Tum Yeto

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Tum Yeto is a skateboard distribution company that operates out of San Diego, California. Founded in 1989 by professional skateboarder Tod Swank, Tum Yeto manufactures, disributes, exports, and wholesales the Foundation, Toy Machine, Pig Wheels, Dekline, Ruckus Metal, and Deathbox brands [1].

There are many theories as to the origin of the curious name "Tum Yeto." The most likely, and most popular, theory is that the company originally did not have a name, but derived one from the 1-800 number that they signed up for; 1-800-886-9386 on a standard telephone keypad can be read as "1-800-TUM-YETO." Another theory, put forth by the Tum Yeto FAQ, is that the name is of Japanese origin, meaning "more than one," but that suggestion is unsubstantiated. Tum Yeto's official stance, as stated on their FAQ page, is that the name is "a big mystery."

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