Troop engagements of the American Civil War, 1862

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[edit] Troop engagements in 1862

[edit] January

Port Royal, South Carolina
  • Military units: 3rd Michigan, 47th, 48th and 79th New York, 50th Pennsylvania.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed, 10 wounded.
Huntersville, Virginia
  • Military units: Detachments of 25th Ohio, 2nd West Virginia and 1st Indiana Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 1 wounded; Confederacy 1 killed, 7 wounded.
Bath, Virginia, also including skirmishes at Great Cacapon Bridge, Alpine Station and Hancock
  • Military units: 39th Illinois.
  • Losses: Union 2 killed, 2 wounded; Confederacy 30 wounded.
Calhoun, Missouri
  • Losses: Union 10 wounded; Confederacy 30 wounded.
Blue Gap, near Romney, Virginia
  • Military units: 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th Ohio, 14th Indiana, 1st West Virginia Cavalry.
  • Losses: Confederacy 15 killed.
Jennies' Creek, Kentucky, also called Paintsville
  • Military units: Four Companies 1st West Virginia Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 3 killed, 1 wounded; Confederacy 6 killed, 14 wounded.
Charleston, Missouri
  • Military units: 10th Iowa.
  • Losses: Union 8 killed, 16 wounded.
Dry Forks, Cheat River, West Virginia
  • Military units: One Company of 2nd West Virginia Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 6 wounded; Confederacy 6 killed.
Silver Creek, Missouri, also called Sugar Creek, and Roan's Tan Yard
  • Military units: Detachments of 1st and 2nd Missouri, 4th Ohio, 1st Iowa Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 5 killed, 6 wounded; Confederacy 80 wounded.
Columbus, Missouri
  • Military units: 7th Kansas Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 5 killed.
Middle Creek and Prestonburg, Kentucky
  • Military units: 40th and 42nd Ohio, 14th and 22nd Kentucky
  • Losses: Union 2 killed, 25 wounded; Confederacy 40 killed.
19 and 20
Mill Springs, Kentucky, also called Logan's Cross Roads, Fishing Creek, Somerset and Beech Grove
  • Military units: 9th Ohio, 2nd Minnesota, 4th Kentucky, 10th Indiana, 1st Kentucky Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 38 killed, 194 wounded; Confederacy 190 killed, 160 wounded. Confederate General F. K. Zollikoffer killed.
Knob Nester, Missouri
  • Military units: 2nd Missouri Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed.
Occoquan Bridge, Virginia

[edit] February

Bowling Green, Kentucky
  • Military units: One Company of 2nd Indiana Cavalry.
  • Losses: Confederacy 3 killed, 2 wounded.
Fort Henry, Tennessee
  • Military units: U.S. Gunboats Essex, Carondelet, Saint Louis, Cincinnati, Conestoga, Tyler, and Lexington.
  • Losses: Union 40 wounded; Confederacy 5 killed, 11 wounded.
Linn Creek, Virginia
  • Military units: Detachment of 5th West Virginia.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed, 1 wounded; Confederacy 8 killed, 7 wounded.
Roanoke Island, North Carolina
  • Military units: 21st, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 27th Massachusetts, 10th Connecticut, 9th, 51st and 53rd New York, 9th New Jersey, 51st Pennsylvania, 4th and 5th Rhode Island, U.S. Gunboats Southfield, Delaware, Stars and Stripes, Louisiana, Hetzel, Commodore Perry, Underwriter, Valley City, Commodore Barney, Hunchback, Ceres, Putnam, Morse, Lockwood, J. N. Seymour, Granite, Brinker, Whitehead, Shawseen, Pickett, Pioneer, Hussar, Vidette, Chasseur.
  • Losses: Union 35 killed, 200 wounded; Confederacy 16 killed, 39 wounded, 2,527 taken prisoners.
  • Elizabeth City, or Cobb's Point, N. C. — U. S. Gunboats Delaware, Underwriter, Louisiana, Seymour, Hetzel, Shawseen, Valley City, Putnam, Commodore Perry, Ceres, Morse, Whitehead, and Brinker. — Union 3 killed.
  • Blooming Gap, Va. — 8th Ohio, 7th W. Va., 1st W. Va. Cav. — Union 2 killed, 5 wounded. — Confed. 13 killed.
  • Flat Lick Fords, Ky. — 49th Ind., 6th Ky. Cav. — Confed. 4 killed, 4 wounded.
14, 15 and 16
Fort Donelson, Tennessee
  • Military units: 17th and 25th Kentucky, 11th, 25th, 31st, and 44th Indiana, 2nd, 7th, 12th and 14th Iowa, 1st Nebraska, 58th and 76th Ohio, 8th and 13th Missouri, 8th Wisconsin, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 41st, 45th, 46th, 48th, 49th, 57th and 58th Illinois, Batteries B and D 1st Illinois Artillery, D and E 2nd Illinois Artillery, four Companies Illinois Cavalry, Birge's Sharpshooters and six gunboats.
  • Losses: Union 446 killed, 1,735 wounded, 150 missing; Confederacy 231 killed, 1,007 wounded, 13,829 prisoners. Union Maj.-Gen. John A. Logan wounded.
  • Sugar Creek or Pea Ridge, Mo. — 1st and 6th Mo., 3d Ill. Cav. — Union 5 killed, 9 wounded.
  • Independence, Mo. — 2d Ohio Cav. — Union 1 killed, 3 wounded. — Confed. 4 killed, 5 wounded.
Fort Craig or Valverde, New Mexico
  • Military units: 1st New Mexico Cavalry, 2nd Colorado Cavalry, Detachments of 1st, 2nd and 5th New Mexico, and of 5th, 7th and 10th U.S. Infantry, Hill's and McRae's Batteries.
  • Losses: Union 62 killed, 140 wounded; Confederacy 150 wounded.
  • Mason's Neck, Occoquan, Va. — 37th N. Y. — Union 2 killed, 1 wounded.
  • Keytesville, Mo. — 6th Mo. Cav. — Union 2 killed, 1 wounded. — Confed. 1 killed.

