Template:UN document

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[edit] Usage

Template for referring to documents published by the UN. These are given codes, eg S/RES/1441 (2002) for UN Security Council Resolution 1441


Some of these values are mutually redundant, but alternatives are necessary.

  • code: Document code (eg A/58/PV.12)
  • anchor: a pointer of form pg(pageno)-bk(blockno)-pa(paragraphno)
  • description: Word description of the
  • body: A=General Assembly S=Security Council
  • session: session number (eg 58)
  • meeting: meeting number (eg 12)
  • type: PRST=Presidential Statement RES=Resolution PV=Verbatim Report
  • page: pagenumber
  • date: date of publication (the one on the document)
  • time: time of meeting (sometimes several happen on one day)
  • speakername: name of the speaker whose speech is being referred to
  • speakernation: nation of the speaker whose speech is being referred to
  • accessdate: date of access

A page of codes is at http://www.library.yorku.ca/ccm/ScottReference/govpubs/guides/unindex.htm

For reasons best known to itself, the UN site does not support links on their website that go directly to these documents.

It's possible to decode it into english without reference to all the fields, but it will require http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/StringFunctions to be installed.

You can get to the documents through http://documents.un.org/simple.asp