User talk:UCRHighlander

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[edit] Insert Belltower Questions

1. What motivates you to edit the UCR article?

2. Do you feel it portrays UCR accurately? That nonwithstanding, do you think it portrays the school in a positive or negative light?

3. Some have accused you of having a bias, or not being fair. Then again, many of the editors who hope to make the article positive, have a conflict of interest considering they attend the school. What is your opinion on all of this? How would you respond to people's criticism?

4. If you could make any major change to the article or to the editing process, what would it be?

5. Lastly, how do you feel about UC Riverside. Is it overrated and underperforming? Thoughts.

I really appreciate you answering this question. We have contacted people from both camps, and hopefully we can produce an article that fairly represents everyone.

I know you are trying to remain anonymous, but is there a chance I could at least get your age, and whether you attended UCR or not? I have to attribute the quotes to someone.

You can post the answers here, or email me at

Thank you very much.