List of Power Rangers: Turbo monsters

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This article is a list of the monsters seen in Power Rangers: Turbo. To make one grow, torpedoes would be launched from Divatox's ship right to where the monster is (During the first half of the season the base was located underwater, and in the second half, it moved to outer space). The voice actors for the monsters are uncredited.


[edit] Monster List

Here is the monsters used by Divatox.

[edit] Amphibitor


An amphibian monster with a mouth design used by Divatox. He was sent to activate the wormhole closing device. Amphibitor seemed to have a large appetite and wanted to eat the Turbo Rangers. In battle, he wielded a giant knife and fork. Defeated by Turbo Megazord.

[edit] Shadow Chromite and Shadow Rangers

Shadow Chromite
Shadow Chromite

A monochrome version of a Chromite that can steal a Ranger's Turbo power and use them to create Shadow Rangers. The Shadow Rangers were made of refracted light (and looked just like the Turbo Rangers, only their helmets were a pale gray) and Tommy defeated them by knocking them into the shadows. Since he is made of light like his Shadow Rangers, the Turbo Megazord (shown here in American footage) eliminated the Chromite by blocking it's light source. As Chromite disappeared, so did the detonator.

NOTES: Although Chromite had a seemingly male voice, it was said on the show that Chromite was a female. Also, for the plan of defeating Chromite for good, the Turbo Megazord was seen in U.S. Footage in this episode.

[edit] Visceron

Visceron's monster form
Visceron's monster form
  • First Appearance: "Transmission Impossible" (2 May 1997)
  • Voice Actor: David Walsh

A comrade of Dimitria from Inquiris who was turned into Divatox's servant by Porto's transformation spray. Divatox then used him to plant a detonator at the KAGV Radio Studio. He was reverted back to normal when the detonator blew up in his hand during battle. He was revived shortly after that to deliver his message to Dimitria. In his brainwashed form, Visceron had a different head. In battle, Visceron could blast a laser from the larger eye on his new brainwashed head.

[edit] The Demon Racers

The second Demon Racer
The second Demon Racer

The Demon Racers are super-quick racing monsters used by Divatox. The first Demon Racer challenged Adam to a race where if Adam won, Demon Racer would reveal where this episode's detonator was. Demon Racer pulled all different types of tricks but in the end, it was to no avail. Adam won the race while Demon Racer crashed his vehicle. Extremely weakened, he got out of his vehicle, declaring that he'd never tell Adam where the detonator was, fell down and exploded. Then, a second Demon Racer was cloned by Porto, who seemed to foreshadow the demise of the first. He looked virtually the same (except his body and outfit were different colors). This Demon Racer terrorized the city with his fast driving skills, intending to run over anything and anyone. Soon afterwards (when the Rangers arrived to confront him), Divatox ordered the torpedo launch to make the monster grow. First, Adam took him on using his Turbo racer, driving everywhere to confuse Demon Racer, and even knock him down with a missile fired from the vehicle. Then the Rangers called for the power of the Turbo Megazord to make it a fair fight. The Turbo Megazord delivered a good pummeling to this Demon Racer, and then put him away for good with its saber and the Spinout move.

[edit] Big Burpa

Big Burpa
Big Burpa

Big Burpa is a belching, bicycling monster used by Divatox. She cast a spell on a bike that was a "birthday present" to an unsuspecting Justin (while he was on it), causing Justin to get stuck on it while the bike was speeding through traffic uncontrollably. As it turns out, the odometer which counted backwards signaled that the bike was a detonator. At about 1 mile left, Tommy and the other Rangers freed Justin from the bike just in time, and Justin joined in on the attack against Big Burpa, giving her quite a thrashing. Divatox then made her grow; Big Burpa was, however, no match for the Turbo Megazord. The Spinout move destroyed this belching monstrosity once and for all.

