Turkic languages

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Originally from Western China to Siberia and Eastern Europe
Altaic[1] (controversial)
Southwestern (Oghuz)
Northwestern (Kypchak)
Southeastern (Uyghur)
Northeastern (Siberian Turkic)
Chuvash language (Oghur, Bulghar)
Khalaj (Arghu)

Countries and autonomous subdivisions where a Turkic language has official status

The Turkic languages constitute a language family of some thirty languages, spoken across a vast area from Eastern Europe and Mediterranean to Siberia and Western China, and are traditionally considered to be part of the Altaic language family[1][2]. The Turkic languages form a homogeneous group, and are, for the most part, mutually intelligible[2].

Turkic languages are spoken by some 180 million people as a native language; and the total number of Turkic speakers is about 200 million, including speakers as a second language. The Turkic language with the greatest number of speakers is Turkish proper, or Anatolian Turkish, the speakers of which account for about 40% of all Turkic speakers[2].


[edit] Characteristics

The Turkic language family exhibits vowel harmony, and is typologically characterized by agglutination by means of suffixes and a Subject Object Verb sentence order.

Turkic languages do not exhibit grammatical gender.

[edit] History

See also: Proto-Turkic language and Turkic peoples

[edit] Early written records

The first established records of the Turkic languages are the 8th century Orkhon inscriptions by the Göktürks, recording the Old Turkic language, which were discovered in 1889 in the Orkhon Valley in Mongolia. The Compendium of the Turkic Dialects (Ottoman Turkish: Divânü Lügati't-Türk), written during the 11th century by Kaşgarlı Mahmud of the Kara-Khanid Khanate, constitutes an early linguistic treatment of the family. The Compendium is the first comprehensive dictionary of the Turkic languages and also includes the first known map of the Turkic speakers' geographical distribution. It mainly pertains to the Southwestern branch of the family[3].

The Codex Cumanicus (12th - 13th centuries) concerning the Northwestern branch is another early linguistic manual, between Kipchak language and Latin, used by the Catholic missionaries sent to the Western Cumans inhabiting a region corresponding to present-day Hungary and Romania. The earliest records of the language spoken by Volga Bulgars, the parent to today's Chuvash language, are dated to 13th - 14th centuries.

[edit] Geographical expansion and development

With the Turkic expansion during Early Middle Ages (c. 6th - 11th centuries), Turkic languages, in the course of just a few centuries, spread across Central Asia, stretching from Siberia (the Sakha Republic) to the Mediterranean (Seljuk Turks). Various elements from the Turkic languages have passed into Hungarian, Persian, Russian, Chinese and to a lesser extent, Arabic[4].

[edit] Classification

Geographical distribution of Turkic-speaking peoples across Eurasia
Geographical distribution of Turkic-speaking peoples across Eurasia

For centuries, the Turkic speaking peoples have migrated extensively and intermingled continuously, and their languages have been influenced mutually and through contact with the surrounding languages, especially the Iranian, Slavic, and Mongolic languages[5]. This has obscured the historical developments within each language and/or language group, and as a result, there exist several systems to classify the Turkic languages. The genetic classification of the Turkic languages commonly followed today is the one by Samoilovich (mainly based on the development of *d). However, there are many details for which debate is still ongoing.

The Turkic languages may uncontroversially be divided into six branches:

  1. Southwestern (Oghuz)
  2. Northwestern (Kypchak)
  3. Southeastern (Uyghur)
  4. Northeastern (Siberian Turkic)
  5. Chuvash (Oghur, Bulghar/Bolgar)
  6. Khalaj (Arghu)

With less certainty, the Southwestern, Northwestern, Southeastern and Bulghar groups may further be summarized as West Turkic, the Southeastern, Kyrgyz-Kypchak and Khalaj groups as East Turkic[6].

Geographically and linguistically, the languages of Southwestern, Northwestern, and Southeastern subgroup belong to the central Turkic languages, while the Northeastern, Khalaj language is the so-called peripheral language.

Southwestern Turkic (Oghuz) languages  Turkish Group   Azerbaijani Group   Turkmen Group   Others 
Southwestern Turkic (Oghuz) languages
 Turkish Group   Azerbaijani Group   Turkmen Group   Others 
Northwestern Turkic (Kypchak) languages  Kypchak-Bolgar   Kypchak-Cuman   Kazakh-Nogay 
Northwestern Turkic (Kypchak) languages
 Kypchak-Bolgar   Kypchak-Cuman   Kazakh-Nogay 
Distribution of Altaic languages in Eurasia
Distribution of Altaic languages in Eurasia

¹Crimean Tatar and Urum are historically Kypchak languages, but have been so heavily influenced by Oghuz languages that it is difficult to classify them definitively as either Oghuz or Kypchak.

