Tseng Chung-ming

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Tseng Chung-ming (born February 25, 1970) -(曾仲銘) is a Taiwanese businessman. He is most famous for appearing in the Chu Mei-feng sex tape released late in 2001. He is a native of Chungli City, Taoyuan County and holds a Bachelor's degree and Master's degree from the National Chiao Tung University, both in industrial engineering.

[edit] Sex tape scandal and post-scandal

Tseng ran a dot-com company during the 1999-2000 dot-com fever. In spring 2001 his company won the bid to maintain the website for Hsinchu City's Bureau of Cultural Affairs, which was chaired by Chu Mei-feng at that time. Tseng and Chu began an extramarital affair. On the morning of August 16, 2001, Tseng had sex with Chu at her Danshuei condominium, not knowing that their activities had been covertly filmed and would be distributed four months later. After this scandal broke out, Tseng immediately gained nationwide notoriety and his marriage was endangered. However in February 2002 Tseng's wife Shih Ching-fen(施靜芬), a local fashion designer, addressed publicly that she had opted to forgive her husband, and would neither divorce nor sue Chu for adultery. This couple have since become targets of local paparazzi, but no negative news of their marriage has been reported so far.

In June 2003, Tseng once again became spotlighted when he was suspected of being infected with SARS during his trip to Japan. He was hospitalized and tested by Japanese authorities, found to not be in possession of the illness, recovered, and returned back to Taiwan. His dot-com company also closed down after his scandal and illness; Apple Daily (Taiwan) reported Tseng later worked in the mobile phone and advertisement industries.