[edit] Mouthpiece


Mouthpiece was a lie-telling monster used by Divatox. He seemed to have two faces - a smaller, gold-and-black-colored face on another that had giant lips. His purpose was to make his victims tell lies uncontrollably, which he did by zapping them with a laser built inside a microphone-like device - and for each lie told, a Pirahnatron would appear. His first victim was Justin. As Justin started telling lies in school and to his friends, Pirahnatrons appeared, one by one, to raid the Youth Center's volunteer Car Wash. Later, the Rangers took to the attack on Mouthpiece, but unfortunately, he zapped them all, one by one, to make them start telling lies (which only meant more Pirahnatrons - and more pain for the Rangers). Justin, who was in the Power Chamber, was wishing there was a way for him to help though he felt like he couldn't since he was under the spell. He was able to break the spell by admitting that he couldn't stop lying (which in turn was actually the truth!). He then joined the battle to try to turn the tide. He was able to get the other Rangers to break the spell by asking them "If I ask you a question, will you tell me the truth?", to which the others responded "Never!" (and that turned out to be the truth!). The spell was broken and the Pirahnatrons all disappeared. The Rangers then blasted Mouthpiece with the Turbo R.A.M., but Divatox only responded to that by ordering the torpedo launch that would make Mouthpiece grow. In battle, Mouthpiece could blast lasers from his smaller face. The Rangers called for the Turbo Zords and formed the Turbo Megazord, as they needed. In the end - and there's no lying about this - the Rangers were able to pretty easily eliminate Mouthpiece with the Turbo Megazord Spinout.

[edit] Pharaoh


Pharaoh is an Egyptian-themed monster who was the former fiance of Divatox. His staff was capable of turning normal English-language writing into hieroglyphics. Defeated by Turbo Megazord.

[edit] Numbor


Numbor is a number-altering monster used by Divatox. He is able to add and subtract weight on anything he wants, and he did just that by subtracting a lot of weight from Katherine, making her almost fly completely away with the wind. While she was being tended to at the Power Chamber, Numbor battled the other 4 Rangers. He added weight to both Tommy and Adam, and subtracted weight from Justin. It seemed he would have the upper hand until Katherine raced back into battle, and did a number - literally - on Numbor. He then grew into a giant, but in the end the Rangers had his number - again, literally - and took him out of the equation with the Turbo Megazord's Spinout move.

[edit] Blazinator


Blazinator is a fire truck monster created by Divatox's detonator explosion while on a normal fire truck. Destroyed by the Auto Lasers.

[edit] Terror Tooth

Terror Tooth
Terror Tooth

Terror Tooth is a ravenous spiked monster used by Divatox. Defeated by Robo Racer.

[edit] Electrovolt


Electrovolt is an electrical monster used by Divatox. Defeated by Turbo Megazord & Robo Racer.

[edit] Wolfgang Amadeus Griller

Wolfgang Amadeus Griller
Wolfgang Amadeus Griller
  • First Appearance: "Cars Attacks" (20 May 1997)
  • Voice Actor: Peter Greenwood

Wolfgang Amadeus Griller is a musical monster used by Divatox. He uses his conducting stick to control cars and make them fly everywhere. Defeated by Red Turbo Ranger & Blue Senturion.

[edit] Shrinkasect


Shrinkasect was a fly monster used by Divatox that had the ability to shrink objects and people. The people he shrunk would eventually turn into flies. When the Bulk and Skull chimps unknowingly take Divatox's detonator (which was in the form of a soda can) for their can-recycling drive, Shrinkasect turned himself into a tiny fly and flew after them in an attempt to retrieve it, but to no avail. He soon got himself into the Blue Senturion's helmet in his tiny fly form, causing Blue Senturion to go haywire and threaten self-destruction. While Justin went after the chimps (who were driving in Lt. Stone's car), the other Rangers were able to restrain Blue Senturion and force out the fly, who then revealed himself to be the Shrinkasect. He then battled the Rangers and soon afterwards shrunk Blue Senturion to a tiny size. The Rangers morphed and tried to fight off the monster but soon they were ambushed and overwhelmed by Elgar and the Pirahnatrons, which enabled Shrinkasect to turn them into miniatures! After Justin succeeded in stopping the chimps and returning them to Lt. Stone, he came back to the battle scene, only to find it seemingly empty. It was there that he found the tiny Blue Senturion (but not the Rangers, as Elgar brought them back to Divatox). Soon the shrunken Rangers found themselves at Divatox's base, and worse still, starting to slowly take on the characteristics of a fly, as they each grew wings and antennae, and soon afterwards, claws. They were eventually able to escape, barely avoiding Divatox and her henchmen, but soon they found themselves on top of one of the torpedoes! From there, they struck up the idea to ride the torpedoes to Earth in hopes that they would grow back to normal again. This tactic worked, for when the Rangers landed on the beach (where Justin awaited), they were human-sized (as was Blue Senturion, who was standing near the torpedoes), and their fly parts were gone. But the bad news for them was, Shrinkasect, who was idly hiding about on the beach, became a giant as a result of the torpedo blast. The Rangers then called for the Turbo Megazord. In battle, Shrinkasect ensnared the Turbo Megazord in an electrical bug zapper net. He could also blast lasers from his eyes in the shape of his eyes. Then Blue Senturion raced in with his vehicle and formed Robo-Racer. Robo-Racer bailed the Rangers out of the net, and soon was able to exterminate the monster by blasting him with the Synergizer Blaster Mode.