²Aini is a mixed language with Uyghur grammar and Persian vocabulary, and is spoken exclusively by adult men, almost as a cryptolect.

³Khalaj is surrounded by Oghuz languages, but exhibits a number of features that classify it as non-Oghuz.

[edit] Vocabulary comparison

The following is a brief comparison of the basic vocabulary across the Turkic language family (about 60 words). Note that empty cells do not imply that a particular language is lacking a word to describe the concept, but rather the word is formed from another stem and is not a cognate with the rest of the words in the row.

Old Turkic Turkish Azeri Turkmen Tatar Kazakh Uzbek Uyghur Yakut Chuvash
Persons Father Ata Ata Ata   Ata Ata Ota      
Mother Ana Anne Ana Ene Ana Ana Ona Ana   An'n
Son O'gul Oğul Oğul Oğul (O'g)ul Ul O'gil Oghul Uol Yvul
Man Er(kek) Erkek Ər Erkek Ir Erkek Erkak Är Er Ar
Girl Kyz Kız Qız Qyz Kız Qız Qiz Qiz Ky:s Xe'r
Person Kiši Kişi Kişi Kişi Keše Kisi Kishi   Kihi  
Bride Kelin Gelin Gəlin Geli:n Kilen Kelin Kelin Kelin Kylyn Kilen
Mother-in-law   Kaynana   Gayın ene Kayınana Qayın ene Qayın ona Keyınana    
Body parts Heart Jürek Yürek Ürək Ýürek Yorak Jürek Yurak Yüräk Süreq  
Blood Qan Kan Qan Ga:n Kan Qan Qon Qan Qa:n Jon
Head Baš Baş Baş Baş Baš Bas Bosh Baş Bas Puš
Hair Qıl Kıl   Qyl Kıl Qıl   Kıl Kıl Xe'le'r
Eye Köz Göz Göz Göz Küz Köz Ko'z Köz Kos Kör
Eyelash Kirpik Kirpik Kirpik Kirpik Kerfek Kirpik Kiprik Kirpik Kirbi: Xurbuk
Ear Qulqaq Kulak Qulaq Gulak Kolak Qulaq Quloq Qulaq Gulka:k Xo'lga
Nose Burun Burun Burun Burun Boryn Murın Burun Burun Murun  
Arm Qol Kol Qol Gol Kul Qol Qo'l   Qol Xol
Hand El(ig) El Əl El   Alaqan     Ili: Ala'
Finger Barmak Parmak Barmaq Barmak Barmak Barmaq Barmoq Barmaq    
Fingernail Tyrnaq Tırnak Dırnaq Dyrnaq Tyrnak Tırnaq Tirnoq Tirnaq Tynyraq  
Knee Tiz Diz Diz Dy:z Tez Tize Tizza Tiz Tüsäχ  
Calf Baltyr Baldır Baldır Baldyr Baltyr Baldır Boldyr Baldir Ballyr  
Foot Adaq Ayak Ayaq Aýaq Ajak Ayaq Oyoq   Ataq  
Belly Qaryn Karın Qarın Garyn Qaryn Qarın Qorin Qor(saq) Qaryn Xyra'm
Animals Horse At At At At At At Ot At At Ut
Cattle Siyir Sığır   Sygyr Sıyer Sïır Sigir      
Dog Yt It It It Et Ït It It Yt Jyda
Fish Balyq Balık Balıq Balyk Balyq Balıq Baliq Beliq Balyk Pola'
Louse Bit Bit Bit Bit Bet Bït Bit Pit Byt Pyjda
Other nouns House Ev Ev Ev Öý Öy Üy Uy Öy   Av
Tent Otag Otağ   Otaq   Otaw Otoq   Otu:  
Way Yol Yol Yol Yo:l Yul Jol Yo'l Yol Suol Sol
Bridge Köprüq Köprü Körpü Köpri Küpar Köpir Ko'prik Kövrük Kürpe  
Arrow Oq Ok Ox Ok Uk Oq O'q Oq Ugu
Fire Ot Od Od Ot Ut Ot O't Ot Uot Vot
Ash Kül Kül Kül Kül Köl Kül Kul Kül Kül Kö'l
Water Suv Su Su Suw Syw Sw Suv Su Ui Syv
Ship Kemi Gemi Gəmi Gämi Kimä Keme Kema     Kim
Lake Köl Göl Göl Köl Kül Köl Ko'l Köl Küöl  
Sun/Day Küneš Güneş Günəş Gün Kojaš Kün Qujoş Kün Kün Xövel
Cloud Bulut Bulut Bulud Bulut Bolyt Bult Bulut Bulut Bylyt Pelet
Star Yulduz Yıldız Ulduz Ýyldyz Yoldyz Juldız Yulduz Yultuz Sulus Soldor
Earth Topraq Toprak Torpaq Toprak Tufrak Topıraq Tuproq Tupraq Toburaχ To'pra
Hilltop Töpü Tepe Təpə Depe Tübä Töbe Tepa   Töbö Tübe'
Tree Yağac Ağaç Ağac Agaç Agaç Ağaş Daracht      
God Tenri Tanrı Tanrı Taňry   Täñiri Tangre Tängri Tanara Tura
Sky Kök Gök Göy Gök Kük Kök Ko'k Kök Küöq Kovak
Adjectives Long Uzun Uzun Uzun Uzyn Ozyn Uzın Uzun Uzun Uhun Vorom
New Yany Yeni Yeni Yany Yana Jaña Yangi Yengi Sana Sene
Fat Semiz Semiz   Semiz Simyz Semiz Semiz Semiz Emis Samar
Full Tolu Dolu   Do:ly Tuly Tolı To'la Toluq Toloru Tolli
White Aq Ak Ak Ak Aq Oq Aq    
Black Qara Kara Qara Gara Kara Qara Qora Qara Xara Xora
Red Qyzyl Kızıl Qızıl Gyzyl Kyzyl Qızıl Qizil Qizil Kyhyl Xerle
Numbers 1 Bir Bir Bir Bir Ber Bir Bir Bir Bi:r Perre
2 Eki İki İki Iki İke Eki Ikki Ikki Ikki Ikke'
4 Tört Dört Dörd Dö:rt Dürt Tört To'rt Töt Tüört  
7 Yeti Yedi Yeddi Yedi Yide Jeti Jätte Yättä Sette  
10 On On On O:n U On O'n On Uon Vonu
100 Yüz Yüz Yüz Yü:z Yüz Jüz Yuz Yüz Sü:s Ser
Old Turkic Turkish Azeri Turkmen Tatar Kazakh Uzbek Uyghur Yakut Chuvash

