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How to read a taxobox
Tribulus cistoides in flower
Tribulus cistoides in flower
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Zygophyllales
Family: Zygophyllaceae
Genus: Tribulus

Tribulus adscendens
Tribulus alacranensis
Tribulus alatus
Tribulus bimucronatus
Tribulus brachystylis
Tribulus brasiliensis
Tribulus californicus
Tribulus caribaea
Tribulus cistoides
Tribulus cristatus
Tribulus decolor
Tribulus dimidiatus
Tribulus excrucians
Tribulus fisheri
Tribulus glabrata
Tribulus grandiflorus
Tribulus hirsutus
Tribulus humifusus
Tribulus hystrix
Tribulus longipes
Tribulus longipetalus
Tribulus macranthus
Tribulus macrocarpus
Tribulus macropterus
Tribulus maximus
Tribulus minutus
Tribulus micrococcus
Tribulus moluccanus
Tribulus parvispinus
Tribulus pechuelii
Tribulus pentandrus
Tribulus pentandrus
Tribulus platypterus
Tribulus pterophorus
Tribulus pubescens
Tribulus rajasthanensis
Tribulus ranunculiflorus
Tribulus saharae
Tribulus sericeus
Tribulus taiwanense
Tribulus terrestris
Tribulus trijugatus
Tribulus trijugus
Tribulus tuberculatus
Tribulus zeyheri

Tribulus is a genus of plants found in many warm regions. The best-known member is T. terrestris (Puncture Vine), a widespread weed and also the source of a dietary supplement claimed to increase the body's natural testosterone levels and thereby improve male sexual performance and help build muscle.

Tribulus species are perennial, but some grow as annuals in colder climates. The leaves are opposite and compound. The flowers are perfect (hermaphroditic) and insect-pollinated, with five-fold symmetry. The ovary is divided into locules that are in turn divided by "false septa" (the latter distinguish Tribulus from other members of its family).

In weight lifting Tribulus supplements are often used as post cycle therapy or "PCT". After a subject is done taking a synthetic testosterone supplement Tribulus is used in order to restore the body's natural testosterone levels.

Some species are cultivated as ornamental plants in warm regions. Some, notably T. cistoides, T. longipetalus, T. micrococcus, T. terrestris, and T. zeyheri, are considered weeds.

[edit] External links

Complete clinical investigations on proprietary Tribulus substance with the brand name of Tribestan by Sopharma, Bulgaria at Summary on effects on the reproductive function. Summary of benefits at

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