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Ultrastar may also refer to Ultrastar hard drives.

UltraStar is a Free software SingStar clone, licensed under the GNU General Public License.[1]


[edit] Programming

UltraStar is an open-source karaoke program which is based off and looks similar to Singstar for PS2. UltraStar allows you to add your own songs in the forms of mp3s along with a text file (see below).

UltraStar was programmed in Kylix/Delphi for all 32-bit windows operating systems.

[edit] Interface

Ultrastar looks exactly the same as the original Singstar as it is a Clone.

[edit] Songs

The game comes preloaded with a short sample from Jamelia - Superstar but it does not contain a video, only a white background is displayed. Packaged with the game is an editor to put songs in allowing for videos as well.

[edit] How it works

Just like Singstar you are scored on your ability to sing to the right note.

It gets its notes and lyrics from a text file.

At the top of a text file you have tags that come together to look like this:

#MP3:Jamelia - Superstar.mp3
#COVER:Jamerlia - Superstar [CO].jpg

[edit] Tags to use in Text File

#TITLE - The Title of the Song.
#ARTIST - The Artist that performs the Song.
#MP3 - The filename of the MP3 (The Background Track).
#GAP - The Gap before the lyrics begin (1000 = 1 Second).
#BPM - Beats Per Minute. The tempo of the song. Use comma for more accuracy. Eg. 102,4
#CREATOR - The Name of the person who created the Text File for UltraStar.
#EDITION - The edition the Song Belongs to.
#LANGUAGE - The language of the Song lyrics.
#GENRE - The music type of the Song.
#COVER - The filename of the Cover Art jpg
#BACKGROUND - The filename of the Background Image jpg
#VIDEO - The filename of the Video File mpeg1
#NOTESGAP - Unknown
#RELATIVE - Time is counted for every textline separately not from the beginning
#START - The time cut from the beginning of the song. This is used to skip long intros or beginning silence.
#VIDEOGAP - The time cut from the start of the video file in seconds.
: - A note then follows by note start, note length and tone then lyric(usually in the format of ": 2 4 56 la")
* - A golden note, as above for formatting ("* 2 4 56 la")
F - A freestyle note, as above for formatting ("F 2 4 56 la")
- - A Line Break (format of - position eg. "- 45" would come after the last syllable of a line of lyrics that was at position 42 and was 3 or 2 in length.)

[edit] References

  1. ^ http://sourceforge.net/projects/ultrastar

[edit] External links

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