Triple bowline

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Triple bowline
Category loop
Typical use create three loops on one knot

The triple bowline knot or a triple bowline on the bight is a variation of the bowline knot that is used to create three loops on one knot simultaneously. As the second name implies, it is possible to tie this knot in the bight without access to the ends of the rope.

This knot is used only occasionally. Its uses include producing an anchor with three separate points of attachment, and its use as an improvised rescue sling. For rescue, the patient sits with one leg through each of two loops, and the torso through the third.

However, due to the availability of proper harnesses and the time required to secure an individual with a triple bowline, there are much better methods that may be used to improvise a rescue seat or sling. Its utility is mentioned here for historical purposes more than anything else.

The Steps:
Triple bowline first step
Triple bowline first step
Triple bowline second step
Triple bowline second step
Triple bowline third step
Triple bowline third step
Triple bowline fourth step
Triple bowline fourth step
Triple bowline fifth step
Triple bowline fifth step
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