Tube Mills railway station, Adelaide

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Tube Mills railway station is a railway station on the Gawler railway line located in the inner northern Adelaide, Australia suburb of Kilburn. It was located approximately 8.4km by railway from the Adelaide Railway Station, and was demolished in the late 1980'.

The British Tube Mills {later Tubemakers) factory was located adjacent and the station could only be accessed from the factory.

Trains were scheduled to stop at Tube Mills for shift changes, but outside these times, some trains were timetabled to stop at Tube Mills on request.

The British Tube Mills works were served by rail. Rail access to the works was via the Up North Main only, meaning trains either had to come from Dry Creek and shunt into the works or work "wrong line" from Islington.

It should be noted that the British Tube Mills works were originally located on both sides of Churchill Road. Rail access to the eastern works was provided via a level crossing over Churchill Road. The level crossing has long since been removed, but evidence of it is still visible.

[edit] See also

Railway stations on the Gawler line
Adelaide-North Adelaide-Ovingham-Dudley Park-Islington-Islington Works (disused)-Kilburn-Tube Mills (disused)-Dry Creek-Mawson Lakes

-Greenfields-Parafield Gardens-Parafield-Chidda-Salisbury-Nurlutta-Elizabeth South-Elizabeth-Womma-Broadmeadows-Smithfield-Munno Para-Kudla-Tambelin-Evanston-Gawler Racecourse (special events)-Gawler-Gawler Oval-Gawler Central

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