Udege language

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Spoken in: Russia 
Region: Russian Far East
Total speakers: 100 out of 1600 in ethnic group (1991)[1]
Language family: Altaic[2] (controversial)
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2:
ISO 639-3: ude

The Udege language (also Udihe language, Udekhe language) is a language of the Tungusic family. It contains a variety of loanwords from the closely-related Nanai language which have supplanted some older Udege vocabulary, such as

  • [banixe] (thank you), from Nanai [banixa], instead of Udege [usasa]
  • [dœlbo] (work), from Nanai [dœbo], instead of Udege [etete]
  • [daŋsa] (book) from Nanai [daŋsa], itself a loanword from Chinese 單子 (Pinyin: dānzi), which actually means "list"

In general, a large degree of mutual assimilation of the two languages has been observed in the Bikin region. Udege has also exerted phonological influence on the Bikin dialect of Nanai, including monopthongisation of diphthongs, denasalisation of nasal vowels, deletion of reduced final vowels, epenthetic vowel preventing consonant final words, and the deletion of intervocalic [w].[3]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Gordon 2005: Udege
  2. ^ Gordon 2005:Altaic
  3. ^ Nikolaeva 2001: 24

[edit] See also

[edit] Bibliography

  • Atknin, V.A.; A. Girfanova (1985). "Отрицательные формы глаголов в удэгэйском языке (в сравнении с другими тунгусо-маньчжурскими языками)/The negative verbal forms in Udihe (in comparison with other Tungus-Manchu languages)". Лингвистические исследования (1): 11-19. 
  • Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.) (2005). Ethnologue: Languages of the World. Dallas, Texas: SIL International. Retrieved on 2006-12-19. 
  • Nikolaeva, Irina; Maria Tolskaya (2001). A Grammar of Udihe. Walter de Gruyter. 
v  d  e
Altaic languages
Turkic languagesMongolic languagesTungusic languagesBuyeo languages*
Notes: *A hypothetic language family that includes Korean and the Japonic languages.
v  d  e
Tungusic languages
Even | Evenk | Manegir | Negidal | Oroqen | Solon
Southeastern: Akani | Birar | Kile | Nanai | Oroch
Orok | Samagir | Udege | Ulch
Southwestern: Jurchen | Manchu | Xibe