Star Wars Republic: Twilight

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Publishing company Dark Horse Comics
Subject Star Wars
Genre Science Fiction
Release date(s) 28 June 2000 -
27 September 2000
Country USA
Language English
Number of pages 32 each
Expanded Universe
Era Rise of the Empire
Series Republic
Galactic Year 30 BBY
Canon C
Preceded By Jango Fett: Open Seasons
Followed By Aurra Sing
Creative team
Script writer John Ostrander
Cover artist(s) Jan Duursema
Dan Jacskon
Dave Stewart
Dave McCaig
Penciller(s) Jan Duursema
Inker(s) Rick Magyar
Colorist(s) Dave McCaig
Letterer(s) Steve Dutro
Publisher(s) Mike Richardson

Star Wars Republic: Twilight is a four-part story arc in the Star Wars: Republic series of comic books written by John Ostrander. The first issue was published on 28 June 2000 by Dark Horse Comics. The series is set in the Star Wars galaxy one year after the events in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, and 31 years before the Battle of Yavin in Episode IV: A New Hope.


[edit] Synopsis

Quinlan Vos awakens, with no memory of who or where he is. Worse yet, he has woken up in the middle of a blazing fire! As a group of bounty hunters converge on him, with weapons drawn, he is saved by a strange Devaronian named Vilmarh Grahrk. The Devaronian explains to Quin that there is a bet going on when the Jedi will die, and many bounty hunters are trying to fix the result. Villie steals a speeder from a "friend," and the two head for Villie's hideout, the bounty hunters still coming in full force. Upon returning to his hideout, Villie reveals that he had actually made a bet on the Jedi's head, and intends to kill him. After Quin disarms his would-be killer, a pair of fake Jedi bust in. Quin shoots one, and quickly dispatches the other with his companion's lightsaber. After explaining that he has placed a new bet on the Jedi's survival, Villie and Quin head for the starport.

As Quin sleeps, he dreams of his lost padawan, Aayla Secura. He explains to his Devaronian companion, that before leaving Nar Shaddaa, the must find Bib Fortuna, who also showed up in his visions. After finding him and squeezing as much information from him as possible, he is able to summon his guards. Quin and Villie are able to repel the attackers, but in the meantime, Fortuna is able to escape. After a narrow escape from the planet's surface, Quinlan decides the best place to begin the search for his identity is his home planet of Kiffu. Once there, Quinlan learns of his recent investigation from his great-aunt Sheyf Tinte. Meanwhile, back aboard the Inferno, Villie finds out about a bounty on Quin's head from his cousin Holmar.

As they arrive on Ryloth, Vilmarh Grahrk and Quinlan Vos encounter one of Quin's clansmen, who takes him to his lost padawan's uncle. Meanwhile, Villie meets with his cousin Holmar to discuss their plot to betray the Jedi. After Secura shows the Jedi to his room, he receives a communique from Coruscant, and a mysterious patron commands Secura to kill Vos. During a conversation with his fellow Kiffar, Quin receives a transmission from Villie, asking him to meet him in the Rock Gardens. Upon arriving, Quin is attacked by Holmar Grahrk, who is killed in a betrayal by his cousin. As it turns out, Villie has placed another bet on Quin's survival, using his cousin as a pawn. Continuing his search for Aayla, Quin heads into an "abandoned" ryll mine, accompanied by Grahrk. Unexpectantly, they are attacked by spice spiders, imported from Kessel to assist in the creation of glitteryll. As the spiders overwhelm them, Quin is shot in the back by Asante Vos. Asante explains her involvement in the plot to wipe Quin and Aayla's minds as an attempt to save them from assassination as they got to close in their investigation of the glitteryll. After Villie kills Asante, the unlikely pair head off in search of Pol Secura once again.

Confronting Pol Secura proves fruitful, as he reveals the location of his niece Aayla, and the name of his secret patron, a senator on Coruscant named Chom Frey Kaa. When Quinlan Vos attempts to kill Pol, Aayla sends out an instinctive force blast, which knocks Pol Secura and Quin over a high ledge. As Vilmarh Grahrk saves Quin, Secura falls to his death. As Quin and Villie flee the planet, a message from Jedi Master Mace Windu instructs him to return to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Quin agrees, but says that he must find the one behind the glitteryll conspiracy first. At Villie's hideout on Coruscant, the Devaronian uses a blaster to stun Quin, putting his plan in motion. Villie turns the Jedi over to the corrupt senator Kaa, and after confirming his payment, releases Quin. Just then, Mace Windu arrives with Villie's droid, who had recorded the Senator's words. When Quin attempts to kill the Senator, a lightsaber duel between him and Master Windu ensues. As Windu fights off the amnesiac Jedi, he convinces him to submit for retraining. The Jedi agrees, and returns with him to the Temple.

[edit] Issues

  • Star Wars Republic #19: Twilight, part 1
  • Star Wars Republic #20: Twilight, part 2
  • Star Wars Republic #21: Twilight, part 3
  • Star Wars Republic #22: Twilight, part 4

[edit] Dramatis personae

[edit] Covers

[edit] External links