[edit] Flamite


Flamite is a flame monster used by Divatox. He could blast flamethrowers from his mouth. In giant form, he could launch canteens as explosive weapons as well as create hot springs used to blow smokescreens onto the Turbo Megazord. Defeated by Turbo Megazord.

[edit] Delisha Ennivel

Delisha Ennivel
Delisha Ennivel

Delisha Ennivel is a fashion-designer monster used by Divatox. She was in charge of creating the jackets to place on Earthlings(and Blue Senturion) making them insanely angry. In battle, she could blast patchwork shaped lasers from her eyes as well as bind and electrocute the zords with patchwork fabric. Defeated by Robo Racer & Turbo Megazord.

[edit] Dreadfeather


Dreadfeather is a bird monster used by Divatox to seek out the vehicles Storm Blaster and Lightning Cruiser. Destroyed by Lightning Cruiser.

[edit] Mad Mike the Pizza Chef

Mad Mike the Pizza Chef
Mad Mike the Pizza Chef

Mad Mike is a pizza cook monster created by Porto through thought projection from a pizza box. He took control of Lightning Cruiser and Storm Blaster by covering their wheels with evil pizzas, which then caused the two vehicles to attack the Rangers and send them hurtling into a giant pizza oven (called the 'Colossal Cooker') which Mad Mike used to bake the Turbo Rangers into a giant pizza. As he was getting ready to eat them, the Rangers were bailed out just in time by the Blue Senturion (who also freed the vehicles of the evil spell by blasting the evil pizzas), and they (literally) delivered a beating to Mad Mike. He was then blasted by the Rangers' Turbine Laser (which made its debut in this episode), but was quickly turned into a giant by Divatox's torpedoes. He started his new assault by attacking Robo Racer, but the Turbo Megazord came in just in time to turn the tables. Mad Mike was blasted by Robo Racer's Synergizer Blaster Mode, and then finally sent to the scrap heap courtesy of the Turbo Megazord Spinout.

[edit] Translucitor


Translucitor is a monster that can make people and objects (and himself) disappear, invisible; placing them in an alternate dimension of invisibility. The invisible people could see everything and everyone in the normal dimension, but they were invisible, inaudible, and intangible to the people in the normal dimension. Defeated by Turbo Megazord after Robo Racer destroyed his staff.

[edit] Clockster


Clockster is a time manipulation monster that Divatox uses to rewind time to save her Freeze Key. Clockster could blast ring shaped lasers from his eyes. Defeated by Turbo Megazord.

[edit] Metal Mangler

Metal Mangler
Metal Mangler

Metal Mangler is a metallic monster that was pulled to Earth (along with Divatox's laser cannon), and presumably destroyed upon impact by the Rangers' super magnet.

NOTE: Metal Mangler is a repainted combo between an unused Ohranger monster Keris, and a Carranger monster who never appeared in Sentai (merely in promotional pictures fighting the Rescuezords in High Stance Mode).