[edit] March

  • Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. — 32d Ill. and U. S. Gunboats Lexington and Tyler. — Union 5 killed, 5 wounded. — Confed. 20 killed, 200 wounded.
  • New Madrid, Mo. — 5th Iowa, 59th Ind., 39th and 63d Ohio, 2d Mich. Cav., 7th Ill. Cav. — Union 1 killed, 3 wounded.
  • Occoquan, Va. — Detachment of 63d Pa. — Union 2 killed, 2 wounded.
6, 7 and 8
Pea Ridge, Arkansas, including engagements at Bentonville, Leetown and Elkhorn Tavern
  • Military units: 25th, 35th, 36th, 37th, 44th and 59th Illinois, 2nd, 3rd, 12th, 15th, 17th, 24th, and Phelps' Missouri, 8th, 18th and 22nd Indiana, 4th and 9th Iowa, 3rd Iowa Cavalry, 3rd and 15th Illinois Cavalry, 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th Missouri Cavalry, Batteries B and F 2nd Missouri Light Artillery, 2nd Ohio Battery, 1st Indiana Battery, Battery A 2nd Illinois Artillery.
  • Losses: Union 203 killed, 972 wounded, 174 missing; Confederacy 1,100 killed, 2,500 wounded, 1,600 missing and captured. Union Brig.-Gen. Alexander Asboth and Acting Brig.-Gen. Carr wounded. Confederacy Brig.-Gen. Benjamin McCulloch and Acting Brig.-Gen. James McIntosh killed.
  • Fox Creek, Mo. — 4th Mo. Cav. — Union 5 wounded.
  • Near Nashville, Tenn. — 1st Wis., 4th Ohio Cav. — Union 1 killed, 2 wounded. — Confed. 4 killed.
Mountain Grove, Missouri
  • Military units: 10th Missouri Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 10 killed, 2 wounded.
Hampton Roads, Virginia
  • Military units: 20th Indiana, 7th and 11th New York, U.S. Gunboats Monitor, Minnesota, Congress, and Cumberland.
  • Losses: Union 261 killed, 108 wounded; Confederacy 7 killed, 17 wounded.
  • Burke's Station, Va. — One Co. 1st N. Y. Cav. — Union 1 killed. — Confed. 3 killed, 5 wounded.
  • Jacksborough, Big Creek Gap, Tenn. — 2d Tenn. — Union 2 wounded. — Confed. 2 killed, 4 wounded.
  • Paris, Tenn. — Detachments of 5th Iowa and 1st Neb. Cav., Battery K 1st Mo. Art. — Union 5 killed, 5 wounded. — Confed. 10 wounded.
  • Lexington, Mo. — 1st Iowa Cav. — Union 1 killed, 1 wounded. — Confed. 9 killed, 3 wounded.
  • Near Lebanon, Mo. — Confed. 13 killed, 5 wounded.
  • New Madrid, Mo. — 10th and 16th Ill., 27th, 39th, 43d and 63d Ohio, 3d Mich. Cav., 1st U. S. Inft., Bissell's Mo. Engineers. — Union 50 wounded. — Confed. 100 wounded.
New Berne, North Carolina
  • Military units: 51st New York, 8th, 10th and 11th Connecticut, 21st, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 27th Massachusetts, 9th New Jersey, 51st Pennsylvania, 4th and 5th Rhode Island.
  • Losses: Union 91 killed, 466 wounded; Confederacy 64 killed, 106 wounded, 413 captured.
  • Black Jack Forest, Tenn. — Detachments of 4th Ill. and 5th Ohio Cav. — Union 4 wounded.
  • Salem or Spring River, Ark. — Detachments of 6th Mo. and 3d Iowa Cav. — Union 5 killed, 10 wounded. — Confed. 100 killed, wounded and missing.
  • Mosquito Inlet, Fla. — U. S. Gunboats Penguin and Henry Andrew. — Union 8 killed, 8 wounded.
  • Independence or Little Santa Fe, Mo. — 2d Kan. — Union 1 killed, 2 wounded. — Confed. 7 killed.
Carthage, Missouri
  • Military units: 6th Kansas Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 1 wounded.
Winchester or Kearnstown, Virginia
  • Military units: 1st West Virginia, 84th and 110th Pennsylvania, 5th, 7th, 8th, 29th, 62nd and 67th Ohio, 7th, 13th and 14th Indiana, 39th Illinois, 1st Ohio Cavalry, 1st Michigan Cavalry, 1st West Virginia Artillery, 1st Ohio Artillery, Company E 4th U.S. Artillery.
  • Losses: Union 103 killed, 440 wounded, 24 missing; Confederacy 80 killed, 342 wounded, 269 prisoners.
Warrensburg or Briar, Missouri
  • Military units: Sixty men of 7th Missouri Militia Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed, 22 wounded; Confederacy 9 killed, 17 wounded.
Humonsville, Missouri
  • Military units: Company B 8th Missouri Militia Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 5 wounded; Confederacy 15 wounded.
26, 27 and 28
Apache Canyon or Glorieta, near Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Military units: 1st and 2nd Colorado Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 32 killed, 75 wounded, 35 missing; Confederacy 36 killed, 60 wounded, 93 missing.
Warrensburg, Missouri
  • Military units: 1st Illinois Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 3 killed, 1 wounded; Confederacy 15 killed.

