Talk:Ultimate Iron Man

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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Ultimate Iron Man article.
This is not a forum for general discussion about the article's subject.

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[edit] Topics

Stark was described as suffering from 'third degree burn' like symptoms. This is innacurate in that third degree burns are painless... the nerves are all dead. I changed it to second degree, but perhaps simply burns would suffice? --Nec

[edit] Finished?

The Ultimates Marvel Universe page describes Ultmate Iron Man as a "finished" series. Is that true? If so, shouldn't it say so here? ShawnVW 18:10, 22 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Keep or Merge

Keep, More info will is add !--Brown Shoes22 15:41, 13 July 2005 (UTC)
Keep, there are vast differences between Ultimate Iron Man and 616 Iron Man, as in general 616 Avengers and Ultimates are only loosely connected. Onomatopoeia 03:04, 18 July 2005 (UTC)
Keep, yes, but because there really is an "Ultimate Iron Man" comic. I now favour condensing the article, concentrating on the actual happenings in that comic. Onomatopoeia 05:07, 7 August 2005 (UTC)
Don't merge this. The characters are different and merit their own articles.--GingerM 15:33, 18 July 2005 (UTC)
Merge! Different version of Iron man, you cant have different pages for all alternate universe versions of comic heroes. -- Sunburst 21:19, 2005 July 18 (UTC)
Keep, definately. The two characters have backstories almost as radically different as 616-Thor/Ultimate Thor. They will only get farther apart as time goes on, and more issues of the mini are released. -- The Timeturner 01:58, July 19, 2005 (UTC)
This discussion has already happened at Other than his illness and some differences in his motivation, I don't find him to be all that distinct from the original. --DropDeadGorgias (talk) 15:12, July 19, 2005 (UTC)
The main discussion concluded that the the Ultimate article should be merged unless it becomes too large to simply be a sub-article. We're discussing here whether or not this specific article has reached that point. 4 of us think it has (and should thus remain seperate), 2 of us don't. -- The Timeturner
Well, the destinction on WikiProject was "unmanageably large", which makes me think near the 32k limit. I honestly don't think the two are different enough to warrant separate pages. If we can have one page for Superboy, then we can have one page for all the different Iron Mans. I think that it's a lot cleaner with one page, and it sets a bad precedent to wheedle about fairly minor differences between the characters. I still think that an "Ultimate" section in the main article could cover the differences stated here. --DropDeadGorgias (talk) 14:56, July 21, 2005 (UTC)
I agree. The Ultimate line has been successful so far, but it easily can become a minor footnote to Ironman in the future. It doesnt deserve a completely different page. Having one page will allow the reader to get all he needs on the subject of Ironman without bouncing from place to place. --Sunburst 13:30, 2005 July 22 (UTC)
Keep --Brown Shoes22 15:03, 23 July 2005 (UTC)
Keep for the five-issue Ultimate Iron Man miniseries and Merge for the Character History
Merge Character information should appear at Iron Man, while information about the comic series can stay here. EVula 15:11, 25 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Moved from Main page.. Praise be to Card


give major props to [orson scott card] for putting together a knockout first issue dispite not having the titular character appear or even be born until the last page.the wicked cool world of [pseudo]-[plausible] [scientific] [theory] combined with a bit of [corporate] and romantic intrigue between tony stark's parents and their former lovers whet our appetites.Now cue the enterance of Ultimate shellhead,and get them repulsor blast a'flyin'

[edit] Issue #3?

In condensing this page, I realized there is no plot summary for issue #3. If anyone has read it, maybe you'd like to add the missing information, concisely? Brad T. Cordeiro 00:05, 8 October 2006 (UTC)