Tromsø Symphony Orchestra

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[edit] Tromsø Symphony Orchestra

(Tromsø Symfoniorkester)

Tromsø Symphony Orchestra, is a professional ensemble situated in Tromsø, Norway. It's name is somewhat misleading, because the orchestra consists mainly of string players. Only 3 wind players are employed in the orchestra. The orchestras' strategy is to expand during the following years, to reach a size adequate to play classical-era works, without to many extras hired in.

Presently, and for the following next 3 years, the artistic leader of the orchestra is the young Norwegian violinist Kolbjørn Holthe. The administrative leader is Finn Steffensen. Both leaders are employed by the Tromsø Symphony Orchestra council, which is in turn partly appointed by the Norwegian government.

The orchestra performs in small chamber groups, chamber orchestra, and symphonic size.

Tromsø Symfoniorkester