[edit] April

Putnam's Ferry, near Doniphan, Missouri
  • Military units: 21st and 38th Illinois, 5th Illinois Cavalry, 16th Ohio Battery and Colonel Carlin's Brigade.
  • Losses: Confederacy 3 killed.
Great Bethel, Virginia
  • Military units: Advance of 3rd Corps Army of Potomac.
  • Losses: Union 4 killed, 10 wounded.
Crump's Landing or Adamsville, Tennessee
  • Military units: 48th, 70th and 72nd Ohio, 5th Ohio Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 2 wounded; Confederacy 20 wounded.
6 and 7
Shiloh or Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee
Island No. 10, Tennessee
  • Military units: Maj.-Gen. Pope's command and the Navy, under Flag-officer Foote.
  • Losses: Confederacy 17 killed, 3,000 prisoners.
Near Corinth, Mississippi
  • Military units: 3rd Brigade 5th Division Army of West Tennessee and 4th Illinois Cavalry.
  • Losses: Confederacy 15 killed, 25 wounded, 200 captured.
  • Owen's River, Cal. — 2d Cal. Cav. — Union 1 killed, 2 wounded
  • Ft. Pulaski, Ga. — 6th and 7th Conn., 3d R. I., 46th and 48th N. Y., 8th Maine, 15th U. S. Inft., Crew of U. S. S. Wabash. — Union 1 killed. — Confed. 4 wounded, 360 prisoners.
  • Huntsville, Ala. — Army of the Ohio 3d Div. — Confed. 200 prisoners.
  • Yorktown, Va. — 12th N. Y., 57th and 63d Pa. — Union 2 killed, 8 wounded.
  • Little Blue River, Mo. — Confed. 5 killed.
  • Monterey, Va. — 75th Ohio, 1st W. Va. Cav. — Union 3 wounded.
  • Pollocksville, N. C. — Confed. 7 wounded.
  • Diamond Grove, Mo. — 6th Kan. Cav. — Union 1 wounded.
  • Walkersville, Mo. — 2d Mo. Militia Cav. — Union 2 killed, 3 wounded.
  • Montavallo, Mo. — Two Cos. 1st Iowa Cav. — Union 2 killed, 6 wounded. — Confed. 2 killed, 10 wounded.
Picacho Pass, Arizona
  • Military units: 1st California Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 3 killed, 3 wounded.
  • Savannah, Tenn. — Confed. 5 killed, 65 wounded.
  • White Marsh or Wilmington Island, Ga. — 8th Mich., Battery of R. I. Light Artil. — Union 10 killed, 35 wounded. — Confed. 5 killed, 7 wounded.
  • Lee's Mills, Va. — 3d, 4th and 6th Vt., 3d N. Y. Battery and Battery of 5th U. S. Artil. — Union 35 killed, 129 wounded. — Confed. 20 killed, 75 wounded, 50 captured.
  • Holly River, W. Va. — Union 3 wounded. — Confed. 2 killed.
  • Falmouth, Va. — 2d N. Y. Cav. — Union 5 killed, 16 wounded. — Confed. 19 captured.
  • Edisto Island, S. C. — 55th Pa., 3d N. H., U. S. S. Crusader. — Union 3 wounded.
18 to 28
  • Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and the capture of New Orleans, La. — Commodore Farragut's fleet of war vessels and mortar boats, under Commander D. D. Porter. — Union 36 killed, 193 wounded. — Confed. 185 killed, 197 wounded, 400 captured.
Talbot's Ferry, Arkansas
  • Military units: 4th Iowa Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed; Confederacy 3 killed.
Camden, North Carolina, also called South Mills
  • Military units: 9th and 89th New York, 21st Massachusetts, 51st Pennsylvania, 6th New Hampshire.
  • Losses: Union 12 killed, 98 wounded; Confederacy 6 killed, 19 wounded.
  • Grass Lick, W. Va. — 3d Md., Potomac Home Brigade. — Union 3 killed.
Fort Macon, North Carolina
  • Military units: U.S. Gunboats Daylight, Georgia, Chippewa, the bark Gemsbok, and General John Parke's division.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed, 11 wounded; Confederacy 7 killed, 18 wounded, 450 captured.
  • Turnback Creek, Mo. — 5th Kan. Cav. — Union 1 killed.
  • Neosho, Missouri. — 1st Mo. Cav. — Union 3 killed, 3 wounded. — Confed. 30 wounded, 62 prisoners.
  • In front of Yorktown, Va. — Three Cos. 1st Mass. — Union 3 killed, 16 wounded.
  • Horton's Mills, N. C. — 103d N. Y. — Union 1 killed, 6 wounded. — Confed. 3 wounded.
  • Paint Rock Railroad Bridge. — Twenty-two men of 10th Wis. — Union 7 wounded.
  • Cumberland Mountain, Tenn. — 16th and 42d Ohio, 22d Ky.
  • Monterey, Tenn. — 2d Iowa Cav. — Union 1 killed, 3 wounded. — Confed. 5 killed.
  • Bridgeport, Ala. — 3d Div. Army of the Ohio. — Confed. 72 killed and wounded, 350 captured.

[edit] May

  • Clarke's Hollow, W. Va. — Co. C 23d Ohio. — Union 1 killed, 21 wounded.
  • Farmington, Miss. — 10th, 16th, 22d, 27th, 42d and 51st Ill., 10th and 16th Mich., Yates's (Ill.) Sharpshooters, 2d Mich. Cav., Battery C 1st Ill. Artil. — Union 2 killed, 12 wounded. — Confed. 30 killed.
  • Licking, Mo. — 24th Mo., 5th Mo., Militia Cav. — Union 1 killed, 2 wounded.
  • Cheese Cake Church, Va. — 3d Pa., 1st and 6th U. S. Cav.
Lebanon, Tennessee
  • Military units: 1st, 4th and 5th Kentucky Cavalry, Detachment of the 7th Pennsylvania.
  • Losses: Union 6 killed, 25 wounded; Confederacy 66 prisoners.
Lockridge Mills or Dresden, Kentucky
  • Military units: 5th Iowa Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 4 killed, 16 wounded, 68 missing.
Williamsburg, Virginia
  • Military units: 3rd and 4th Corps Army of the Potomac.
  • Losses: Union 456 killed, 1,400 wounded, 372 missing; Confederacy 1,000 killed, wounded, and captured.
