is the Boy's Showers. Ulrich and Odd escort Aelita out, only to find Sissi, Hervé, and Nicholas there, watching. Sissi says, "What did I tell you? No girls in sight!" Ulrich gets angry at Sissi for playing such a trick on Aelita. After all, Sissi knows fully well that Aelita will easily fall for such tricks. Sissi doesn't appear to care. She says that Aelita is going to have to adapt, because "It's a jungle out there!" Odd seizes the moment to make a joke at Sissi's expense and says, "You're telling me! I'm looking at a big Baboon right now!" He, Ulrich and Aelita laugh while Sissi and her gang walk away in a huff. Suddenly, Jim comes up and yells at Aelita for attempting to take a shower in a stall reserved for the opposite gender. Ulrich intervenes on Aelita's behalf and asks Jim to take it easy, since Aelita is a new student. Jim says, "Yes. But you are not," and lets Aelita off with a warning.

Outside on the Quad, Aelita meets Yumi and tells her about the recurring nightmares and says that she can't adapt to the strange way of life on Earth. Yumi assures her that it's just because she's not used to living on here, and she's only been here for less than a week.

Jeremie, Odd and Ulrich sneak into the Administrative Wing. Ulrich and Odd keep watch while Jeremie picks the lock to the School Archives. In the dim room stuffed with filing cabinet, Jeremie opens the "H" drawer and finds a file for "HOPPER." In it, Jeremie finds a document signed by the teacher Franz Hopper and compares the signature with the one on the deed to The Hermitage; they match, proving that they are the same person. Jeremie is delayed in leaving, however, because Ulrich and Odd have to sidle around Nicole Weber, who asks the two boys what they are up to in her British accent. Ulrich and Odd do the tricky footwork and make up an acceptable excuse. The three boys depart the Administrative Wing without further delay.

In the Administrative Wing's breezeway vestibule, Jeremie and his group meet Aelita and Yumi. Jeremie proposes that he, Odd and Ulrich pay a visit to The Hermitage to do some investigating. Aelita offers to come, citing her interest in the dingy house. Jeremie denies her request and tells Aelita to stay put at school, citing a teacher's reaction to absences and keeping Aelita's safety in mind. Defeated, Aelita walks away while Jeremie, Odd and Ulrich walk in the opposite direction.

Jeremie, Odd, and Ulrich enter the city's woodland reserve and visit The Hermitage. The three enter the foyer and walk into the Library where Jeremie approaches a bookshelf full of dusty tomes. The young prodigy shows no surprise at the content of Hopper's collection, reading off the names of various renowned physists. However, Jeremie is surprised to find an Ancient History book nestled amongst the scientific volumes. Ulrich peers at the cover, seeing a picture of elephants trampling horses in the Alps. Ulrich says, "The Tunic Wars?" reading the title. Jeremie says, "No. Punic, not Tunic. You know, the wars between the Romans and the Carthaginians? We learned about it last year, don't you remember?" To this Ulrich simply says, "No." Jeremie shakes his head and flips through a few chapters concerning the art and naval power of the ancienct Carthage civilization. Jeremie takes the book with him when the trio departs.

At Kadic, Aelita is on her own in the Cafeteria. She is attempting to purchase lunch, but is completely baffled by the inner workings of a school cafeteria. She stares at a refrigerator counter containing exotic appetizers, trying to determine if the food is safe to eat or not. She is startled by Christophe M'Bala, who tells Aelita to move it and that she is holding up the line. Admonsihed, Aelita meekly moves on past the Appetizer Counter and finds herself in front of Rosa Petitjean who is looming over two large soup pots. Rosa says in a friendly tone of voice, "What'll it be hon? Franks and Beans or Steak and Potatoes?" Aelita equivocates, not knowing what either of these two meals consist of or even what they are. Her bad day turns worse as two other students, Jean-Baptiste Pujol and Sandra Dialo, yell at Aelita for holding up the line and complain that they are starving. Rosa glares at them and silences the two dissenters. She looks back at the spot where Aelita was, but the new girl has disappeared. Rosa merely calls up the next student and M'Bala, Pujol and Dialo surge forward with the rest of the line, clamoring for sustenance. Aelita has taken refuge in a corner of the Cafeteria, holding an empty tray. She looks up and sees Yumi. Aelita calls out to her friend, but her greeting falls on deaf ears. Yumi sits alone with William, who is pleased at the company. Aelita gives up a drops her tray, leaving the Cafeteria. Outside on the steps, Sissi sticks her face into Aelita's and tauntingly asks, "Going back the the Great White North?" Aelita, her bad day a disaster, tearfully cries, "Why not? At least I feel at home there!" The distresse girl runs off into the Park.