[edit] Crosspatch

  • First Appearance: "Clash of the Megazords" (26 September 1997)
  • Voice Actor: Glen McDougal

Crosspatch is a pirate monster that Divatox used to pilot the Turbo Megazord to destroy the Rangers. He first destroyed the Rangers' magnetic device that was pulling on Divatox's space base (during their attempt to retrieve the Phantom Ranger's Power Ruby), and later, with the aid of the Phantom Ranger's Power Ruby, which was powering an evil battery pack, used the Turbo Megazord to battle the Rangers (who were in their Rescue Megazord). He used many of the Turbo Megazord's attacks on the Rescue Megazord, including the Spinout move. Eventually, T.J. used Lightning Cruiser to help him gain access to the Turbo Megazord, then he and Crosspatch duked it out on top of the battery pack. T.J. was able to send the monster hurtling to the ground. He then released the Power Ruby from the battery pack, then shot the battery pack off with his blaster and made it fall on Crosspatch, crushing him and seemingly destroying him. With that the Turbo Megazord was under the Rangers' control again, but Divatox, declaring that the battle wasn't over yet, fired the torpedoes to make Crosspatch into a giant. He was easily manhandled and ultimately destroyed by the Rescue Megazord's Artillery Power.

[edit] Flashhead


Flashhead is a film monster used by Divatox. He can trap his victims in rolls of film. Defeated by Rescue Megazord.

[edit] Voltmeister


Voltmeister is an electrical monster used by Divatox. His electro-whip was capable of producing huge shocks. Defeated by Rescue Megazord.

[edit] Wicked Wisher

Wicked Wisher
Wicked Wisher

Wicked Wisher is a monster used by Divatox who was sent to create three wishing coins. Wicked Wisher acted as Divatox's errand boy. Defeated by Rescue Megazord.

[edit] Wild Weeder

Wild Weeder
Wild Weeder
Mutant Bee summoned by Wild Weeder
Mutant Bee summoned by Wild Weeder

Wild Weeder is a gardener monster used by Divatox. His seeds of evil were used to turn civilians into slaves that wear bee-colored clothing, called Diva-Drones, for the purpose of seeking out the missing third wishing coin that the Wicked Wisher had originally summoned. Mutant bees are later summoned by Wild Weeder. One of them grows into a giant alongside Wild Weeder. The bee is destroyed by Robo Racer, and Wild Weeder meets his fate courtesy of the Rescue Megazord's Artillery Power.

[edit] Torch Tiger

Torch Tiger
Torch Tiger

Torch Tiger is a flame monster used by Divatox. Or at least, he volunteered to battle the Rangers while at Divatox's monster camp, but initially proved to be useless when he tried to breathe fire (which was to be his main source of power), but instead breathed nothing (except a few bits of smoke). He then went off by himself to look for the Rangers. In his first battle against them he tried to breathe fire, but again, suffered the embarrassment of breathing next to nothing, prompting him to leave the fight. Later on, he snagged a bottle of the Booster Fuel for the Rangers' vehicles that Divatox's henchmen mistakenly stole with a magical net. After first testing it on his motorbike, he poured that Booster Fuel into his own tank to make him strong, fast, and to give him the ability to breathe fire. He proved the ability to Divatox, who then finally decided to send him into battle. He finally proved his worth to the Rangers and thought he destroyed them when he knocked them down a mountain, but then the Rangers raced in with Storm Blaster and Lightning Cruiser and delivered a beating to the monster. Divatox then reluctantly ordered the torpedo launch, turning the Torch Tiger into a giant. The Rangers called for the Rescue Megazord. They easily had their way with Torch Tiger and soon they extinguished him with their Artillery Power.

[edit] Maniac Mechanic

Maniac Mechanic
Maniac Mechanic
  • First Appearance: "The Turn of the Wretched Wrench" (31 October 1997)
  • Voice Actor: William Butler

Maniac Mechanic was a mechanic monster used by Divatox. On Earth, he disguised himself as a teenager named Manny who then became a part of Ashley's shop class, and then later stole her new wrench (right at the point when Manny revealed himself to be the monster). In battle, he turned Ashley's wrench into his own weapon, the Wretched Wrench. Riding on the back of the Battle Wagon that he built, he used the wrench to knock out the wheels of Storm Blaster while Justin, Ashley and Carlos were on it. After it was eventually fixed, the Rangers were able to take down Maniac Mechanic by destroying the Battle Wagon, and at that point Ashley's wrench was returned to normal. The torpedoes were then fired to make the Maniac into a giant Mechanic. The Rangers called for Rescue Megazord, and in the end succeeded in scattering the mechanic's parts by using their Artillery Power.