West Point or Eltham's Landing, Virginia
  • Military units: 16th, 31st and 32nd New York, 95th and 96th Pennsylvania, 5th Maine, 1st Massachusetts Artillery, Battery D 2nd U.S. Artillery.
  • Losses: Union 49 killed, 104 wounded, 41 missing.
Somerville Heights, Virginia
  • Military units: 13th Indiana.
  • Losses: Union 2 killed, 7 wounded, 24 missing.
McDowell or Bull Pasture, Virginia
  • Military units: 25th, 32rd, 75th and 82nd Ohio, 3rd West Virginia, 1st West Virginia Cavalry, 1st Connecticut Cavalry, 1st Indiana Battery.
  • Losses: Union 28 killed, 225 wounded; Confederacy 100 killed, 200 wounded.
Glendale, near Corinth, Mississippi
  • Military units: 7th Illinois Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed, 4 wounded; Confederacy 30 killed and wounded.
  • Elkton Station, near Athens, Ala. — Co. E 37th Ind. — Union 5 killed, 43 captured. — Confed. 13 killed.
  • Slatersville or New Kent C. H., Va. — 98th Pa., 2d R. I., 6th U. S. Cav. — Union 4 killed, 3 wounded. — Confed. 10 killed, 14 wounded.
  • Fort Pillow, Tenn. — U. S. Gunboats Cincinnati and Mound City. — Union 3 wounded. — Confed. 2 killed, 1 wounded.
  • Bloomfield, Mo. — 1st Wis. Cav. — Confed. 1 killed.
  • Monterey, Tenn. — Part of Brig.-Gen. M. L. Smith's Brigade. — Union 2 wounded. — Confed. 2 killed, 3 wounded.
Linden, Virginia
  • Military units: One Company of 28th Pennsylvania.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed, 3 wounded, 14 missing.
Fort Darling, James River, Virginia
Chalk Bluffs, Missouri
  • Military units: 1st Wisconsin Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed, 3 wounded.
Butler, Bates County, Missouri
  • Military units: 1st Iowa Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 3 killed, 1 wounded.
15, 16 and 18
  • Princeton, W. Va. — Gen. J. D. Cox's Division. — Union 30 killed, 70 wounded. — Confed. 2 killed, 14 wounded.
  • In front of Corinth, Miss. — Brig.-Gen. M. L. Smith's Brigade. — Union 10 killed, 31 wounded. — Confed. 12 killed.
Searcy Landing, Arkansas
  • Military units: Detachments of 3rd and 17th Missouri and 4th Missouri Cavalry, Battery B 1st Missouri Light Artillery.
  • Losses: Union 18 killed, 27 wounded; Confederacy 150 killed, wounded and missing.
Clinton, North Carolina
  • Losses: Union 5 wounded; Confederacy 9 killed.
  • Phillip's Creek, Miss. — 2d Div. Army of Tennessee. — Union 3 wounded.
  • Florida, Mo. — Detachment 3d Iowa Cav. — Union 2 wounded.
  • Near New Berne, N. C. — Co. I 17th Mass. — Union 3 killed, 8 wounded.
Lewisburg, Virginia
  • Military units: 36th and 44th Ohio, 2nd West Virginia Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 14 killed, 60 wounded; Confederacy 40 killed, 66 wounded, 100 captured.
Front Royal, Virginia
  • Military units: 1st Maryland, Detachments of 29th Pennsylvania, Captain Mapes's Pioneers, 5th New York Cavalry, and 1st Pennsylvania Artillery.
  • Losses: Union 32 killed, 122 wounded, 750 missing.
Buckton Station, Virginia
  • Military units: 3rd Wisconsin, 27th Indiana.
  • Losses: Union 2 killed, 6 wounded; Confederacy 12 killed.
Fort Craig, New Mexico
  • Military units: 3rd U.S. Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 3 wounded.
  • New Bridge, Va. — 4th Mich. — Union 1 killed, 10 wounded. — Confed. 60 killed and wounded, 27 captured.
  • Chickahominy, Va. — Davidson's Brigade of 4th Corps. — Union 2 killed, 4 wounded.
Winchester, Virginia
  • Military units: 2nd Massachusetts, 29th and 46th Pennsylvania, 27th Indiana, 3rd Wisconsin, 28th New York, 5th Connecticut, Battery M 1st New York Artillery, 1st Vermont Cavalry, 1st Michigan Cavalry, 5th New York Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 38 killed, 155 wounded, 711 missing.
Hanover Courthouse, Virginia
  • Military units: 12th, 13th, 14th, 17th, 25th and 44th New York, 62nd and 83rd Pennsylvania, 16th Michigan, 9th and 22nd Massachusetts, 5th Massachusetts Artillery, 2nd Maine Artillery, Battery F 5th U.S. Artillery, 1st U.S. Sharpshooters.
  • Losses: Union 53 killed, 344 wounded; Confederacy 200 killed and wounded, 730 prisoners.
Big Indian Creek, near Searcy Landing, Arkansas
  • Military units: 1st Missouri Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 3 wounded; Confederacy 5 killed, 25 wounded.
Osceola, Missouri
  • Military units: 1st Iowa Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 3 killed, 2 wounded.
  • Wardensville, Va. — 3d Md., Potomac Home Brigade, 3d Ind. Cav. — Confed. 2 killed, 3 wounded.
  • Pocataligo, S. C. — 50th Pa., 79th N. Y., 8th Mich., 1st Mass. Cav. — Union 2 killed, 9 wounded.
  • Booneville, Miss. — 2d Iowa Cav., 2d Mich. Cav. — Confed. 2,000 prisoners.
  • Front Royal, Va. — 1st R. I. Cav. — Union 5 killed, 8 wounded. — Confed. 156 captured.
  • Neosho, Missouri. — 10th Ill. Cav., 14th Mo. Cav. (Militia). — Union 2 killed, 3 wounded.
  • Near Washington, N. C. — 3d N. Y. Cav. — Union 1 wounded. — Confed. 3 killed, 2 wounded.
31 and June 1
Seven Pines and Fair Oaks, Virginia

