UFO sightings in Brazil

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This is a list of alleged sightings of unidentified flying objects or UFOs in Brazil.


[edit] 1947

Main article: José Higgins
  • On July 23, 1947, topographer José Higgins was working with many laborers in Bauru, São Paulo. Suddenly, they heard an extremely sharp sound. Some moments later, a big object landed near them. Its diameter was about 45 meters, and it seemed made of metal, grey colored and landed on the ground with also metallized “feet”. There was also a “ring” around it, making the object look like Saturn.

[edit] 1957

Main article: Antonio Villas Boas
  • Antonio Villas Boas claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials in 1957. Though similar stories had circulated for years beforehand, Boas's claims was among the first alien abduction stories to receive wide attention.
  • The Burning on Forte Itaipu Sentinels UFO Incident was one of the most famous that involved injuries to human beings. It took place on November 4, 1957, on the Forte Itaipu, in the city of Praia Grande, São Paulo, Brazil.

[edit] 1958

  • At 12:00 pm of January 16, 1958, Brazilian ship Almirante Saldanha, taking part of the projects of Ano Geofísico Internacional, was preparing for sailing away from Ilha de Trindade, off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Captain Viegas was at the deck with several scientists and members of the crew when he suddenly noticed a flying object, which has a “ring” around it, just like Saturn. Everyone has seen the UFO at the same time. It came to the island from the east, flied towards the Pico Desejado (Wished Peak), made a step turn and went away very quickly to the northwest. As soon as the object was noticed Almiro Baraúna was requested for photographing. After getting the camera and going up the quarter-deck, he managed to take great pictures of the object.

[edit] 1967

Main article: Crixás UFO Incident
  • The Crixás Ufo Incident was one of the most famous UFO incidents with disastrous consequences to human beings. It took place on August 13, 1967, in the city of Crixás, Goiás, Brazil. The incident involved confrontation between a farmer and some beings of unknown origin.

[edit] 1977

Main article: Colares UFO flap
  • The Colares flap refers to an outbreak of UFO sightings that occurred in 1977 on the Brazilian island of Colares. During the outbreak, the UFOs allegedly attacked the citizens with intense beams of radiation that left burn marks and puncture wounds. These sightings led to the Brazilian government dispatching a team to investigate under the codename Operation Saucer (Portuguese: Prato), but the government later recalled the team and classified the files until the late 1990s.

[edit] 1979

Main article: Mirassol UFO Incident
  • On 28 July 1979, 'Antonio Carlos Ferreira' claims to have lived an experience of contacts with extraterrestrials. He worked as a security guard at a furniture company, located at Mirassol, São Paulo, Brazil.

[edit] 1980

Main article: Elias Seixas
  • Elias Seixas de Mattos was a truck driver from Rio de Janeiro in 1980, when he had suffered an unexplainable experience. His story, along with the ones from his two friends, has earned an important page in the history of Brazilian Ufology because of the quantity of details he displayed to describe the situations.

[edit] 1996

Main article: Varginha UFO incident
  • The Varginha UFO incident was an incident in Varginha, Brazil, in 1996 involving reports of unidentified flying objects and strange creatures (allegedly extraterrestrials) which were supposedly captured by Brazilian officials.
  • In Saragonha Island, at Patos Lagoon, Haroldo Westendorff witnessed a cone-shaped UFO, 50 to 60 meters tall, and its base was as big as a soccer stadium, with about 100 meters diameter.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

    [edit] External links