[edit] Lord Litter

Lord Litter
Lord Litter

Lord Litter is a litter monster used by Divatox. When T.J. went out for a morning jog, he noticed something in the woods, which he soon discovered to the boy of nature itself, Erutan. At that point, Lord Litter ambushed T.J. and started blowing a fierce wind on him. T.J. morphed against the wind and took on the monster. Erutan was able to stop the attack, angry at the fact that anyone (in this case, Lord Litter) would try to trash the forest. Later, Lord Litter returned to the woods with Elgar and a squad of Pirahnatrons, in an attempt to capture the boy for Divatox's own plans. T.J. came back as well, and warned Erutan that the evil forces were out to get him, which he already knew, yet Erutan made no plans to escape. Suddenly Erutan was ensnared in a net, and T.J. morphed once again to take on Lord Litter and the Pirahnatrons. Soon the other Rangers joined T.J. to put the battle in their favor. During the fight T.J. asked for help in freeing Erutan, which soon he was. Erutan was only visible to T.J. and not his friends (who wondered who T.J. was talking to). T.J. told Erutan to get to safety while he returned to the battle. After they were finished with the Pirahnatrons, Lord Litter attacked the Rangers. He trapped them inside big garbage cans, which the Rangers initially couldn't break free of. Then, when it looked like Lord Litter was about to finish off the Rangers, Erutan, with a loud yell, brought down lightning from the sky which struck and temporarily paralyzed Lord Litter. Unfortunately, that move greatly weakened Erutan, and his life force began to slip away. The Rangers freed themselves from the trash cans and proceeded to take down Lord Litter with the Turbine Laser. Just then, the torpedoes were fired to make Lord Litter into a giant. T.J. saw Erutan and realized that he needed to help him. He volunteered to stay behind while asking the others to take the monster on by themselves. The other four Rangers then called for their Rescuezords. They were able to arm the Rescuezords with the Artillery Power, which was then used to destroy Lord Litter. As for Erutan, he soon faded away out of sight - his life force was completely drained by his brave lightning blast. His spirit lived on, though, as T.J. would find out the next morning.

[edit] Crash and the Creeps

Crash (center) and the Creeps
Crash (center) and the Creeps

Crash and the Creeps are Ranger-like musical monsters used by Divatox. The Creeps were Defeated by the Turbo R.A.M., while Crash was Defeated by Turbo Megazord.

[edit] Mr. Goorific

Mr. Goorific
Mr. Goorific

Mr. Goorific (or Mr. Goo for short) is a monster used by Divatox that can turn people into animals with his tube of goo. One of his targets was Jetson, the dog Cassie was looking after, just as Jetson rushed to maul Goorific while he was attacking Cassie, knocking him down a hill. Jetson turned into a human, and decided to call himself Jethro when introducing himself to Cassie (nearly blowing his cover). Over time, the effects of the goo would prove to be temporary as Jethro was slowly turning back into Jetson. Without revealing his mutation he said his goodbye to Cassie and eventually became Jetson once more. Goorific launched another assault on the Rangers and was ready to apply his goo on Cassie when Jetson raced into view and mauled the monster once more. Just then, the Rangers were shanghaied by Elgar who returned to Earth with his Evil Zord (from the previous episode, "The Accident"). The Rangers called on the Rescue Megazord to take him on. Then Divatox decided to make things more interesting and ordered a torpedo launch to make Mr. Goorific a giant. The Rangers were now outnumbered, so they called on the Blue Senturion, who immediately brought in Robo Racer. Mr. Goo tried to use his goo on the Rescue Megazord, but the Rangers were able to make him accidentally squirt it on the Evil Zord, much to Elgar's dismay; Elgar then found himself on the top of a camel, which was the result of the Evil Zord getting slimed by the goo. Meanwhile, the Rangers knocked the tube of goo away from Mr. Goorific's hands as the Rescue Megazord delivered a brutal punch that sent the monster flying. As he got up (and demanded that his goo be returned), the Rescue Megazord fired the Artillery Power at Goorific to end his mischief once and for all.