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.) (2005). Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Fifteenth edition. Language Family Trees - Altaic (HTML). Retrieved on March 18, 2007.
  2. ^ a b c Katzner, Kenneth (March 2002). Languages of the World, Third Edition. Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Ltd.. ISBN 978-0415250047. 
  3. ^ Soucek, Svat (March 2000). A History of Inner Asia. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521651691. 
  4. ^ Findley, Carter V. (October 2004). The Turks in World History. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-517726-6. 
  5. ^ Johanson, Lars (2001). "Discoveries on the Turkic linguistic map" (PDF). Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul. Retrieved on 2007-03-18.
  6. ^ Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.) (2005). Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Fifteenth edition. Language Family Trees - Turkic (HTML). Retrieved on March 18, 2007.

[edit] Further reading

  • Johanson, L. & Csató, E. Á. (eds.) 1998. The Turkic Languages. Routledge: London. ISBN 0-415-08200-5.
  • Deny J. et al. 1959. Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta. Wiesbaden.
  • Schönig, C. 1997/1998. A new attempt to classify the Turkic languages (1-3). Turkic Languages 1/2.
  • Clauson, G. 1972. An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-thirteenth-century Turkish. Oxford.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

v  d  e
Altaic languages
Turkic languagesMongolic languagesTungusic languagesBuyeo languages*
Notes: *A hypothetical language family that includes Korean and the Japonic languages.
v  d  e
Turkic languages
Bulgar Bulgar*† | Chuvash | Hunnic*† | Khazar†
Uyghur Old Turkic† | Aini²| Chagatay† | Ili Turki | Lop | Uyghur | Uzbek
Kypchak Baraba | Bashkir | Crimean Tatar¹ | Cuman† | Karachay-Balkar | Karaim | Karakalpak | Kazakh | Kipchak† | Krymchak | Kumyk | Nogai | Tatar | Urum¹ | Altay | Kyrgyz
Oghuz Afshar | Azerbaijani | Crimean Tatar¹ | Gagauz | Khorasani Turkish | Ottoman Turkish† | Pecheneg† | Qashqai | Salar | Turkish | Turkmen | Urum¹
Khalaj Khalaj
Northeastern Chulym | Dolgan | Fuyü Gïrgïs | Khakas | Northern Altay | Shor | Tofa | Tuvan | Western Yugur | Sakha / Yakut
Notes: ¹Listed in more than one group, ²Mixed language, *Disputed, †Extinct