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Trika (a concept of Kashmir Shaivism) in Sanskrit means trinity.

On the other hand, Trika has been the name by which Kashmir Shaivism has been known before year 1900, because the concept of trinity is manifested in many ways and on multiple levels throughout its whole philosophical system.


[edit] Siva, Sakti and Anu

According to the Kashmir Shaivism there are three essential realities:

  1. The Supreme Transcendent - Siva
  2. The Supreme Creative Energy, immanent in creation - Sakti
  3. The Spiritual Atom, the limited atom or individual - Anu

Anu is a microcosm, a complete image, on a reduced scale, of the macrocosm, and in permanent resonance on multiple levels with the macrocosm (universe). The resonance (link) between the microcosm and the macrocosm is Sakti, the only one who can help Anu recover his lost knowledge - that he is one with Siva. This is all possible because of the completely free will of Siva - Svatantrya Sakti.

[edit] The Sakti trinity

Trika is also reflected in the Sakti trinity :

  1. Para Sakti - the supreme energy, existing in transcendence
  2. Para-Apara Sakti - the supreme-unsupreme sakti, existing both in transcendence and immanence
  3. Apara Sakti - the unsupreme energy, existing in immanence

[edit] The trinity of energies of will, knowledge and power

Any action of any being, including God, is subject to three fundamental energies:

  1. Iccha Sakti - the energy of will. This energy appears in the beginning of any action or process.
  2. Jnana Sakti - the energy of knowledge, by which the action is clearly expressed first in mind, before it is put into action.
  3. Kriya Sakti - the energy of action

[edit] The trinity of knowledge

  1. Pramatri - the one observing, the subject
  2. Pramana - the modalities of knowledge
  3. Prameya - the known object

In Kashmir Shaivism when pramatri, pramana and prameya become one, the true nature of the world is discovered. This state of nonduality is how God (Siva) and perfect yogis experience the world.

[edit] The three fundamental states of consciousness

  1. Jagrat - waking state
  2. Svapna - dreaming
  3. Susupti - dreamless sleep

Besides these three there is another state which has no name (turya - the fourth) because it is indescribable. This fourth state is that of perfect fusion of pramatri, pramana and prameya, also known as superconsciouness, pervading the other three states and existing also outside them.

[edit] The three-fold spiritual path

  1. Sambhavopaya - the path of Siva, the divine path; unstoppable spiritual aspiration is the characteristic of this short and difficult spiritual path
  2. Shaktopaya - the path of the Divine Energy, the path of Shakti, the intermediary path; here the yogi must be able to perfectly control his emotions and thoughts and merge his consciousness with one or more Divine Energies, Shakti
  3. Anavopaya – the individual path, accessible to the limited beings (anu); here the aspirant must strive to awaken his soul by working with his intellect (buddhi), subtle breath (prana), physical body (deha) or exterior objects such as yantras or the picture of an authentic master.