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Tycus is a 1998 direct-to-video movie starring Dennis Hopper, Peter Onorati, Finola Hughes, Alexander Cleir and others. It has been released in 2000, in England, France and the United States.

[edit] Story

In 1989 Peter Crawford discovered a meteorite on a collision course with Earth. He reported his findings to the counsil, but they thought it was just a joke. 10 years later the meteorite, now called Tycus is rapidly closing in on the Earth. But Tycus isn't on a collision course with the Earth, Tycus is going to impact the moon. If Tycus does impact the moon, it will be shattered and the fragments will be pulled in by Earth's gravity. Doctor Crawford began with the construction of a vast city located in the Sierra mountains. His city would provide a safe haven for a limited ammount of people, these people would become the beginning of the new age, the age after the 'Apocalypse'. A young reporter is investigating the building site when he finds out that only a few people get to inhabit the city. So he takes doctor Crawford hostage and demands to go find his wife and unborn child. Peter Crawford agrees as he too wants to go find his family. They use Crawford's jet to reach Los Angeles, now in a state of chaos. Jake Lowe, the reporter, finds his wife and gets her to the rendez-vous point. It turns out that someone has already taken the jet so Jake, his wife and Crawford's family use a pick-up truck to reach the city. As soon as they get there they see a group of people desperately waiting for the doors to the city to open. Crawford activates the elevator and walks towards the door. After they all entered the elevator, Crawford is grabbed by the group of people and he is forced to stay behind. The elevator descends into the underground city just as Tycus is about to impact the moon. Tycus smashes into the moon shattering it and sending its debris down to Earth. The fragments obliterate every major city in the world: Paris, New York, England... Human civilisation is wiped out...

2029, a group of people sitting in the Sierra mountains tell of an ancient world where highways and buildings covered the Earth's surface. They tell of doctor Crawford who first discovered the little dot in the sky and how that little dot would lead to the downfall of mankind. As the story continues, they tell us of how thousands of moons remind us of the new age and we are shown that the pieces left of the moon have formed an asteroid belt around the Earth...