[edit] June

1 and 2
Strasburg and Staunton Road, Va.
  • Military units: 8th W. Va., 60th Ohio, 1st N. J. Cav., 1st Pa. Cav.
  • Losses: Union 2 wounded.
Legare's Point, S. C.
  • Military units: 28th Mass., 100th Pa.
  • Losses: Union 5 wounded.
  • Jasper, Sweden's Cove, Tenn. — 79th Pa., 5th Ky. Cav., 7th Pa. Cav. 1st Ohio Battery. — Union 2 killed, 7 wounded. — Confed. 20 killed, 20 wounded.
  • Blackland, Miss. — 2d Iowa Cav., 2d Mich. Cav. — Union 5 killed, 14 wounded.
Tranter's Creek, North Carolina
  • Military units: 24th Massachusetts, Company I 3rd New York Cavalry, Marine Artillery.
  • Losses: Union 7 killed, 11 wounded.
Memphis, Tennessee
  • Military units: U.S. Gunboats Benton, Louisville, Carondelet, Cairo, and St. Louis; and Rams Monarch and Queen of the West.
  • Losses: Confederacy 80 killed and wounded, 100 captured.
Harrisonburg, Virginia
  • Military units: 1st New Jersey Cavalry, 1st Pennsylvania Rifles, 6th Ohio, 8th West Virginia.
  • Losses: Union 63 missing; Confederacy 17 killed, 50 wounded. Confederate General Ashby killed.
Cross Keys or Union Church, Virginia
  • Military units: 8th, 39th, 41st, 45th, 54th and 58th New York, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 8th West Virginia, 25th, 32nd, 55th, 60th, 73rd, 75th and 82nd Ohio, 1st and 27th Pennsylvania, 1st Ohio Battery.
  • Losses: Union 125 killed, 500 wounded; Confederacy 42 killed, 230 wounded. Confederate Brig.-Gens. Stewart and Elzey wounded.
Port Republic, Virginia
  • Military units: 5th, 7th, 29th and 66th Ohio, 84th and 110th Pennsylvania, 7th Indiana, 1st West Virginia, Batteries E 4th U.S. and A and L 1st Ohio Artillery.
  • Losses: Union 67 killed, 361 wounded, 574 missing; Confederacy 88 killed, 535 wounded, 34 missing.
  • James Island, S. C. — Union 3 killed, 13 wounded. — Confed. 17 killed, 30 wounded.
  • Monterey, Owen Co., Ky. — Capt. Blood's Mounted Provost Guard, 13th Ind. Battery. — Union 2 killed. — Confed. 100 captured.
  • Waddell's Farm, near Village Creek, Ark. — Detachment of 9th Ill. Cav. — Union 12 wounded. — Confed. 28 killed and wounded.
  • Old Church, Va. — 5th U. S. Cav. — Confed. 1 killed.
  • James Island, S. C. — Union 3 killed, 19 wounded. — Confed. 19 killed, 6 wounded.
  • Turnstall Station, Va. — Union 4 killed, 8 wounded. Bushwackers fire into railway train.
  • Secessionville or Fort Johnson, James Island, S. C. — 46th, 47th and 79th N. Y., 3d R. I., 3d N. H., 45th, 97th and 100th Pa., 6th and 7th Conn., 8th Mich., 28th Mass., 1st N. Y. Engineers, 1st Conn. Artil., Battery E 3d U. S. and I 3d R. I. Artil., Co. H 1st Mass. Cav. — Union 85 killed, 472 wounded, 138 missing. — Confed. 51 killed, 144 wounded.
St. Charles, White River, Ark.
  • Military units: 43d and 46th Ind., U. S. Gunboats Lexington, Mound City, Conestoga, and St. Louis.
  • Losses: Union 105 killed, 30 wounded; Confederacy 155 killed, wounded and captured.
Warrensburg, Mo.
  • Military units: 7th Mo. Cav. (Militia).
  • Losses: Union 2 killed, 2 wounded.
Smithville, Ark.
  • Losses: Union 2 killed, 4 wounded; Confederacy 4 wounded, 15 prisoners.
Williamsburg Road, Va.
  • Military units: 16th Mass.
  • Losses: Union 7 killed, 57 wounded; Confederacy 5 killed, 9 wounded.
Battle Creek, Tenn.
  • Military units: 2d and 33d Ohio, 10th Wis., 24th Ill., 4th Ohio Cav., 4th Ky. Cav., and Edgarton's Battery.
  • Losses: Union 4 killed, 3 wounded.
Raceland, near Algiers, La.
  • Military units: 8th Vt.
  • Losses: Union 3 killed, 8 wounded.
Raytown, Mo.
  • Military units: 7th Mo. Cav.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed, 1 wounded.
Oak Grove, Virginia, also called Kings School House and The Orchards
  • Military units: Hooker's and Kearney's Divisions of the Third Corps, Palmer's Brigade of the Fourth Corps, and part of Richardson's Division of the Second Corps.
  • Losses: Union 51 killed, 401 wounded, 64 missing; Confederacy 65 killed, 465 wounded, 11 missing.
Germantown, Tenn.
  • Military units: 56th Ohio.
  • Losses: Union 10 killed.
Little Red River, Ark.
  • Military units: 4th Iowa Cav.
  • Losses: Union 2 wounded.
26 to 29
Vicksburg, Miss.
  • Military units: U. S. Fleet, under command of Commodore Farragut.
  • No casualties recorded.
26 to July 1
The Seven Days' Retreat 
Including engagements known as Mechanicsville or Ellison's Mills on the 26th, Gaines' Mills or Cold Harbor and Chickahominy on the 27th, Peach Orchard and Savage Station on the 29th, White Oak Swamp, also called Charles City Cross Roads, Glendale, Nelson's Farm, Frazier's Farm, Turkey Bend and New Market Cross Roads on the 30th, and Malvern Hill on July 1st.
  • Military units: Army of the Potomac, Major General George B. McClellan commanding.
  • Union losses:
    1st Corps, Brig.-Gen. McCall's Div., 253 killed, 1,240 wounded, 1,581 missing;
    2nd Corps, Maj.-Gen. E. V. Sumner, 187 killed, 1076 wounded, 848 missing;
    3rd Corps, Maj.-Gen. Heintzleman, 189 killed, 1,051 wounded, 833 missing;
    4th Corps, Maj.-Gen. E. D. Keyes, 69 killed, 507 wounded, 201 missing;
    5th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Fitz-John Porter, 620 killed, 2,460 wounded, 1,198 missing;
    6th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Franklin, 245 killed, 1,313 wounded, 1,179 missing;
    Cavalry, Brig.-Gen. Stoneman, 19 killed, 60 wounded, 97 missing;
    Engineers' Corps, 2 wounded, 21 missing;
    Total: 1,582 killed, 7,709 wounded, 5,958 missing.
    (Maj.-Gen. Sumner and Brig.-Gens. Mead, Brook, and Burns, wounded.)
  • Confederacy losses:
    Maj.-Gen. Hager's Division, 187 killed, 803 wounded, 360 missing;
    Maj.-Gen. Magruder's Division, 258 killed, 1,495 wounded, 30 missing;
    Maj.-Gen. Longstreet's Division, 763 killed, 3,929 wounded, 239 missing;
    Maj.-Gen. Hill's Division, 619 killed, 3,251 wounded;
    Maj.-Gen. Jackson's Division, 966 killed, 4,417 wounded, 63 missing;
    Maj.-Gen. Holmes' Division, 2 killed, 52 wounded;
    Maj.-Gen. Stuart's Cavalry, 15 killed, 30 wounded, 60 missing;
    Artillery, Brig.-Gen. Pendleton, 10 killed, 34 wounded;
    Total: 2,820 killed, 14,011 wounded, 752 missing.
    (Brig.-Gens. Griffith, killed, and Anderson, Featherstone, and Pender wounded.)
Williams Bridge, Amite River, La.
  • Military units: 21st Ind.
  • Losses: Union 2 killed, 4 wounded; Confederacy 4 killed.
Village Creek, Ark.
  • Military units: 9th Ill. Cav.
  • Losses: Union 2 killed, 30 wounded.
Waddell's Farm, Ark.
  • Military units: Detachment 3d Iowa Cav.
  • Losses: Union 4 killed, 4 wounded.
Willis Church, Va.
  • Military units: Cavalry advance of Casey's Division, 4th Corps.
  • Losses: Confederacy 2 killed, 15 wounded, 46 captured.
Luray, Va.
  • Military units: Detachment of Cavalry of Brig.-Gen. Crawford's Command.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed, 3 wounded.

[edit] July

  • Boonville, Miss. — 2d Iowa Cav., 2d Mich. Cav. — Union 45 killed and wounded. — Confed. 17 killed, 65 wounded.
  • Morning Sun, Tenn. — 57th Ohio. — Union 4 wounded. — Confed. 11 killed, 26 wounded.
  • Haxals or Elvington Heights, Va. — 14th Ind., 7th W. Va., 4th and 8th Ohio. — Union 8 killed, 32 wounded. — Confed. 100 killed and wounded.
  • Grand Prairie, near Aberdeen, Ark. — 24th Ind. — Union 1 killed, 21 wounded. — Confed. 84 killed and wounded.
Bayou Cache, also called Cotton Plant, Round Hill, Hill's Plantation and Bayou de View
  • Military units: 11th Wisconsin, 33rd Illinois, 8th Indiana, 1st Missouri Light Artillery, 1st Indiana Cavalry, 5th and 13th Illinois Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 7 killed, 57 wounded; Confederacy 110 killed, 200 wounded.
  • Black River, Mo. — 5th Kan. Cav. — Union 1 killed, 3 wounded.
  • Hamilton, N. C. — 9th N. Y. and Gunboats Perry, Ceres, and Shawseen. — Union 1 killed, 20 wounded.
  • Aberdeen, Ark. — 24th, 34th, 43d and 46th Ind. — Casualties not recorded.
  • Tompkinsville, Ky. — 3d Pa. Cav. — Union 4 killed, 6 wounded. — Confed. 10 killed and wounded.

Murfreesboro, Tennessee
  • Military units: 9th Michigan, 3rd Minnesota, 4th Kentucky Cavalry, 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry, 1st Kentucky Battery.
  • Losses: Union 33 killed, 62 wounded, 800 missing; Confederacy 50 killed, 100 wounded.