[edit] Strikeout


Strikeout is a baseball/pitcher monster used by Divatox. His most lethal attack is his curve ball. None of the Rangers were able to hit it, especially T.J. who was dealing with other curve ball issues stemming from a teenager named Heath (a pitcher on a rival baseball team who had a curve ball that no one could hit). When Heath nearly plummets off the edge of a mountain while trying to outrun T.J. on his bike, T.J. saves him, and Heath feels a sense of graciousness. He pays T.J. back by helping him hit his curve ball. Eventually T.J. did hit it, and then he left to take on Strikeout once again. Strikeout, who was attacking the other Rangers while waiting on T.J., launched another lethal curve ball at T.J., but now T.J. was ready. He struck the ball out of the Earth's atmosphere, leaving Strikeout in tears. Divatox (who wasn't a baseball fan) ordered for her minions to fire the torpedoes to make Strikeout a giant. The Rangers called for the Turbo Megazord, and Strikeout launched what he called a "knockout pitch", sending multiple balls flying at the Megazord at rapid speed. The Rangers countered the pitch by using the Spinout, and then slashed Strikeout with that very move, destroying him and, literally, winning the game.

[edit] Count Nocturne

Count Nocturne
Count Nocturne

Count Nocturne is a vampire bat monster created by Divatox when she wrapped her tongue around a passing lunar space bat. He ambushes Carlos at the park at night and bites him (while a horrified Bulk and Skull watch on), turning him into a vampire. Slowly Carlos began to take on the characteristics of a vampire, growing fangs on his teeth and wearing dark clothing the next day, as well as a pair of shades (to prove that he was sensitive to sunlight). He also hissed and growled in fear of the presence of garlic cloves. While trying to obtain blood at the Blood Drive that was held at the high school, T.J. and Ashley captured him and immediately got them all teleported to the Power Chamber, where he received a temporary antidote (though Carlos wasn't completely free of the spell yet). The Rangers then took on Count Nocturne at the park, where Nocturne hoped to get Carlos back on his side again. Carlos declared never, and the Rangers blasted the Count with the Turbo R.A.M., but guess what? Yep, torpedo time. Nocturne became a giant, and the Rangers took him on in the Rescue Megazord. The Count locked up the Rescue Megazord in chains and get blasted with merciless firepower. Then the Rangers called on the Turbo Megazord to try to turn the tide in their favor, but unfortunately the monster responded by beating the Turbo Megazord senselessly with his two-in-one hammer and drill, and as Nocturne's power grew stronger, Carlos was more in danger of falling under the Count's spell once again. Nocturne again made the demand that Carlos join him, and Carlos came up with the idea of combining the Megazords to defeat the monster. The Rangers were able to knock the monster down with a laser blast from the Turbo Megazord, then they took to the transformation of the Zords, creating the Rescue Turbo Megazord. It used the Turbo Megazord Saber to slice apart Nocturne's weapon, and finally put the exclamation point on the battle by summoning the Rescue Megazord Artillery Power. On Carlos's command, the Rescue Turbo Megazord slew the monster with the Artillery Power, and in the end, Carlos was completely freed of the evil spell.

[edit] Goldgoyle


Goldgoyle is an immensely powerful and giant monster that destroyed the Turbo Megazord and the Rescue Megazord with incredible ease, using strong mouth lasers. He was finally destroyed by a detonated Turbo R.A.M. that T.J. launched into his digestive system.

[edit] See also

Power Rangers monsters
Mighty Morphin monsters (Season One) - (Season Two) - (Season Three) - Zeo monsters
Turbo monsters - In Space monsters - Lost Galaxy monsters - Lightspeed Rescue Demons - Time Force Mutants
Wild Force Orgs - Ninja Storm monsters - Dino Thunder Mutations - S.P.D. Criminals - Mystic Force monsters
Operation Overdrive monsters