Talk:UK railway stations - S

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Currently the longest article. All it needs for a bit of management is some kind soul who is half proficient (or more) at dividing simple tables. Separate pages for "Sa-Sd", Se-..." are the ultimate solution if the "UK" remains the basic unit.

An alternative that comes to mind is a division by "country". But that would probably leave England still over 32kB under "S" AND would be quite inconsistent with the current UK railway stations arrangement, because any such split should be at the top level rather than at the level of individual initial letters.

Trainspotters, put your thinking-caps on! (I'll go back to "Railroad Tycoon", where 32 stations is the absolute maximum) :Robin Patterson 00:11, 18 Apr 2004 (UTC)


[edit] St. in alphabetical order

Most alphabetical lists, including the Network Rail timetable, put stations beginning with St. as though it were expanded to Saint. I.e. St. Ives would come before Salford Central. Any objections to me moving them? --Tivedshambo 08:53, 2 June 2006 (UTC)

Done. Simply south 21:52, 2 June 2006 (UTC)

Now you have done that would hiving off the "Saints" into their own list cut the size of th "S" station section? Or are there drawbacks? Britmax 14:34, 11 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Non-existent stations in Southampton Docks

I've removed the following entries:

| [[Southampton Docks railway station|Southampton Docks]] || {{mmukpc|SO14|7DW}} || {{brldb|SDK}} |- | [[Southampton Town Quay railway station|Southampton Town Quay]] || {{mmukpc|SO14|7DW}} || {{brldb|STQ}} |- | [[Southampton East Docks railway station|Southampton East Docks]] || {{mmukpc|SO14|7DW}} || {{brldb|SEK}} |- | [[Southampton Royal Pier railway station|Southampton Royal Pier]] || {{mmukpc|SO14|7DW}} || {{brldb|SMP}} |- | [[Southampton West Docks railway station|Southampton West Docks]] || {{mmukpc|SO14|7DW}} || {{brldb|SPW}} |-


  • I don't believe any of these railway stations actually exist
  • They all have the same postcode, which cannot be right as the specified locations are not that near to each other
  • The links to the live departure boards all give errors
  • There hasn't been a rail connection to Town Quay or Royal Pier for many years now.

I may be going slightly too far here. I know that occassional passenger trains do operate (or have operated until recently) into the east docks to connect with Cunard line cruise ships at the QEII terminal. But I don't know which one of the above, if any, is supposed to represent that terminal. It is also just about possible that passenger trains operate into the west docks to connect with P&O cruise ships.

If someone can clarify what is what, confirm passenger trains are operating, and correct the postode and departure links, I have no objection to reinstatement. -- Chris j wood 14:19, 22 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Other Stations

I have removed two items from this list; Scrabster, deleted as it does not have a station and anyway links to Thurso, and Southsea hoverport, for which I have written an article as a Hoverport (which it is). I will scan the list and check for more stations when I can find my Anorak. Britmax 13:17, 11 June 2006 (UTC)

Saffron Walden - resist the temptation to delete this apparent duplication as Saffron Walden did have its own station once - more work needed Britmax 13:33, 11 June 2006 (UTC)

Seaton Sea Front - is this the name of the southerly station on the tram line? Britmax 14:20, 11 June 2006 (UTC)

St Peters - The only reference I can find is to a station in the Northeast UK but the multimap ref is in Kent. More work needed. Britmax 13:30, 11 June 2006 (UTC)

Stonehenge deleted - No Station ever Britmax 14:18, 11 June 2006 (UTC)

Shaftesbury TH(Town Hall) is a bus terminus for the Wilts & Dorset route from Bournemouth. It is a great place at the top of the famous Gold Hill. I have, however, deleted it from this list as (the best laid plans of Victorian railway builders notwithstanding) there has never been a railway station anywhere in Shaftesbury.