[edit] August

Montevallo, Missouri
  • Military units: 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 1 wounded, 3 missing.
Beech Creek, West Virginia
  • Military units: 4th West Virginia.
  • Losses: Union 3 killed, 8 wounded; Confederacy 1 killed, 11 wounded.
Kirksville, Missouri
  • Military units: Missouri State Militia.
  • Losses: Union 28 killed, 60 wounded; Confederacy 128 killed, 200 wounded.
Matapony or Thornburg, Virginia
  • Military units: Detachment of King's Division.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed, 12 wounded, 72 missing.
Tazewell, Tennessee
  • Military units: 16th and 42nd Ohio, 14th and 22nd Kentucky, 4th Wisconsin Battery.
  • Losses: Union 3 killed, 23 wounded, 50 missing; Confederacy 9 killed, 40 wounded.

Stockton, Missouri
  • Military units: Colonel McNeil's command of Missouri State Militia.
  • Losses: Confederacy 13 killed, 36 missing.
Cedar Mountain, Virginia, also called Slaughter Mountain, Southwest Mountain, Cedar Run and Mitchell's Station
  • Military units: Second Corps, Maj.-Gen. Banks; Third Corps, Maj.-Gen. McDowell. Army of Virginia, under command of Maj.-Gen. John Pope.
  • Losses: Union 450 killed, 660 wounded, 290 missing; Confederacy 229 killed, 1,047 wounded, 31 missing. Union Brig.-Gens. Augur, Carroll, and Geary wounded. Confederate Brig.-Gen. C. S. Winder killed.

Independence, Missouri
  • Military units: 7th Missouri Militia Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 14 killed, 18 wounded, 312 missing.
Helena, Arkansas
  • Military units: 2nd Wisconsin Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed, 2 wounded.
Wyoming Courthouse, West Virginia
  • Military units: Detachment of 37th Ohio.
  • Losses: Union 2 killed.
Kinderhook, Tennessee
  • Military units: Detachments of 3rd Kentucky and 1st Tennessee Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 3 killed; Confederacy 7 killed.

Lone Jack, Missouri
  • Military units: Missouri Militia Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 60 killed, 100 wounded; Confederacy 110 killed and wounded.

23 to 25
Skirmishes on the Rappahannock at Waterloo Bridge, Lee Springs, Freeman's Ford and Sulphur Springs, Virginia
  • Military units: Army of Virginia, under Maj.-Gen. John Pope; Confederacy 27 killed, 94 wounded. Union Brig.-Gen. Bohlen captured.

Bull Run Bridge, Virginia
  • Military units: 11th and 12th Ohio, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th New Jersey.
  • Losses: Union Brig.-Gen. G. W. Taylor mortally wounded.
Kettle Run, Virginia
  • Military units: Maj.-Gen. Hooker's Division of Third Corps.
  • Losses: Union 300 killed and wounded; Confederacy 300 killed and wounded.

Second Battle of Bull Run or Manassas, Virginia
  • Military units: Same troops as engaged at Groveton and Gainesville on the 28th and 29th, with the addition of Porter's Fifth Corps.
  • Losses: Union 800 killed, 4,000 wounded, 3,000 missing; Confederacy 700 killed, 3,000 wounded.
Bolivar, Tennessee
  • Military units: 20th and 78th Ohio, 2nd and 11th Illinois Cavalry, 9th Indiana Artillery.
  • Losses: Union 5 killed, 18 wounded, 64 missing; Confederacy 100 killed and wounded.
McMinnville, Tennessee
  • Military units: 26th Ohio, 17th and 58th Indiana, 8th Indiana Battery.
  • Losses: Confederacy 1 killed, 20 wounded.
Richmond, Kentucky
  • Military units: 12th, 16th, 55th, 66th, 69th, and 71st Indiana, 95th Ohio, 18th Kentucky, 6th and 7th Kentucky Cavalry, Batteries D and G Michigan Artillery.
  • Losses: Union 200 killed, 700 wounded, 4,000 missing; Confederacy 250 killed, 500 wounded.
Medon Station, Tennessee
  • Military units: 45th Illinois, 7th Missouri.
  • Losses: Union 3 killed, 13 wounded, 43 missing.
Yates' Ford, Kentucky
  • Military units: 94th Ohio.
  • Losses: Union 3 killed, 10 wounded.

