User talk:Ultranet

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[edit] İQTElif

Hi! Your are promouting IQTElif, as I'd understood. It seems that this orthorgraphy is used much more rarely that official-based orthographies? I want know more about it, whose introduction it is ect... ??? And if you can please list sites written in IQTElif!

ps. As Zamanälif is used more, prease, write Tatar word such as İdel with Zamanälif orthography. This is a Kazan Tatar word, not Crimean or Turkish! Regards, --Üntïflër (ә?) 14:43, 20 September 2006 (UTC)

İQTElif is the most accurate Latin-based İdíl-Ural Tatar alphabet out 6 or 7 that are in use, and I remember giving leaflets with it to Bötön Dönya Tatar Qoroltayı delegates in late 1990s. You can read about a comparison of alphabet that was considered for official acceptance and İQTElif here: here.
İdíl is the right way to spell the word in Qazan Tatar, because İdel would read similar to Intel, and Tatar 'í' is a completely different vowel from 'e'. You can read more about it here. I tend to think communists used e for this vowel to distance our language from other kindred languages, just like they introduced different alphabets among all of those. In Uzbek, there is a similar vowel, and it is represented by regular 'i'. Communists made Tatars use 4 different alphabets within less than 50 years in the first half of 20th century, so i'm sure i don't need to argue that one needs to look at the language the way it is, and not the way communists made it look like.
--Ultranet 03:27, 27 September 2006 (UTC)
Yarar, añlaşıldı... Min üze İQTelifke qarşı çıqmím, läkin İdel turında berniçä fiker bar: Säğit Rämiev zamanınnan böten Tatar älifbaları e xärefe qullannalar. İnglizçä dä Urısça da yazğanda bu Tatar awazın e belän tapşıralar, bu taríxí transkruipsiä. Miña qalsa, Tatar wikiendä konvertorlar tözätkäç, bez tekstnı İQTelifke äyländerä alaçaqbız. Läkin xäzerge köngä räsmi älifba populárrraq bula, şunnan, İngliz tekslarında Zamanälif qullaníq, ä İQTelifne cäyälärdä yaza alabız. As for accuracy it is rather disputed, as Tatar ä is much open that Turkish e häm Üzbäk a-gä turı kilä... --Üntïflër (ә?) 15:19, 2 October 2006 (UTC)
You are mistaken my friend. You can find audio samples on the web, and listen to the pronunciation, e.g., in "gel". --Ultranet 03:27, 3 October 2006 (UTC)
Kommunistlar turında: sin üze qaysı cirlärdän bulasın? Miña qalsa, Tilde, fikirde... kommunistlar ideologiäsennän şäbräk tügelder.... --Üntïflër (ә?) 15:19, 2 October 2006 (UTC)
Qırım Tatarça yazdığız, efendím. Qazan Tatarçasında, İsmail Ğaspıralı'nıñ bu meşhür ğibaresí [bolay] xeríflenír: Tílde, fikírde, íşte bírlík. --Ultranet 03:27, 3 October 2006 (UTC)
Tatarlar Töreklärgä qaramíça üz tele belän älifbasın tözergä tieşter...
PS. Tatar teleneñ IPA bilgelären kürgäneñ barmı?
Xörmät belän, --Üntïflër (ә?) 15:19, 2 October 2006 (UTC)
İQTElif hiçbír başqa elifbadan kim tügíl we "İdíl" eytílíşke tuğrı bulğan bír yazılış. Qanundağı elifba bílen ayırmalar xaqında süz ittím indí. İñglizçe de, eytkenímçe, Intel kíbík eytílír sıman bu süzní xeríflew de yalğış.
Qazan Tatarımın.
[IPA]'nı elbette kürgením bar: bírínçí cawabımdağı 2nçí bocranı tefsillep uqığan bulsa idígíz, IPA transkripsiyelerní de kürgen bulır idígíz.
Tarixten süz itesíz. Tarixíbízde iñ ışanıçlı elifba, 1920'ge qader qullanılğan standart Ğerep elifbası. Qalğanı, İQTElif'ten başqa, uydırmalar. Tílíbízge bulğanı rewíşte qararğa tílemesten kommunistler uydırğan elifbalarğa qarap yeşerge tílegennerge we İsmail Ğaspıralı bílen fikírdeş bulmağannarğa zaman xeqiqetní kürsetír. Tatarçanıñ qardeş tíllerí meğlüm, alarğa 1920'ge qader bulğan imla yaqınlığı we xezírgí fonetik yaqınlıq urtada. Eger ayırım, yırağraq bulayıq disegíz Tatarlıqtan başqa bír milliyetní qabul itüwígíz şart bulır. Tílíbíz uydırılğan qısalarda totıla almas.
İQTElif bílen kilíşmesegíz, ul sízníñ şexsi saylaw we xaqığız. Urtada iñ az cidí törlí elifba bar. Herkímníñ her bírín oşatuwı kötílmes. Kerwan yene de yöri torır.
--Ultranet 03:27, 3 October 2006 (UTC)

Tertiplew menfağetínde bíraz texrir ittím. İte ite, aqılıma bír allegoriye kildí: Ğasırlarça tawis kíbík yeşegen bulabız; indí başnı qomnan çığaru zamanı... ;)

Xörmetler, --Ultranet 05:32, 4 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Original research


I'm sorry - i don't know Tatar.

Please take a look at Talk:İQTElif.

Thanks. --Amir E. Aharoni 13:30, 8 January 2007 (UTC)