In science class, Mrs. Hertz is taking roll call. She notices that Aelita is not present, alerting Jeremie, Ulrich, and Odd to this. When Jeremie asks where Aelita went, Sissi is only too proud to inform them that, "She told me she was going back to Canada!" Jeremeie sits aghast and breaths, "Canada?!" Sissi and recounts her last exchange with Aelita. Jeremie pretends to be ill and asks to go to the Infirmary. When Mrs. Hertz gives the go-ahead, Ulrich and Odd accompany him.

Jeremie quickly figures out exactly where Aelita must have gone; she has returned to Lyoko. They all race to the Factory with Yumi.

At the Factory, Aelita activates the virtualization process and steps into a Scanner. She is transferred, scanned and virtualized into Lyoko's Forest Sector. There, she walks dejectedly along a path until she encounters some hostile Bloks.

Jeremie sends Ulrich, Odd, and Yumi to Lyoko, where they find themselves under separate attack. They battle, trying to get to Aelita, but encounter heavy resistance. Jeremie sends them their Vehicles.

Aelita manages to escape her enemies, but is quickly cornered by them at a cliff that drops directly into the Digital Void. Aelita, already quite scared by her ordeal, has her fear heightened. Unexpectedly, a white orb with the Eye of XANA on it appears out of nowhere and engulfs Aelita. Jeremie loses touch with her; she has completely disappeared from his detectors. Yumi panics, fearing that Aelita has been killed by her attackers, but Jeremie thinks it isn't that. He finds that she has disappeared from the sector, and has actually disappeared completely from Lyoko.

The orb drops Aelita into a blue, spherical chamber of massive proportions. An opening appears in the wall and Aelita walks through it to explore, but is harassed by a new breed of blind slug-like monsters with laser canons in their mouths. Aelita is chased through a few more blue rooms that consist of geometric shapes and is cornered, when suddenly the monsters move off. The room Aelita is in suddenly reconfigures and numerous blue cubes arise from the floor. Aelita then encounters another breek of monster. A massive floating jellyfish-like monster with whip-like tentacles wafts towards the cowering AI and picks her up and levitates her with its tentacles. Three of the monster's tentacles then glow red as they lock onto Aelita's head.

The remaining three on Lyoko continue to be attacked when Jeremie figures out what has happened. He explains his findings to the embattled group. Jeremie says he discovered Fifth Sector of Lyoko, one that they didn't know about before. When a window popus up on the Interface screen Jeremie reads in a surprised tone, "Welcome to...Carthage?" Figuring that Aelita must be there, he tries to figure out how to get there, and finds he needs a code.

Ulrich tells Jeremie to hurry up, as the attack on Lyoko is getting fierce. Jeremie guesses that the code is related to the historical Carthage, and looks in the book he took from The Hermitage for words that might be the code. He types in the name of Carthage's most famous general, Hannibal. This fails, so Jeremie tries Hannibal's father, Hamilcar. This also fails, so Jeremie tries Hannibal's sister and then Carthage's chief god, Moloch. None of these work, so Jeremie attempts to troubleshoot the problem logically. Jeremie muses that if he wants to get into Carthage, he has to conquer it. He finds the name of the Roman general who conquered Carthage in the book, and enters it as the Code: SCIPIO.

The white orb appears again on Lyoko, making the attackers back away. It engulfs Ulrich, Odd, and Yumi, and carries them through the Forest Sector at high speed, to a white void where many of the wires that run through the Forest Sector converge.

The orb travels through a dizzying arrangement of moving blue geometrical walls and arrives in what appears to be the same chamber Aelita arrived in. The three leave the orb and Yumi asks Jeremie what Sector 5 looks like when he welcomes them to it. Jeremie says it looks like a sphere, but then sees a timer popup on screen and tells the gang to hurry. They go to search for Aelita. They find her being attacked by the jellyfish monster, which Jeremie finds is stealing her memories. They attack it until it releases her and retreats.

The timer runs out and the walls begin to close around them, so Jeremie tells them to hurry back. After a harried run through a towering hallway where the paneled walls close quickly behind them and attempt to crush the group They return to where the orb dropped them off, after almost losing Aelita. Jeremie calls another orb to return them to the Forest Sector with the same Code: SCIPIO. Aelita enters a Tower to devirtualize via the Code: EARTH while Jeremie materializes the other three directly from Lyoko.