[edit] September

Britton's Lane, Tennessee
  • Military units: 20th and 30th Illinois, 4th Illinois Cavalry, Foster's (Ohio) Cavalry, Battery A 2nd Illinois Artillery.
  • Losses: Union 5 killed, 51 wounded, 52 missing; Confederacy 179 killed, 100 wounded.
Chantilly, Virginia
  • Military units: McDowell's Corps, Army of Virginia. Hooker's and Kearney's Divisions of Third Corps, Army of the Potomac, Reno's Corps.
  • Losses: Union 1,300 killed, wounded, and missing; Confederacy 800 killed, wounded, and missing. Union Maj.-Gen. Kearney and Brig.-Gen. Stevens killed.
  • Vienna, Va. — 1st Minn. — Union 1 killed, 6 wounded.
  • Slaughterville, Ky. — Foster's (Ohio) Cav. — Confed. 3 killed, 2 wounded, 25 captured.
  • Washington, N. C. — 24th Mass., 1st N. C., 3d N. Y. Cav. — Union 8 killed, 36 wounded. — Confed. 30 killed, 100 wounded.
  • Poolesville, Md. — 3d Ind. and 8th Ill. Cav. — Union 2 killed, 6 wounded. — Confed. 3 killed, 6 wounded.
  • Clarksville or Rickett's Hill, Tenn. — 11th Ill., 13th Wis., 71st Ohio, 5th Iowa Cav., and two batteries. — No casualties recorded.
  • Columbia, Tenn. — 42d Ill. — Confed. 18 killed, 45 wounded.
  • Des Allemands, La. — 21st Ind., 4th Wis. — Confed. 12 killed.
  • Cold Water, Miss. — 6th Ill. Cav. — Confed. 4 killed, 80 wounded.
  • Fayetteville, W. Va. — 34th and 37th Ohio, 4th W. Va. — Union 131 killed, 80 wounded.
12 to 15
Harper's Ferry, Virginia
  • Military units: 39th, 111th, 115th, 125th and 126th New York Militia, 32nd, 60th, and 87th Ohio, 9th Vermont, 65th Illinois, 1?th Indiana, 1st and 3rd Maryland Home Brigade, 8th New York Cavalry, 12th Illinois Cavalry, 1st Maryland Cavalry, four Batteries of Artillery.
  • Losses: Union 80 killed, 120 wounded, 11,583 missing and captured; Confederacy 500 killed and wounded.
Turner's and Crampton's Gap, South Mountain, Maryland
  • Military units: First Corps, Maj.-Gen. Hooker; Sixth Corps, Maj.-Gen. Franklin; Ninth Corps, Maj.-Gen. Reno.
  • Losses: Union 443 killed, 1,806 wounded; Confederacy 500 killed, 2,343 wounded, 1,500 captured. Union Maj.-Gen. Reno killed. Confederate Brig.-Gen. Garland killed.
14 to 16
Munfordville, Kentucky
  • Military units: 18th U.S. Infantry, 28th and 33rd Kentucky, 17th, 50th, 60th, 67th, 68th, 74th, 78th, and 89th Indiana, Conkle's Battery, 13th Indiana Artillery and Louisville Provost Guard.
  • Losses: Union 50 killed, 3,566 captured and missing; Confederacy 714 killed and wounded.
Durhamville, Tennessee
  • Military units: Detachment of 52nd Indiana.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed, 10 wounded; Confederacy 8 killed.
Antietam or Sharpsburg, Maryland
  • Military units: First Corps, Maj.-Gen. Hooker; Second Corps, Maj.-Gen. Sumner; Fifth Corps, Maj.-Gen. Fitz-John Porter; Sixth Corps, Maj.-Gen. Franklin; Ninth Corps, Maj.-Gen. Burnside; Twelfth Corps, Maj.-Gen. Williams; Couch's Division, Fourth Corps; Pleasanton's Division of Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 2,010 killed, 9,416 wounded, 1,043 missing; Confederacy 3,500 killed, 16,399 wounded, 6,000 missing. Union Brig.-Gen. Mansfield killed, Maj.-Gens. Hooker and Richardson, and Brig.-Gens. Rodman, Weber, Sedgwick, Hartsuff, Dana, and Meagher wounded. Confederate Brig.-Gens. Branch, Anderson, and Starke killed, Maj.-Gen. Anderson, Brig.-Gens. Toombs, Lawton, Kipley, Rodes, Gregg, Armstead, and Ransom wounded.
19 and 20
Iuka, Mississippi
  • Military units: Stanley's and Hamilton's Divisions, Army of the Mississippi, under Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans.
  • Losses: Union 144 killed, 598 wounded; Confederacy 263 killed, 692 wounded, 561 captured. Confederate Brig.-Gen. Little killed and Whitfield wounded.
Blackford's Ford, Sheppardstown, Virginia
  • Military units: Fifth Corps, Griffith's and Barnes' Brigades.
  • Losses: Union 92 killed, 131 wounded, 103 missing; Confederacy 33 killed, 231 wounded.
Newtonia, Missouri
  • Military units: 1st Brigade Army of Kansas, 4th Brigade Missouri Militia Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 50 killed, 80 wounded, 115 missing; Confederacy 220 killed, 280 wounded.

[edit] October

  • Floyd's Ford, Ky. 34th Ill., 77th Penna., 4th Ind. Cav. No casualties recorded.
  • Sheperdstown, Va. 8th Ill., 8th Penna., 3d Ind. Cav., Pennington's Battery. Union 12 wounded. Confed. 60 killed.
3 and 4
Corinth, Mississippi
  • Military units: McKean's, Davies', Hamilton's, and Stanley's Divisions, Army of the Mississippi.
  • Losses: Union 315 killed, 1,812 wounded, 232 missing; Confederacy 1,423 killed, 5,692 wounded, 2,248 missing. Union Brig.-Gens. Hacklemans killed and Oglesby wounded.
Metamora, on Big Hatchie River, Tennessee
  • Military units: Hurlburt's and Ord's Divisions.
  • Losses: Union 500 killed and wounded; Confederacy 400 killed and wounded.
  • La Vergne, Tenn. Palmer's Brigade. Union 5 killed, 9 wounded. Confed. 80 killed and wounded, 175 missing.
Perryville, Kentucky
  • Military units: First Corps, Army of the Ohio, Maj.-Gen. McCook, and Third Corps, Brig.-Gen. Gilbert.
  • Losses: Union 916 killed, 2,943 wounded, 489 missing; Confederacy 2,500 killed, wounded, and missing. Union Brig.-Gens. J. S. Jackson and Terrill killed. Confederate Brig.-Gens. Cleburne, Wood, and Brown wounded.
  • Harrodsburg, Ky. Union troops, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Boyle, 9th Ky. Cav. Confed. 1,600 captured.
  • La Grange, Ark. Detach. 4th Iowa Cav. Union 4 killed, 13 wounded.
  • Lexington, Ky. Detach. 3d and 4th Ohio Cav. Union 4 killed, 24 wounded, 350 missing.
  • Haymarket, Va. Detach. 6th Iowa Cav. Union 1 killed, 6 wounded, 23 captured.
  • Pocotaligo or Yemassee, S.C. 47th, 55th, and 76th Penna., 48th N.Y., 6th and 7th Conn., 3d and 4th N.H., 3d R.I., 1st N.Y. Engineers, 1st Mass. Cav., Batteries D and M 1st U.S. Artil. and E 3d U.S. Artil. Union 43 killed, 258 wounded. Confed. 14 killed, 102 wounded.
  • Waverly, Tenn. 83d Ill. Union 1 killed, 2 wounded. Confed. 40 killed and wounded.
  • Grand Prairie, Mo. Two Battalions Mo. Militia Cav. Union 3 wounded. Confed. 8 killed, 20 wounded.
  • Clarkson, Mo. Detach. 2d Ill. Artil. Confed. 10 killed, 2 wounded.

[edit] November

  • Philomont, Va. Pleasanton's Cavalry. Union 1 killed, 14 wounded. Confed. 3 killed, 10 wounded.
2 and 3
  • Bloomfield and Union, Loudon Co., Va. Pleasanton's Cavalry. Union 2 killed, 10 wounded. Confed. 3 killed, 15 wounded.
  • Harrisonville, Mo. 5th and 6th Mo. Cav. Union 10 killed, 3 wounded. Confed. 6 killed, 20 wounded.
  • Barbee's Cross Roads and Chester Gap, Va. Pleasanton's Cavalry. Union 5 killed, 10 wounded. Confed. 36 killed.
  • Nashville, Tenn. 16th and 51st Ill., 69th Ohio, 14th Mich., 78th Pa., 5th Tenn. Cav., 7th Pa. Cav. Union 26 wounded. Confed. 23 captured.
  • Garrettsburg, Ky. 8th Ky. Cav. Confed. 17 killed, 85 wounded.
  • Big Beaver Creek, Mo. 10th Ill., two Cos. Mo. Militia Cav. Union 300 captured.
  • Marianna, Ark. 3d and 4th Iowa, 9th Ill. Cav. Union 3 killed, 20 wounded. Confed. 50 killed and wounded.
  • Hudsonville, Miss. 7th Kan. Cav., 2d Iowa Cav. Confed. 16 killed, 185 captured.
  • Gloucester, Va. 104th Pa. Union 1 killed, 3 wounded.
  • Rural Hills, Tenn. 8th Ky. Cav. Confed. 16 killed.
  • Beaver Creek, Mo. 21st Iowa, 3d Mo. Cav. Union 6 killed, 10 wounded. Confed. 5 killed, 20 wounded.
  • Summerville, Miss. 7th Ill. Cav. Confed. 28 captured.
Cane Hill, Boston Mountain, and Boonsboro, Arkansas
  • Military units: 1st Division Army of the Frontier.
  • Losses: Union 4 killed, 36 wounded; Confederacy 75 killed, 300 wounded.
Hartwood Church, Virginia
  • Military units: 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry.
  • Losses: Union 4 killed, 9 wounded, 200 missing.

[edit] December

  • Charleston and Berryville, Va. 2d Div. 12th Corps. Confed. 5 killed, 18 wounded.
  • Coffeeville, Miss. 1st, 2d, and 3d Cav. Brigades, Army of the Tennessee. Union 10 killed, 54 wounded. Confed. 7 killed, 43 wounded.
  • Helena, Ark. 30th Iowa, 29th Wis. Confed. 8 killed.
Prairie Grove or Fayetteville, Arkansas
  • Military units: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Divisions Army of the Frontier.
  • Losses: Union 167 killed, 798 wounded, 183 missing; Confederacy 300 killed, 1,200 wounded and missing.
Hartsville, Tennessee
  • Military units: 106th and 108th Ohio, 104th Illinois, 2nd Indiana Cavalry, 11th Kentucky Cavalry, 13th Indiana Battery.
  • Losses: Union 55 killed, 1,800 captured; Confederacy 21 killed, 114 wounded.
Dobbin's Ferry, Tennessee
  • Military units: 35th Indiana, 51st Ohio, 8th and 21st Kentucky, 7th Indiana Battery.
  • Losses: Union 5 killed, 48 wounded.
Little Bear Creek, Alabama
  • Military units: 52nd Illinois.
  • Losses: Union 1 killed, 2 wounded; Confederacy 11 killed, 30 wounded.
12 to 18
Foster's expedition to Goldsboro, North Carolina
  • Military units: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Brigades of First Division and Wessell's Brigade of Peck's Division, Department of North Carolina.
  • Losses: Union 90 killed, 478 wounded; Confederacy 71 killed, 268 wounded, 400 missing.
Fredericksburg, Virginia
  • Military units: Army of the Potomac, Maj.-Gen. Burnside; Second Corps, Maj.-Gen. Couch; Ninth Corps, Maj.-Gen. Wilcox. Right Grand Division, Maj.-Gen. Sumner; First Corps, Maj.-Gen. Reynolds; Sixth Corps, Maj.-Gen. W. F. Smith. Left Grand Division, Maj.-Gen. Franklin; Fifth Corps, Maj.-Gen. Butterfield; Third Corps, Maj.-Gen. Stoneman. Center Grand Division, Maj.-Gen. Hooker.
  • Losses: Union 1,180 killed, 9,028 wounded, 2,145 missing; Confederacy 579 killed, 3,870 wounded, 127 missing. Union Brig.-Gens. Jackson and Bayard killed and Gibbons and Vinton wounded. Confederate Brig.-Gen. T. R. R. Cobb killed and Maxey Gregg wounded.
Kinston, North Carolina
  • Military units: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Brigades 1st Division and Wessell's Brigade of Peck's Division, Department of North Carolina.
  • Losses: Union 40 killed, 120 wounded; Confederacy 50 killed, 75 wounded, 400 missing.
  • Lexington, Tenn. 11th Ill. Cav., 5th Ohio Cav., 2d Tenn. Cav. Union 7 killed, 10 wounded, 124 missing. Confed. 7 killed, 28 wounded.
  • Holly Springs, Miss. 2d Ill. Cav. Union 1,000 captured.
  • Trenton, Tenn. Detachments 122d Ill., 7th Tenn. Cav., and convalescents. Union 1 killed, 250 prisoners. Confed. 17 killed, 50 wounded.
  • Davis's Mills, Miss. Six Cos. 25th Ind., two Cos. 5th Ohio Cav. Union 3 wounded. Confed. 22 killed, 50 wounded, 20 missing.
  • Middleburg, Miss. 115 men of 12th Mich. Union 9 wounded. Confed. 9 killed, 11 wounded.
  • Glasgow, Ky. Five Cos. 2d Mich. Cav. Union 1 killed, 1 wounded. Confed. 3 killed, 3 wounded.
  • Green's Chapel, Ky. Detachment of 4th and 5th Ind. Cav. Union 1 killed. Confed. 9 killed, 22 wounded.
  • Bacon Creek, Ky. Detachment 2d Mich Cav. Union 23 wounded.
  • Elizabethtown, Ky. 91st Ill. 500 men captured by Morgan.
  • Dumfries, Va. 5th, 7th and 66th Ohio, 12th Ill. Cav., 1st Md. Cav., 6th Maine Battery. Union 3 killed, 8 wounded. Confed. 25 killed, 40 wounded.
  • Elk Fork, Tenn. 6th and 10th Ky. Cav. Confed. 30 killed, 176 wounded, 51 missing.
28 and 29
  • Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Miss. Army of Tennessee. Maj.-Gen. W. T. Sherman—Brig.-Gens. G. W. Morgan's, Frederick Steele's, M. L. Smith's, and A. J. Smith's divisions of the right wing. Union 191 killed, 982 wounded, 756 missing. Confed. 207 wounded. Union Maj.-Gen. M. L. Smith wounded.
  • Wautauga Bridge and Carter's Station, Tenn. 7th Ohio Cav., 9th Pa. Cav. Union 1 killed, 2 wounded. Confed. 7 killed, 15 wounded, 273 missing.
  • Jefferson, Tenn. Second Brigade 1st Division Thomas's corps. Union 20 killed, 40 wounded. Confed. 15 killed, 50 wounded.
  • Parker's Cross Roads or Red Mound, Tenn. 18th, 106th, 119th and 122d Ill., 27th, 39th and 63d Ohio, 50th Ind., 39th Iowa, 7th Tenn., 7th Wis. Battery. Union 23 killed, 139 wounded, 58 missing. Confed. 50 killed, 150 wounded, 300 missing.
31 to Jan. 2
  • Murfreesboro' or Stone River, Tenn. Army of the Cumberland, Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans. Right Wing, McCook's Corps; C enter, Thomas's Corps; Left Wing, Crittenden's Corps. Union 1,533 killed, 7,245 wounded, 2,800 missing. Confed. 14,560 killed, wounded and missing. Union Brig.-Gen. Sill killed and Kirk wounded. Confed. Brig.-Gens. Raines and Hanson killed and Chalmers and Davis wounded.
Years: 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, or return to the main page.