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- This is article is about the ethnic group. The term tumtum is also a drum, made from a hollowed-out tree trunk, used in the music of Barbados.
Tumtum is an ethnic group in the Nuba Hills in Sudan. They speak Tumtum, a Nilo-Saharan language. The population of this group likely is below 10,000.
Tum-tum \Tum"-tum`\, n. A dish made in the West Indies by beating boiled plantain quite soft in a wooden mortar.
Modern Language Association (MLA): "tumtum." Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary. MICRA, Inc. 14 Feb. 2007. <Dictionary.com http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/tumtum>.
Tum Tum is a site-specific interactive narrative that reacts to the viewer's location. It is located at historic Tumwater Falls in Olympia, Washington. It plays on a Tablet PC with Global Positioning System receiver and headphones. GPS tracks your location to determine how the story unfolds - in real time, in real space, as you navigate magical Tumwater Falls Park. In addition to its importance as the earliest white settlement in the Olympia area, this park holds a special place in the local Native history and folklore. Tum Tum was the first name given to this remarkable site.
The Evergreen State College, the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium - NWACC - and Motion Computing. <http://www.nwacc.org/> <http://academic.evergreen.edu/curricular/cameratocomp/NWACC/>