Back on Earth, it is nightime at the school's Dormitory Building. Aelita apologizes for running away. The others comfort her, letting her know that they understand how difficult it is for her. Jeremie also apologizes for leaving Aelita behind on the Hermitage expedition and promises to spend more time with her. Aelita briefly touches on the Jellyfish monster, and Odd promises to teach Aelita a few comeback disses she can use against Sissi. Ulrich comments that he can't wait to return to Sector 5 and says there is so much to explore. Jeremie says that will have to wait and that for now, Sector 5 is Uncharted Territory. Sissi comes to gloat and notices Aelita sitting on the bed. Sissi says, "Oh. I see you've found Miss Einstein." Ulrich points at Sissi accusingly and calls her out for taking three showers in one day. Sissi says cooly, "Well you know Ulrich dear, a flower like me must be watered often." Odd, who is getting more cheesed off by the second, clenches his fist and is about to call Sissi an obscene name when Aelita cuts her friend off. "It's true, you know. After all, who knows Sissi. You might just sprout a brain!" Jeremie, Ulrich and Yumi laugh while Sissi stands disarmed and embarrassed at Aelita's dis. She turns away and says, "Bunch of creeps!" Jeremie tells Aelita that she could teach Odd a few comebacks and Odd gives Aelita a noogie.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Memorable quotes

Jeremie: Nice going guys, but hurry up! The Bloks are catching up to Aelita!
Odd: What are you waiting for? Call us a taxi!
Jeremie: Hey! Remember The Hermitage?
Ulrich: You mean the house where Aelita had those visions? Bad memory Jeremie.
Jeremie: Right! Well I wanted to check it out a little closer, and I found out something a-mazing!
Odd: What would really be a-mazing is if there were still some eggs left when we get down to breakfast!
Jeremie: Odd, you're a real walking stomach. You know that?
Odd: And you're a walking brain. You see? We compliment each other!
Odd: She must be really mad at us.
Jeremie: This is no time for jokes Odd.
Ulrich: Can’t you give Aelita a break for once? You knew she’d believe you, right?
Sissi: What can I say, Ulrich sweetie? She’s going to have to adapt. It’s a jungle out there!
Odd: You can say that again. I’m looking at a big Baboon right now!
(A message window pops up on the screen)
Jeremie: Welcome to Carthage?
Jeremie: Welcome to Sector five everyone!
Yumi: What does it look like?
Jeremie: A sphere that…. (A timer appears on the screen, and begins to countdown) Uhh, it’s probably bad news.
Jeremie: I got a signal! A very weak one, but… hey that’s strange. Aelita is not in this sector anymore. She’s not in any sector, actually!
Ulrich: Wait! Could you explain that a little better?
Jeremie: No, not really. Lets just say she’s in a sector… that doesn't exist.
Ulrich: (to Sissi) Yeah, while you were taking your third shower of the day!
Sissi: Well you know Ulrich dear, a beautiful flower like me needs to be watered often!
Odd: (frustrated) You...
Aelita: Yes, you never know. You might just sprout a brain!

[edit] Trivia

[edit] Cinematic notes

  • When Mrs. Hertz allows Ulrich and Odd to take Jeremie to the Infirmary, the rims of her glasses are briefly darker than they were previously.

[edit] Allusions to the real world

  • The New Territory: Carthage

The fifth region was named after an ancient imperial capital in North Africa.

  • Code: SCIPIO

This entry code is named in honor of Scipio Africanus, the Roman general who managed to outwit Hannibal at the Battle of Zama and eventually destroyed Carthage itself.

  • Jeremie types in many codes on his Interface screen, each one referring to a famous aspect of Carthaginian history.

Famous Carthaginian general who defeated a Roman army in the Alps utilizing elephants and infantry.


Another Carthaginian general and Hannibal's father. He was fiercely anti-Roman and made Hannibal swear at the Altar of Baal that he would hate Rome forever and destroy it.


Hannibal's sister and Hamilcar's daughter


Another name for Baal and the chief god of the religions practiced by the Phoenicians, Carthaginians and related cultures in North Africa and the Levant. Moloch was often portrayed as a hybrid between an ox and other animals.

  • Jeremie: (while observing Hopper's collection of physics books) Planck, Heisenberg, Trudinger...

These are the last names of three famous physicits.

Planck refers to Max Planck, a famous German physicist.
Heisenberg refers to Werner Heisenberg, a famous German nuclear physicist and Nobel laureate winner who helped discover quantum mechanics.
Trudinger refers to Neil Sidney Trudinger, who was not actually a famous physicist, but instead an Australian mathematician on equal renown. He is best known for discovering Trudinger's theorem.
Preceded by:
"New Order"
Code Lyoko episodes Followed by: