Two Drews and the Queen of Poland Walk into a Bar

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“Two Drews and the Queen of Poland Walk into a Bar”
The Drew Carey Show episode
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 42
Guest stars David Cross
Dan Castellaneta
Written by Lona Williams
Directed by Gary Halvorson
Production no. 465919
Original airdate March 19, 1997
Episode chronology
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Two Drews and the Queen of Poland Walk into a Bar is the 42nd episode of the sitcom The Drew Carey Show.


[edit] Info

Original air date: March 19, 1997

Writer: Lona Williams

Director: Gary Halvorson

[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The episode opens with Drew, Lewis, and Oswald watching television, believing they are watching scrambled pornography. It turns out it the signal of the channel is so bad that they are actually watching surgery. Kate desperately knocks on Drew's door and runs in complaining about her crazy date, Stan, and asks them for help getting rid of him. Drew, Lewis, and Oswald all run into the other rooms, and when Kate's new date comes in, each of the guys come into the living room one at a time, claiming to be Kate's lover. After the three guys get into a fight with each other, Kate ends up leaving with her date. At Drew's house, Lewis, Oswald and Kate leave to go to a Cleveland Cavaliers game to place Buzz Beer bumper stickers on the members of the team so they can get some free advertising. When they leave, Drew goes into the kitchen and notices Earl (a co-worker who went to prison after threatening Drew with a gun in the episode Drew and the Unstable Element) looking through Drew's kitchen window. When he comes in, Drew tries to call the police several times, but Earl assures Drew that he is sane and does not want to kill Drew anymore. He says that he never really intended to hurt Drew, as the gun he pointed at him was a toy. Drew begins feeling uneasy when Earl announces that he has begun renting the house next door and begins watching Drew's every move. At Winfred-Louder, Kate tells Drew that she has been banned from seeing any of the Cleveland Cavaliers after attempting to advertise on them with Buzz Beer ads. Mimi's aunt dies, and Mimi pilfers a ring from the dead body. Earl tells Drew that he wants to observe him so that he can continue to be normal and rejoin society. When Kate and Oswald come to Drew's house, Kate unexpectadly discovers Earl dressed exactly like Drew, digging through his fridge. Drew then walks in and declares that he likes the idea of being a role model. But as soon as Earl leaves, the gang searches his coat and finds an agenda detailing Earl's intentions. Back at Winfred-Louder, Mimi begins making fun of Drew behind his back, and when Drew turns around it is actually Earl. Mr. Wick wants Earl and Drew to have a "Drew Competition" to see who is better at Drew's job. When Drew later confronts him over stealing his clothing style and job, Earl apologizes. Earl invites the gang over to his house for a party to say goodbye. They reluctantly attend, only to find that Earl has redecorated his house to look exactly like Drew's place. Earl demands that everyone to call him Drew, as the goodbye party is to say goodbye to "Earl". The gang is even more fearful when Earl waves a knife around menacingly while serving pizza. He then pulls a gun on them and reveals to them that he wants to kill Drew so that he can take over his life. Oswald distracts Earl with a math story problem and Drew and Oswald jump him. Kate calls the police and predicts that Earl will end up on the news. The guys decide to cover Earl with Buzz Beer bumper stickers to get more free advertising. At the conclusion of the episode, Oswald runs through the Warsaw Tavern wearing only underwear made of Buzz Beer bumper stickers. He runs outside, but quickly reenters the bar after commenting how cold it is outside.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Cast

[edit] Guest Stars

[edit] Quotes

(Drew, Lewis, and Oswald are watching scrambled surgery on TV when Kate knocks on the door)
Kate: You guys have to help me, I have to get rid of my date, act like my crazy family. I told him that I live here. (the three guys leave as Kate sits on the couch, and Stan comes in)
Stan: Kate, my pet, I'm sorry I took so long. Did you miss me?
Kate: No.
Stan: Ha ha, how about we have a drink?
(Lewis bursts into the room, holding a beer and acting drunk)
Lewis: I knew you were fooling around with me woman.
Kate: Oh no, it's Clark, my insanely ex-boyfriend.
Lewis: I'm angry!
Stan: Maybe I should leave.
Lewis: I might get crazy. (Lewis spanks Kate, and immediately regrets it as she glares at him)
Stan: I can't leave you here.
Kate: He's just stupid. Really, I'm fine.
Lewis: Stupid? Stupid? I'll show you stupid. (picks up Drew's lamp and smashes it to the floor)
Drew: Hey, what the hell is going on here?
Kate: Uncle Billy!
Drew: Clark, I thought I made it clear that I didn't want any more men in this house.
Stan: Kate, you need to leave this place.
Drew: Wait! You don't want her, she's going to have a baby.
Stan: What?
(Oswald bursts into the room and jumps over the couch)
Oswald: That's right, it's my baby and I'm her brother.
Stan: Wait, if you're her brother, why do you have an accent?
Oswald: Uh, I was born on vacation.
Lewis: You're not her brother. I should know, I'm your father.
Drew: No, I'm your father.
Lewis: No, you're my father.
(the three guys argue about their relationship to Kate as Stan escorts Kate out of the house)
Stan: Kate, I know a shelter I can take you to.
Kate: Yeah, whatever.

Drew: Oh my god! This guy wants my life.
Lewis: Here's an idea: let him have it.

(Earl is dressed as Drew with a Drew wig on)
Earl: Let me get out of your hair.
(removes wig)

[edit] Trivia

  • The Polish-American community wasn't amused by the episode since they were alluded to in inappropriate ways. When the episode was re-aired (and in syndicated reruns), all references to Poland and references to Mimi being Polish were cut.
  • The opening where Kate gets Drew, Lewis, and Oswald to pose as her crazy relatives to get out of a date was actually used in "It's Your Party and I'll Crash If I Want To", but was added in the syndicated version of this episode to make up for time lost after editing out Mimi's storyline and the Polish references.

[edit] See also

[edit] References