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The UAZ-469 is an all-terrain vehicle manufactured by UAZ. It was used by the Red Army and other Warsaw Pact forces, as well as paramilitary units in Eastern Bloc countries.

The UAZ-469 was introduced in 1973. The UAZ-469 is very similar in design to the original Jeep - a sturdy, but not-so-comfortable car that was able to drive in virtually any terrain and was easy to fix. The UAZ-469 reached legendary status for its reliability and off-road ability.

The car didn't enter the personal use market until late 80s and was reserved for police forces and paramilitary (its commercially-available analog was produced by LuAZ, which was too close to border to be associated with the military).

ZOMO units in Poland utilizing UAZ-469 vehicles with AWGŁ automatic tear gas launchers. (1982)
ZOMO units in Poland utilizing UAZ-469 vehicles with AWGŁ automatic tear gas launchers. (1982)

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