Twin Freaks
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Twin Freaks was a collaborative album designed by musician Paul McCartney and and DJ/Producer Freelance Hellraiser (Roy Kerry).
McCartney and Kerry created the double vinyl album as a continuation of Kerry's collaboration with McCartney from a 2004 tour. Kerry had previously released a 'mash-up' album, A Stroke of Genius, in 2002. The format of the mash-up is that of an extreme remix in which two disparate musical/recording experiences are combined in a manner that goes beyond remix to literally merge or mash-up the two songs so that they emerge as something unique or hybridized. The technique sometimes obscures the original source material or so seamlessly blends the divergent elements that disentangling the grafted parts becomes nearly impossible.
Kerry performed a half hour set prior to McCartney's 2004 gigs in which the dj/producer remixed various McCartney tracks into unusual and often unrecognizeable forms. Twin Freaks was the outgrowth of these manipulations. Twin Freaks was released on June 14, 2005
[edit] Track Listing
- "Really Love You" – 5:42
- "Long Haired Lady (Reprise)" – 4:50
- "Rinse the Raindrops" – 3:14
- "Darkroom" – 2:30
- "Live and Let Die" – 3:26
- "Temporary Secretary" – 4:12
- "What's that You're Doing" – 4:57
- "Oh Woman, Oh Why" – 4:19
- "Mumbo" – 5:24
- "Lalula" – 4:25
- "Coming Up" – 4:42
- "Maybe I'm Amazed" – 6:12
All McCartney tracks are strongly revised and reinvented in the process. Who is responsible for what aspects of the works or their reinvention is unclear. Certainly parts of basic McCartney tracks are vigorously reworked.
The album was only produced as a double vinyl release (and on from MP3 download sites) with cover and interior art (paintings)that are similar in tone and style to artist Willem de Kooning (McCartney knew the late artist, and the two shared similar painting styles).