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Turya, a concept in Kashmir Shaivism, meaning the fourth state of consciousness.

The fourth fundamental state of consciousness (vritti) is the superconsciousness which is characteristic to Spiritual Illumination and divine ecstasy, Samadhi. It is called the fourth because it transcends the other three common states of consciousness:

  1. the waking state
  2. the dreaming state
  3. the dreamless sleep state

This high state of consciousness is situate beyond mind, thinking, causality and identification with the physical body. It is almost indescribable in its astonishing greatness and profoundness. It is the state where the yogi is in profound union with Siva (God). Mandukya Upanishad, a text which contains an in depth analysis of the different states of consciousness, describes turya essentially only by a series of negations: turya is nor objective experience, nor subjective experience, nor consciousness, nor inconsciousness, nor knowledge attained by the five senses, nor relative knowledge, nor knowledge obtained by deductions and mental reasoning. The only positive definition is a pure consciousness completely unified, indescribable beatific peace or the nature of Atman, the Supreme Self.