Truncated binary encoding

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Truncated binary encoding is an entropy encoding typically used for uniform probability distributions with a finite alphabet. It is parameterized by an alphabet with total size of number n. It is a slightly more general form of binary encoding when n is not a power of two.

For example, if n is 5, plain binary encoding and truncated binary encoding allocates these codewords: (RED digits/bits are not transmitted in truncated binary.)

Encoding Standard
0 000 0
1 001 1
2 010 2
UNUSED 011 3
UNUSED 100 4
3 110 6/UNUSED
4 111 7/UNUSED

The nearest power of 2 after n=5 is 23=8, so there are u=8-5=3 unused codes in the binary representation on 3 bits.

In numerical terms, if there is an alphabet of size n which starts counting entries from the number 0, with a number of unused entries u to round the alphabet size up to the nearest power of two, and you are encoding the number x in truncated binary: If x is greater than or equal to u, add the value of u to x. Separately, and after that test and possible addition, drop the high bit in the standard binary encoding of the number when encoding x if the high bit is 0(zero).

Another example, encoding an alphabet of size 10 (between 0 and 9), there are 6 unused codes, so input values greater than or equal to 6 are offseted by 6 to the end of the binary space, and the first bit is disacarded from the truncated binary encoding output (here, the unused patterns are not shown in this table):

0 0 0000 000
1 1 0001 001
2 2 0010 010
3 3 0011 011
4 4 0100 100
5 5 0101 101
6 12 1100 1100
7 13 1101 1101
8 14 1110 1110
9 15 1111 1111

Here is a more extreme case providing less compression, with n=7 ; so the next power of 2 is 8 (we will then use 3 bits or 2 bits if the high bit is discarded) and u=1:

0 0 000 00
1 2 010 010
2 3 011 011
3 4 100 100
4 5 101 101
5 6 110 110
6 7 111 111

This last example demonstrates that the high bit cannot always be discarded when it is zero. In fact if u is lower than one quarter of the next power of two after n, then the leading high bit must not be discarded if the ununoded input value is greater than or equal to u (so this rule is applicable when n is an exact power of 2, where u is null and the truncated bit encoding is the same as standard binary on the same number of bits).

If we did not apply this second rule, then after truncating the leading null bit from the encoding of offseted values 2 and 3, then it would be impossible to make the distinction of the resulting output bit patterns 10 and 11 that also start the bit patterns 100, 101, 110 and 111 used for offseted value 4 to 7.