Tripredacus Council

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The Tripredacus Council is a group of fictional characters from the Transformers universe. The Council originally appeared in the Beast Wars animated series. They serve as the ruling body of the Predacon Alliance in this time. They also have some sway over the remaining Decepticons, including Ravage, who is their agent. The Tripredacus council consists of Ramhorn, Cicadacon, and Seaclamp, although their names are never actually mentioned on the show. The Tripredacus council were modeled after the members of one of the only two Beast Wars Combiners (though time and production limitations prevented their likenesses or individual names from being used).

They were seen in Beast Wars in the episode "The Agenda, Pt 1", where they disrupted the transwarp surge that would have alerted the Maximals to the location of Megatron. Though somewhat agreeing with Megatron's displeasure in the truce between Maximals and Predacons, they are surprisingly uninvolved with his plot, considering his actions a threat to their own plans for quiet conquest and labeling him and his crew traitors both on and off the record. Because of this, they send Tarantulas to infiltrate Megatron's crew, and later on send Ravage to Earth to take care of Megatron. Later in the series, they are revealed to be, like Tarantulas, unaffiliated with the Transformers on the Ark, and have some knowledge of and hatred for the alien Vok, though their origins are not elaborated on further. However, due to Tarantulas being referred to as "Unicron's spawn" and the fact that he shares origins with the Council, it is possible that they are in fact the descendants of Unicron.

After Megatron took over Cybertron after the conclusion of the Beast Wars, the Tripredacus Council most likely suffered the same fate as the Maximal Elders (as indicated by Beast Machines editor Bob Skir on his FAQ page).

[edit] Beast Wars the 2nd

In Beast Wars II, Tripredacus is a combiner team. Its component parts, a lobster (Gimlett), a kabuto muteshi (Motor Arm) and a cicada (DJ).

[edit] IDW Publishing

With the failure of Agent Ravage to return after being sent to eliminate the threat of Megatron, the Tripredacus Council sent Magmatron after him.