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Current Appearance of UIRA's Main Window
Developer: see www.uira.org
OS: aiming for Linux, Mac, Windows
Use: multimedia content creator, and IDE
License: LGPL
Website: www.uira.org

The UIRA project combines the resources and knowledge of the F4L project and the Qflash project, both of which were Open Source applications that provided (to some extent) an alternative to the proprietary (now Adobe) Macromedia Flash MX. UIRA is an acronym for UIRA Isn't a Recursive Acronym.

UIRA is now aimed at doing a bit more than only replacing MM Flash MX (TM) and is aiming at providing a full solution for creating interactive multimedia content. It currently is no more than a shell of a UI with no real functionality behind it whatsoever.

As quoted from UIRA's Official Site:

"The UIRA, project aims at building an OpenSource vector animation Authoring Environment (SWF/SVG) in QT4..."

UIRA is open source (under the LGPL). The UI seems to have been completed although there is still work to be done in other areas.

It is unknown if the project will continue due to the adoption of the DADVSI law in France.

[edit] External links

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