Tullio De Mauro

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Tullio De Mauro was born in Annunziata, Naples in 1932, and is the most important Italian experts on linguistics. In 1963 was published the monumental Storia linguistica dell'Italia unita (Linguistic history of united Italy). Two years later De Mauro came to public attention with L'introduzione alla semantica (Laterza). In 1971 was published his work on Senso e significato. After preparing the entries on semiotics of the Treccani encyclopedia and publishing the influential short volume Minisemantica (Laterza, 1982), De Mauro turned to the problem of linguistic education. Other important works are: Guida all'uso delle parole (1987), now a bet seller; De Mauro teaches the Philosophy of Language and is director of the Department of Linguistic Science at the University of Rome La Sapienza.

[edit] Among his published works

  • Ludwig Wittgenstein, (Dordrecht 1966);
  • Scuola e linguaggio, (1977,1978);
  • Parlare italiano, (1973);

The introduction and commentary for Corso di linguistica generale by F. de Saussure (1967, 1989).