Ukoku Sanzo

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Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Ukoku Sanzo became an apprentice of Goudai Sanzo at the age of 17. His name then was Ken'yuu. he excelled at martial arts and all forms of learing. He was supposedly a genius. He said that he came to the priesthood on order to try and make Sanzo, since he had 'heard how hard that was'.

When Goudai neared death, he called Koumyou Sanzo to his temple to witness his succession. He arranged for his best pupils to meet hi,m and fight him to decide his successor (Goudai's temple taught martial arts), leaving out Ken'yuu. He claimed the apprentice did not have the qualities of a Sanzo. When the time came, however, Ken'yuu appeared anyway and, slaughtering the other candidates with vastly superior use of Buddhist techniques, he defeated Goudai, killing him. Koumyou, witness to this, named him and took him to the Three Aspects. Ukoku's chakra never appeared on his forehead, indicating he was not chosen by the gods.

Ukoku Sanzo disappeared, only to re-emerge as Dr Ni Jianyi, the Genius biological engineer masterminding the Revival of Gyumaoh. His apprentice, known only as 'Kami-sama' met the Sanzo-ikkou in battle, and lost.

Saiyuki (manga)
v  d  e
Saiyuki · Saiyuki Gaiden · Saiyuki Reload · Saiyuki Gunlock
Sanzo Party: Genjo Sanzo/Koumyou Sanzo · Son Goku · Sha Gojyo · Cho Hakkai · Hakuryu
Kougaiji's Group: Kougaiji · Lirin · Dokugakuji · Yaone
Gyumaoh's Revival Group: Gyokumen Koushou · Dr. Ni Jianyi/Ukoku Sanzo
Others: War Prince Nataku · Gyumaoh · Kanan ·