[edit] Open and Closed

I've just noticed, there are quite a few stations in the list which were closed years ago. Is this list meant to incroporate currently opened stations or all stations? Simply south 15:56, 11 June 2006 (UTC)

My view is that this list is for open stations only - adding all the closed stations would make it hopelessly unwieldy. There is a separate list of closed stations anyway. --Tivedshambo 16:45, 11 June 2006 (UTC)

Yes there is - as you've woken me up to this I might shorten th "S" station sectin by sifting the closed ones out. Unless anyone else beats me to it.Britmax 08:51, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

Updates to National Rail Timetable as far as Shoreham. Will check the rest, plus links, tonight if possible.--Tivedshambo 11:55, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

It is probably best to also check the other sections as well, just in case Britmax, Tivedshambo or anyone else on the job. Simply south 16:47, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

I've updated the page a bit more, correcting links to a few stations and deleting others, some which strangely seemed to be non-existant. Recently Simply south 19:23, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

What I think is happening is that someone has copied or moved the index from the national railway timetable without realising that not all the items in the index are railway stations or ever were (for example Shaftesbury Town Hall is a bus terminus, and see my article on Southsea Hoverport, a similar case). There is actually something to be said for this as the work does have value as long as we are aware of potential pitfalls like this one. Britmax 21:26, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

Didn't get the chance to do any more checking last night - will try today if possible. I also think each page (A, B,C etc) should be checked for consistency with each other. Has this been discussed anywhere?--Tivedshambo 06:45, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

The data was originally dumped into wikipedia as a very long list with no provenance. Lord knows where it came from, but yes, it includes some things that are not open / were never railway stations. FWIW. We should write a spec for what is in & what is not - e.g. do we want operating heritage railway stations? Do we not want light rail systems. Umm. And we should sometime get all the tables looking as or more pretty than UK railway stations - A --Tagishsimon (talk)

I just want to check something else. Are these lists meant to include all railway stations, or are they not meant to have heritage railway stations (with exceptions) or related..? Simply south 15:24, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

I'm not sure there is consensus on that. My vote would be for heritage stations, but as I noted above, we need to define what shuld & should not be included. There has already been discussion of this at Talk:UK railway stations - A but no consensus. I'd like to hear User:Tivedshambo's and User:Simply souths thoughts, since they're currently doing good work pruning & patching. --Tagishsimon (talk)

If so, how about different sections in the same list i.e. one for National Rail stations and one for Heritage Railway stations. Perhaps even "List of UK Heritage Railway stations" seperate and adding a See also section at the bottom of the current lists to link the two. How about? Simply south 12:17, 14 June 2006 (UTC)

Nice idea, but at the moment I don't think many preserved stations have their own article. I only came across two stations under S when I was updating this list (Shackerstone and Shenton), and the link for these pointed to the preserved railway article rather than the stations themselves, so I removed them. How useful would people find such a list? --Tivedshambo 12:38, 14 June 2006 (UTC)
I think it is vaguely helpful in an alpha ordered list, to show all stations (however we define all, but I'd include the heritage stations) rather than to compartmentalise them in a seperate section or a see also. Perhaps include & mark them as heritage in some way so's there's no confusion. But I'm not terribly exercised about the decision one way or another; more glad that you're taking time finally to weed out the real chaff. --Tagishsimon (talk)
This is probably bizarre now. If leaving them in there, i was now thinking perhaps that next to each Heritage Railway station there could be a small symbol of a steam train, to distinguish them from the National Rail stations. I'm not sure how to insert that. If someone thinks this is a good idea, please say so (I am not sure how to insert pictures under free use right now, or simply how to insert them generally). Simply south 14:32, 15 June 2006 (UTC)
All we need is to find an appropriate icon. The format is shown below. The example below was the best I could do, given one eye on the fooie (world cup thingie) right now. --Tagishsimon (talk)
Station Name Postcode

External link to
Map of station at

External link to
showing current
Departures and
Arrivals for
this station
St Albans AL1 3TF SAC
St Albans Abbey AL1 2PS SAA
St Andrews Road BS11 9HP SAR
Somewhere Else AB1 2CD XYZ
Just found an icon that could be used, and included it above as an example. I'm willing to do some work in updating these lists, but it's a painstaking task, and I can't spend a lot of time on it. --Tivedshambo (talk) 06:43, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

As i'm useless with images (haven't uploaded any yet and still looking into it) i am probably going to start looking at each page and correct links etc.

btw, i have found the image for UK Heritage Railways here
Heritage Railway icon

but whatever you think is best. If you have already started uploading the image you came up with, keep going.

Simply south 13:18, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

I have only done 2 pages in 1 1/2 pages and it is quite exhausting. Only another 22 to check now. Simply south 14:36, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

I'm beginning to create topics on a few UK railway junctions. At present the few I've added do not coincide with a station. Has anyone any thoughts on the best way to handle things when the station and junction coincide?--7severn7 14:50, 25 August 2006 (UTC)

Probably just do a link to the station. Simply south 15:15, 25 August 2006 (UTC)