Turkish Cypriot Enclaves

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The Turkish Cypriot enclaves were enclaves inhabited by Turkish Cypriots before the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus.


[edit] Events leading to the creation of the enclaves

Main article: Cypriot Civil War

In December 1963 the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios, proposed constitutional amendments to improve the functionality of the Cypriot state. This precipitated a major crisis between the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot communities which resulted in the withdrawal of Turkish Cypriot ministers from the Cabinet.

After the rejection of the constitutional amendments by the Turkish Cypriot community the situation escalated resulting in severe fighting between extremists from both sides, which lasted throughout 1963 and 1964. Turkish Cypriots, either of their own volition or by force, began retreating from isolated rural areas and villages into enclaves, often giving up their land and houses for security from enemy extremists.

[edit] Situation in the enclaves

The enclaves were scattered all over the island and made up roughly 3% of the land area of Cyprus, whereas the Turkish Cypriot community previously inhabited on nearly 30% of the island. All necessities as well as utilities had to be brought in through the Greek Cypriot lines. The Greek Cypriots placed embargoes, control points and other restrictions on the enclaves which largely cut them off from the outside world. The UN moved in to supply a lifeline to the people in the enclaves.

[edit] List of Turkish Cypriot enclaves

[edit] After the Turkish invasion in 1974

After the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus the island was divided in two. Subsequently practically all of the Turkish Cypriot community moved to the north. In 1983 the northern part declared its independence and become the internationally unrecognized (except by Turkey) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

[edit] See also