Ulrich Duchrow

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Ulrich Duchrow, Born 1935, professor of systematic theology at the University of Heidelberg specialising in ecumenical theology and theology-economy issues.

Co-founder and co-moderator of Kairos Europa, a "European decentralised network of justice, peace and creation initiatives working in collaboration with churches, social movements, trade unions and non-governmental organisations both in and outside Europe, for a more just and tolerant society."

Prof. Dr. Duchrow is an effective and respected critic of neoliberalism and global capitalism who has articulated a role for the church in founding a better world.


[edit] Quotation (excerpt)

What must the churches publicly and unequivocally reject in the processus confessionis today?

  1. We suggest to reject the neoliberal ideology and practice, pressed through with ever more economic, political, military and media power subjecting all life and economy to the logic of the limitless accumulation of capital property without social, ecological and democratic obligation to the common good. Neoliberal logic and practice is effective in

  • systemically excluding those who do not own property nor are allowed to do paid work

  • systemically exploiting those who are given paid work

  • subjecting municipal and public basic services like water, energy etc. to the logic of capital accumulation (privatization)

  • regarding ecological care only at costs which must be avoided as much as possible thus destroying the life options of future generations

  • declaring all these negative consequences as non-intentional indirect effects (collateral damages) thus confusing people about who is responsible

  1. We also suggest to reject all religious, mostly individualistic forms of piety and faith that - directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously, passively or actively - legitimize the neoliberal ideology (the logic, spirit and practice of limitless accumulation of capital property through deregulated market mechanisms) and its absoluteness implemented by imperial power. This type of faith and theology contradicting the clear witness of the Bible is most prominent in the USA but - mostly hidden - also in western Europe.

[edit] Writings

1981, Conflict over the Ecumenical Movement: Confessing Christ today in the universal Church, WCC, Geneva

1987, Global Economy – A Confessional Issue for the Churches?, WCC, Geneva

1989: Duchrow, Ulrich, Liedke, G., Shalom – Biblical Perspectives on Creation, Justice & Peace, WCC, Geneva (also available in German, Korean and Dutch)

1990: Duchrow, Ulrich, Eisenbürger, G., Hippler, J.(ed.), Total War Against the Poor: Confidential Documents of the 17th Conference of American Armies, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 1987, New York CIRCUS Publications, Inc., New York

1992, Europe in the World System 1492-1992: Is Justice Possible?, WCC, Geneva

1998, Alternatives to Global Capitalism – Drawn from Biblical History, Designed for Political Action,International Books, Utrecht (also available in German, Italian, Spanish, Indonesian, Korean and Chinese)

1997, People’s and Social Movements in Western Europe, in: I. Batista (ed.), Social Movements, Globalisation, Exclusion: Challenges and Perspectives, WCC, Geneva

1997, Christianity in the Context of Globalized Capitalistic Markets, in Concilium 97/2, April 1997 (also available in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish)

2002: Duchrow, Ulrich, (ed.), Colloquium 2000: Faith communities and social movements facing globalization. Studies from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches No 45, Geneva

2004: Duchrow, Ulrich, Hinkelammert, F.J., Property for People, Not for Profit: Alternatives to the Global Tyranny of Capital, Zed Books/CIIR, London and WCC, Geneva (also available in Spanish and Chinese)

[edit] In Spanish

1997, El Christianismo en el contexto de los mercados capitalistas globalizados, en: Concilium no 270, abril 1997

1998, Alternativas al capitalismo global – extraídas de la historia bíblica y disenadas para la acción política, Ediciones ABYA-YALA, Aya-Yala

2002, La liberación inconclusa del espíritu imperial - Iglesia y teología al final del segundo milenio, en: Fornet-Betancourt, R. (ed.),Globalización capitalista y liberación, Editorial Trotta. Madrid

2003, Duchrow, Ulrich, Hinkelammert, F. J., La vida o el capital. Alternativas a la dictatura global de la propiedad, San José, Costa Rica: DEI

[edit] References

Offizielle Homepage von Ulrich Duchrow, Professor für systematische Theologie an der Universität Heidelberg

Ulrich Duchrow - Wikipedia (German)

[edit] External links

The Kairos America website has a list of articles available online: Ulrich Duchrow - Articles

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