Una virus

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Una virus is a member of the Togaviridae family of viruses and is a member of the Semliki Forest virus (SFV) complex, and a subtype of the Mayaro virus (MAYV)4. This means that the Una virus is a class IV virus according to the Baltimore classification of viruses. It consists of a sigle stranded RNA, linear genome. The Una virus its self is a widely distributed in South America, where infections have been detected in mosquitoes and vertebrate hosts such as humans, birds and horses.

The Una virus is a Arbovirus, which is a shorten term for a virus that is transmitted primarily by an arthropod, meaning that the Una virus is a arthropod-borne viruses.

[edit] Location and Distribution

The Una virus was first isolated in the Psorophora ferox mosquitoes in the state of Para, Brazil. The virus is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America, such as Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Panama, Surinam, Trinidad and Venezuela. The Una virus is however the only member of the SFV complex which has activity reported in Argentina, where two strains of the virus, (Cba An 979 and Cba An 995) have been isolated from febrile or dead equines at Rio Segundo and Colonia Videla, two villages located in the province of Cordoba. The reporting of the Una virus in Argentina demonstrates an enlargement of the viruses southern limit of its distribution.

[edit] References



