Trotskyist International Liaison Committee

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The Trotskyist International Liaison Committee was the international organisation established by the Workers Socialist League in Britain (of which Alan Thornett was its most well known member) and its international co-thinkers in Italy, Denmark, the USA and Turkey. It was founded in 1979.

Following the WSL's fusion with the International-Communist League in 1981, clear but informal factional lines developed in the WSL. Most of the parties in the TILC sympathised with the International Faction in the WSL. WSL delegates voted at the 1983 TILC group to prevent Chilean sympathisers from affiliating; the WSL then walked out after a resolution calling on Alan Thornett to fight Sean Matgamna's "revisionism". The IF who sympathised with the TILC were then expelled from the WSL, and formed the Workers Internationalist League. However, this group soon split, and in 1984, the TILC was also disbanded. However, a group of former WIL members established the Revolutionary Internationalist League (RIL) in 1984. The majority of the TILC sections (Italy, US, UK, Denmark) regrouped as the International Trotskyist Committee (ITC). The RIL became the British section of the ITC. The ITC continued until August 1991 when it split. See also the entry on the International Trotskyist Opposition (ITO) which has some of its roots in this international tendency.

Thornett and his co-thinkers were also later expelled from the WSL and established the Socialist Group which later merged with the International Group to form the International Socialist Group as the British section of the United Secretariat of the Fourth International.

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